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Anubias Rot


New Member
20 Jun 2024
united kingdom
I've added a few pots of anubias mini to my newly set up aquarium and in space of 10 days a bunch of the rhizomes have rotted away. The health of my other plants seem okay so far (apart from a couple patches where the dwarf hairgrass is turning white), but Anubias is extra fustrating because it's labelled as an easy beginner plant yet I always struggle to introduce it my tanks without some of it rotting.

Am I the only one who struggles with Anubias haha?

Additional info:
-I've not planted the rhizome, Its wedged in gaps between wood and rock
-Aquarium is CO2 injected
-I've been adding about 3ml (APT 1 and APT Complete, alternating) every 2-3 days.
-Dimension of my aquarium are 50x35x35 (cm) and I would say it's heavily planted.
-I did a 4 week dark start before planting
My bet is that they are still settling in. What other plants do you keep? are they doing ok?

Can you post a picture?

  • Rotala Blood Red (Tissue culture, good growth so far)
  • Limnophila Hippuroides (Potted, good growth so far)
  • Bacopa Salzmannii Purple (Potted, good growth so far)
  • Ludwigia Mini Super Red (Potted, good growth so far)
  • Staurogyne Repens (Tissue culture, good growth so far)
  • Hygrophila Pinnatifida (Tissue culture, good growth so far)
  • Alternanthera Reineckii Mini (Tissue culture, good growth so far)
  • Trident Fern (potted, not much change noticed since I bought)
  • Hydrocotyle Tripartita (Tissue culture, good growth so far)
  • Eleocharis Pusilla (Tissue culture, mostly good growth with runners being sent out but a couple patches have turned white)
  • Marsilea Minuta (Tissue culture, mostly good growth but some bits have melted)
  • Lilaeopsis Brasilliensis (Tissue culture, Slow growth)
  • Buce Kedagang (Potted, not much change noticed since I bought)
  • Buce Red (Potted, few leaves melted but overall same as kedagang)
  • Anubias Nana Mini (Potted, has been rotting with rhizomes disintegrating and leaves detatching)
I've removed all the rotting parts of Anubias
Anubias 1.jpgAnubias 2.jpg

The two bunches pictured above started the same size as the bunch pictured below

Anubias 3.jpg

I’m going to second the comment that they are likely settling in. However, if the rhizome is rotten then I’d suggest snipping it off (if possible) and salvaging the remaining part of the plant.

I think I’ve only set up one scape where there wasn’t Anubia melt in the first few weeks. Out of interest- are you using an aqua soil?

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I’m going to second the comment that they are likely settling in. However, if the rhizome is rotten then I’d suggest snipping it off (if possible) and salvaging the remaining part of the plant.

I think I’ve only set up one scape where there wasn’t Anubia melt in the first few weeks. Out of interest- are you using an aqua soil?

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Yeh I'm using Tropica Aquasoil powder type.

In the back third to build some height I mixed some crushed lava rock from JBL, with some Dennerle Deponit-Mix Black then topped that off with about 2 inches on aquasoil (bit more towards the back)
Yeh I'm using Tropica Aquasoil powder type.

In the back third to build some height I mixed some crushed lava rock from JBL, with some Dennerle Deponit-Mix Black then topped that off with about 2 inches on aquasoil (bit more towards the back)

Right. I’ll have to defer to the experts on the forum to solve your problem but I’m quite surprised the Buce is holding up.

I read somewhere, and this is also repeated in our aquascaping groups here in South Africa, that epiphytes are not fond of the extreme ammonia levels that are present when starting a tank with aqua soil (Buce being the most sensitive).

The setup where I had zero melt was a low tech using Dennerle Scapers soil and deponit mix. Apparently Dennerle does not have the same amount of leeching that you see with ADA or Tropica.

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Right. I’ll have to defer to the experts on the forum to solve your problem but I’m quite surprised the Buce is holding up.

I read somewhere, and this is also repeated in our aquascaping groups here in South Africa, that epiphytes are not fond of the extreme ammonia levels that are present when starting a tank with aqua soil (Buce being the most sensitive).

The setup where I had zero melt was a low tech using Dennerle Scapers soil and deponit mix. Apparently Dennerle does not have the same amount of leeching that you see with ADA or Tropica.

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I did do a 4 week dark start before introducing any plants to the scape to avoide high ammonia levels. I tested yesterday and ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were all 0 ppm
Hi, I would move it from the present position and leave it in an open area of the aquarium, where the rhizome can receive more flow from the filter!
Where did you purchase the Anubias from?
I would move it from the present position and leave it in an open area of the aquarium
Permanently or until it recovers? If permantly I think I may have to try another plant in its place as its covering up a gap in the hardscape im not too fond of.
Where did you purchase the Anubias from?
I purchased all my plants from Horizon Aquatics.
Permanently or until it recovers? If permantly I think I may have to try another plant in its place as its covering up a gap in the hardscape im not too fond of.

I purchased all my plants from Horizon Aquatics.
I would move it and monitor its health for the time being!
Is there a point with either anubias (or buce for that matter) where you accept that it has melted too far? I separated an anubias nana into three sections for planting. I thought I divided the rhizome fairly equally but two melted away back to the rhizome whilst one settled in immediately and grew away. I removed the two melted ones in case they were diseased but maybe I just didn’t give them time to grow back?
Similarly I separated a buce into two and watched at least 3/4 melt away but it is very slowly sprouting back.
Both were in vitro pots. One tropica and one dennerle I think.
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