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  1. dw1305

    First time fish tank - comments/suggestions?

    Hi all, That is the problem, there is now so much information (<"most of it wrong">) that it is really difficult to sort out the <"coffee from the froth">. It won't have done any harm and if you haven't got access to filter material, or are going to keep <"a tank without plants"> it is a...
  2. dw1305

    First time fish tank - comments/suggestions?

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, APT Start? I think it includes ammonia as well as "nitrifying bacteria" <"https://www.amazon.co.uk/2HR-Aquarist-Aquarium-substrate-enrichment/dp/B0BTD3CF1S">. If it is "API Start" <"https://apifishcare.com/product/quick-start">, it says "suitable for saltwater and...
  3. dw1305

    Peace Lily Planting

    Hi all, The roots don't actually need to reach the substrate, they are fine entirely hydroponically in the water column. If they do reach the substrate it will increase growth rate, but they usually grow pretty well any way. I don't, but you could try one of <"our sponsors"> - <"Aquarium...
  4. dw1305

    Peace Lily Planting

    Hi all, I think if the growing point was underwater? It probably wouldn't be successful. If the rock was at surface level? I might be tempted to use thread, or an elastic band etc, (rather than superglue) purely because they don't really have a hard rhizome and I think the superglue will...
  5. dw1305

    Peace Lily Planting

    Hi all, Can you have <"little clips"> on the tank rim? Ideally you want the plant caudex (the bit the leaves grow from) to <"be above the water level">. I just wedged / tucked this bit in, but I already had the <"Epipremnum"> (Pothos) growing. cheers Darrel
  6. dw1305

    Cleaning kit. What you got??

    Hi all, I use these type (bought as <"lab supplies">). A long <"burette cleaning brush"> is really useful, "16mm" is about right for 13 mm hoses, but they come in other sizes as well. cheers Darrel
  7. dw1305

    Question/Help: No or minimal tech nano tank

    Hi all, That one. Cheers Darrel
  8. dw1305

    Trim these no or let them go for a bit

    Hi all, To answer your question, "yes leave them". Personally I would let them grow for a lot longer before I pruned them*. There are some mosses, but plants like Cryptocoryne & Bucephalandra spp. are exclusively from the Old World. Echinodorus (and the plants split from it) are all New...
  9. dw1305

    Buying Wood For Your Aquarium. Where and How?

    Hi all, I usually (<"pyo my own"> & <"Finding my own hardscape (NE Scotland)">) as well, but a few years ago I planted a <"Corkscrew Hazel"> Corylus avellana "Contorta" partially so I could lop bits from it, but I still haven't done it. cheers Darrel
  10. dw1305

    Covering coconut with aquasoil: mesh practicalities and safety?

    Hi all, You can <"use superglue"> and stick <"moss and Java Fern (etc) to the top">. I've <"prepared plenty"> in the past. You need a <"moss that attaches">, if you use Java Moss (<"Taxiphyllum barbieri">) you will get a quick covering, but other mosses may be better in the long run...
  11. dw1305

    Redoing substrate... sand on top of gravel

    Hi all, I think it is fine with <"plenty of plant root growth">. I would be slightly wary of replanting plants, but I don't personally ever break the tanks down or disturb the substrate, and I always have Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata). You may get anoxic layers, but I'm...
  12. dw1305

    Redoing substrate... sand on top of gravel

    Hi all, It does, it is via <"granular convection">. cheers Darrel
  13. dw1305

    Help with aquascape

    Hi all, Same for us in the S. UK, the warmest (and wettest) February ever - <"Warmest February on record for England and Wales">. We've had some biblical flooding since October 2023...
  14. dw1305

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Hi all, That is why I'm not too bothered about pH in soft water, it is a moveable feast and doesn't necessarily give you a complete picture. @_Maq_ 's acid neutralising capacity is more useful as a concept <"Some handy facts about water">. A lot of people now have soft water with a high pH ...
  15. dw1305

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Hi all, No, it is a good starting point. Basically it is a lot easier to add things to water than take them away, so starting with a ~ blank slate is usually an advantage. For me I can make our rainwater harder and more alkaline easily (by adding hard tap water, Epsom Salts etc.) but I could...
  16. dw1305

    Is This Manzanita?

    Hi all, I agree with @richardcunliffe, but I'm not sure anyone will have the definitive answer. I would guess that it isn't, mainly because the little branches and twigs are intact. This is Manzanita wood from California <"Manzanita wood shipment to the UK: where to ship it to">. We have...
  17. dw1305

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Hi all, Certainly is. I'd guess that means some was p.y.o. from a local loch. cheers Darrel
  18. dw1305

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Hi all, That looks great. A result and <"a work out">. I can see a side-hustle here .................. from To (re-interpreted) as .......... and worth £50 of anybodies money. cheers Darrel
  19. dw1305

    Dark start questions

    Hi all, We have a thread <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee"> which is well worth reading, and this was what Dr Newton said: If you don't have an ammonia rich substrate? I'd recommend planting and then just aim to feed...
  20. dw1305

    Scatter gravel suggestions

    ...from a Garden Centre etc. In terms of placement larger nearer the main rocks and smaller nearer the front, but not too ordered. I think @Tim Harrison has a journal? somewhere? with natural looking gravel placement*. Edit: Found it <"High-energy soil-substrate layout - updated"> . cheers...
  21. dw1305

    Which Superglue for rocks

    Hi all, We have a thread : <"Glue gun and hot glue... anything I should know before using it?">. cheers Darrel
  22. dw1305

    Which Superglue for rocks

    Hi all, May have done that one as well, and I've also had an "I'll just pop to the loo moment" while chopping chilli as well. cheers Darrel
  23. dw1305

    Which Superglue for rocks

    Hi all, I'm feeling better now, I only managed to <"glue my fingers together">, I didn't set fire to them at the same time. cheers Darrel
  24. dw1305

    Is silver birch aquarium safe?

    Hi all, I always PYO my own wood - <"Now is a good time to find PYO Oak branches for Aquascaping">. You know where it was <"sourced from"> and whether it is <"likely to be suitable">. cheers Darrel
  25. dw1305

    Is silver birch aquarium safe?

    Hi all, I'm pretty sure it should be all right <"L191 Feeding - PlanetCatfish.com"> & <"PlanetCatfish.com - June - 2009 - Catfish of the Month">, but the <"wood is pretty soft">, and even the <"root heart wood"> won't last long. cheers Darrel
  26. dw1305

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Hi all, Yes, it is like @Edvet 's <"Duckweed mountain">. The problem is <"just converting"> your "black gold" into some euros. Alder (Alnus spp.) cones might be another "product" you could sell <"Alder cones | The Essentials Company">. cheers Darrel
  27. dw1305

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Hi all, I think @seedoubleyou's is a good suggestion, but you can get black gravel from Unipac etc. I might like a basalt based one, if you can get it. The other option is a bit of a left field suggestion, but a black, granular plant medium might also work, something like "Flourite Black"...
  28. dw1305


    Hi all, Dead bamboo lasts at least ten years under water. I've still got the same <"bamboo cane"> I had <"in 2008">, although it hasn't been in the water for all that time. Have a look at <"Bamboo as a building material">. It isn't really relevant to this conversation, but the "wood" that...
  29. dw1305


    Hi all, You can get naturally black Bamboo. The one you see in the UK is Phyllostachys nigra, but I assume there are other species. <"I've used Bamboo a lot"> and <"it is fine in the aquarium">. cheers Darrel
  30. dw1305

    Riverbed aquascape (attempt)

    Hi all, <"Same for me">. cheers Darrel
  31. dw1305

    New aquascape, hard scape sourced locally at a beach!!

    Hi all, Rounded cobbles are always fine, you just need to give them a quick dip in freshwater and they are good to go. Only really <"hard rocks form rounded cobbles">, and really hard rocks aren't porous. Have a look at <"Large rocks for large tanks">. It is illegal in the UK without a license...
  32. dw1305

    Bog wood: Anchoring and Stability

    Hi all, I use <"wooden dowels">, they swell when they are wet and effectively lock the pieces together, but before that you can rotate the pieces etc. cheers Darrel
  33. dw1305

    Tank not growing the plants it used to …

    Hi all, Are you feeding the plants at all? cheers Darrel
  34. dw1305

    securing bits of wood together

    Hi all, If you can drill holes in the wood? You can <"use dowels"> (a bit like constructing Ikea furniture). Once <"they are wet they will swell"> and lock the wood together without gluing etc. I've come around full circle and I'm now back to using dowels as the best option. cheers Darrel
  35. dw1305

    Botanicals that last longer?

    Hi all, Evergreen Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), Camellia or <"Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)">. Some <"Loquat leaves"> found their way to <"Colin Dunlop"> via @Lindy. I've <"still got plenty">, if you can't find them anywhere else? Beech (Fagus sylvatica) or Oak (Quercus spp.) are other, long...
  36. dw1305

    Which wood?

    Hi all, It is definitely a vine (Liana), I don't think it is a Grape Vine (but I'm not entirely sure it isn't), but I think the problem is the same as if it was, it is soft, sap wood, not hard, heart wood. It might be Vitaceae, but I'd guess <"Araliaceae"> (like Ivy (Hedera spp.) or most...
  37. dw1305

    Which wood?

    Hi all, There is definitely a thread somewhere where @Siege mentions they are going to use it in a display tank. I should have said the issue with Figs (Ficus spp.), would be their latex containing sap. cheers Darrel
  38. dw1305

    Which wood?

    Hi all, It looks <"to be a liana">, and possibly a <"Strangler Fig">? <"True bonsai looking plant in aquarium"> which could account for why people have <"had a poor experience with it">? From Marcel's ( @zozo) post. cheers Darrel
  39. dw1305

    Rock guys

    Hi all, There will be a <"geological map for every county">. Some areas (<"Lake District for example">) will have a vast amount of literature, other, less geologically exciting, counties much less. There may also be <"enthusiast"> web pages, often to do with <"industrial archaeology and...
  40. dw1305

    Rock guys

    Hi all, It is fine. <"https://glnp.org.uk/images/uploads/services/geodiversity-strategy/building-stones-web.pdf">. It will be a <"Jurassic age Oolitic limestone / sandstone / mudstone">, with some ferric iron staining, which give it the colour. The question really with all rocks is "how hard...
  41. dw1305

    British Mossarium

    Hi all, Welcome back @hydrophyte , it has been a while. I can <"truthfully say"> you've been gone, <"but not forgotten">. cheers Darrel
  42. dw1305

    Hydroponic emergent 750 litre tank

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. I'm another Wiltshire (Corsham) resident, so not far up the road from you. He gets a <"mention on the forum">. Have a look at <"Best terrestrial plants for Emersed growth"> there are links in that thread to other posts that maybe of interest. cheers Darrel
  43. dw1305

    British Mossarium

    Hi all, Cracks in the pavement definitely sounds like Sagina procumbens/apetala. Shop bought it might be <"Sagina subulata">. cheers Darrel
  44. dw1305

    British Mossarium

    Hi all, Just use rain-water. One of the "mosses" looks like it might be a vascular plant, <"Sagina procumbens">. It is a universal weed in plant nurseries. This one is probably Sagina apetala, but they all look the same. If it is definitely a moss? It looks like <"Atrichum undulatum -...
  45. dw1305

    Mold on partially emersed driftwood

    Hi all, I know what you mean, but "ignoring" is almost certainly the best option. It wouldn' t bother me, but I'm pretty slap-dash and <"have no sense of aesthetics">. Cheers Darrel
  46. dw1305

    Mold on partially emersed driftwood

    Hi all, The easiest answer is just ignore it, and it will go away. You would need to keep the moss in contact with the water, so it wicks the water up. You could start with a terrestrial moss (any-one will do). Chemical methods are unlikely to work, the bits you can see on the surface is just...
  47. dw1305

    Presoaking bogwood in a garden pond?

    Hi all, Should be <"absolutely fine">. I keep <"smaller bits in a bucket">, if I think I'm going to use them fairly soon, dry if I'm not going to use them for a while. cheers Darrel
  48. dw1305

    Critique my tank please

    Hi all, Plant growth looks pretty good. You could trim your moss and then staple (or tie) the cuttings onto different areas of wood? "Floating Fern" <"Ceratopteris thalictroides is a good one">, <"you can often get it"> from <"Pets@Home">. It is the fern in @Parablennius 's <"Floaters"> post...
  49. dw1305

    Iwagumi rock for a crs tank! Help

    Hi all, Also good for moss growth. "Håvard Støre Andresen", now that is a name from the past, he posted some <"amazing tanks on PlanetCatfish">. cheers Darrel
  50. dw1305

    Shy pygmy cories

    Hi all, I've lost a few of the original ones I bought, but I've gained a few as well so I've still got ~10. They were resting somewhere else for most of the summer, but they are back in the normal corner now. cheers Darrel
  51. dw1305

    Looking for better transition plant

    Hi all, <"Cryptocoryne x willisii">? cheers Darrel
  52. dw1305

    Critique my hardscape Nature style?

    Hi all, I've got a <"jenga tank">, definitely not aquascaped and more wood than water. cheers Darrel
  53. dw1305

    IAPLC 2022

    Hi all, Perfect and another one to add to UKAPS list of <"unusual analogies">. That would be fairer, but I guess people are always going to "game" a competition, whatever rules exist. cheers Darrel
  54. dw1305

    Oliver Knott's Moss Man

    Hi all, I like it, but I also think it is a very recently flooded dry start. Cheers Darrel
  55. dw1305

    Collecting free hardscape for cichlid tank

    Hi all, No, you are fine, have a look at <"Geology of the Isle of Portland">. Because the water in Lake Tanganyika is fully saturated with bicarbonate (dKH) <"limestones won't go into solution">. cheers Darrel
  56. dw1305

    Nano Tank (ish)

    Hi all, Exactly the same with the Anubias, leaves intact, but detached, and a totally disintegrated rhizome. cheers Darrel
  57. dw1305

    Nano Tank (ish)

    Hi all, I'm guessing that Aroids, in general, don't respond very well to <"high ammonia levels">. cheers Darrel
  58. dw1305

    Nano Tank (ish)

    Hi all, Dark start is useful if you have a an active substrate <"which is initially is ammonia rich">, like ADA Amazonia, and you want to deplete that ammonia and develop a <"complex assemblage of microbes"> within the filter. If you combine light and ammonia you are likely to get a lot of...
  59. dw1305

    Nano Tank (ish)

    Hi all, There are a few different threads and posts. Most of it get a run-out in <"Dr Timothy Hovanec's comments about Bacterial supplements"> and the Aquarium Co-Op's <"Seasoned Tank Time"> thread. There are some <"scientific references"> in <"Tanks without fish">. I haven't had time to...
  60. dw1305

    BIG black lava rock

    Hi all, The colour depends on the geology of the volcano, if you were near a "spreading centre" plate boundary (like Iceland) you would have <"alkaline lava">, which doesn't contain much silica and is dark in colour. If you didn't mind a smooth rock? You might be able to get large "Basalt"...
  61. dw1305

    Critique my aquascape Hi

    Hi all, Plants need all <"fourteen of the essential mineral nutrients"> to grow, so it probably would be a good idea to add a <"complete fertiliser">. I use the growth of a floating plant as an indication of <"when to feed">, others will use some fraction of Estimative Index (EI) dosing...
  62. dw1305

    Critique my aquascape Hi

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Try adding some floating plants, they aren't CO2 limited so can make use of all the <"available light"> and <"nutrients">. They will act like a <"net curtain"> and will diffuse the light until your slower growing plants get going. I'd probably see that <"as a...
  63. dw1305

    Tips to attach and grow Monte carlo on rocks

    Hi all, That would be the advantage of a moss over Monte Carlo etc. cheers Darrel
  64. dw1305

    Bricks in aquascape

    Hi all, I don't think it matters whether they do or not. <"Anaerobic zones"> (or zones of <"fluctuating REDOX">) are normal in sediments and may actually help with making nutrients available. Would keep everything aerobic. Diana Walstad used bricks in her "aquascapes". cheers Darrel
  65. dw1305

    I rushed the hardscape, now I'm halfway cycled. Can I change it up?

    Hi all, In terms of oxygen content it is really more = better. It is possible to have <"too much dissolved oxygen">, but only in <"very exceptional circumstances">. If you have fish that need warmer temperatures you can go higher, but that is a good temperature range otherwise. Cheers Darrel
  66. dw1305

    I rushed the hardscape, now I'm halfway cycled. Can I change it up?

    Hi all, The establishment of the <"cycle bacteria"> is meant to be aided by higher temperatures. My guess would be that it makes no difference to the <"micro-organisms that actually perform nitrification">. @Lance Wisher , you might be interested in our thread with <"Dr Tim Hovanec">...
  67. dw1305

    Emersed growth after a few days

    Hi all, New one for me as well and really nice. The leaves are great. cheers Darrel
  68. dw1305

    Emersed growth after a few days

    Hi all, Do you know what the Gesnerid in the middle picture is? cheers Darrel
  69. dw1305

    African Cichlid hardscape with minimal plants

    Hi all, Nice fish, juvenile <"Tropheus">? You can use any landscape rock you like in your tank, your water is going to be very hard and if the rock did make the water harder? It would be a good thing. I like the <"rounded cobbles"> that you buy for landscaping etc. These are from...
  70. dw1305

    Suitable rocks

    Hi all, There isn't any physical room for plants, some of his stocking densities are more like "Sardines in a can", rather than an aquarium. cheers Darrel
  71. dw1305

    Suitable rocks

    H all, Yes, he is right about the rocks and what he says is applicable if you have hard water, adding carbonate rocks <"can't make the water any harder">. Same applies to any metal ores that the rock might contain, in hard water (and in the extremely unlikely event they are present) they will...
  72. dw1305

    Shy pygmy cories

    Hi all, I've kept Corydoras pygmaeus and/or C. hastatus for at least the last 15 years and I would consider feeding them with suitable small food items a pre-requisite for long term success. Mine get Grindal and micro-worms every day, Daphnia most days and a top up of <"Fluval Bugbites">...
  73. dw1305

    Shy pygmy cories

    Hi all, I keep Corydoras pygmaeus, they seem pretty happy and I see them every day. If I haven't seen them for a while a scrape of micro-worms will get them active. There tank is this one, and it has filled in a fair bit more since I took the photo (October 2020). They move around a bit...
  74. dw1305

    Rock info needed

    Hi all, <"Fossil Hominid"> for me. cheers Darrel
  75. dw1305

    Joining wood together

    Hi all, They work really well. I've used <"ordinary soft wood dowel"> and the pieces are still locked together ~10 years on. The issue with Bamboo is that it won't swell so you need to be a lot more precise with your drilling. cheers Darrel
  76. dw1305

    Suggestions for very fine roots/branches . . .

    Hi all, The roots would last longer, and @Dorey's palm flower longer again. Thinking about the bare root Alder, the easiest option may be a growing plant? With its roots in front of the hardscape? <"Cyperus alternifolius"> would have the right sort of roots. cheers Darrel
  77. dw1305

    Suggestions for very fine roots/branches . . .

    Hi all, Yes, it does totally safe. They probably wont last very long in the tank was another thought. No. cheers Darrel
  78. dw1305

    Suggestions for very fine roots/branches . . .

    Hi all, It is, a quick search for "Vetiveria zizanioides" and "phytoremediation" on <"Google Scholar would pull up lots of papers">. One reason it has been used is that it is "luxury absorber" and <"can be used for phyto-extraction">. That would be a little bit open to question, it would...
  79. dw1305

    Hardscape womble

    Hi all, If it really does have a slightly metallic sheen? I think it might "slag" <"from metal smelting"> (possibly zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) or copper (Cu)). cheers Darrel
  80. dw1305

    Suggestions for very fine roots/branches . . .

    Hi all, Not exactly what you want, but you can buy <"birch twigs for besom brooms">. cheers Darrel
  81. dw1305

    1 month in - struggling with hair algae and die back.

    Hi all, The drop checker solely measures the amount of dissolved CO2, other acids or bases in the water don't have any effect on it. Because it has the air gap only gases can diffuse across that gap. Have a look at <"CO2 relationship to KH">. I'm <"not a CO2 user">, but there is an explanation...
  82. dw1305

    Dead tree/ wood- how to make use of wood?

    Hi all, No, it should be really rot resistant "as is", that is why you get the <"stag-headed" Oaks in fields">. The heart wood is very rot resistant, you can get timber framed houses that still have <"medieval Oak beams">. cheers Darrel
  83. dw1305

    Dead tree/ wood- how to make use of wood?

    Hi all, Cut a bit off, put it in the tank. It looks like it might be <"Oak (Quercus robur)">. cheers Darrel
  84. dw1305

    Semi aquatic plants.

    Hi all, I'd be incredibly wary of introducing <"Soleirolia (Helxine) soleirolii">, it is very invasive. @Jaceree have a look at @hydrophyte posts, he tried a lot of <"different plants emersed">. cheers Darrel
  85. dw1305

    The brief and incomplete future of aquascaping

    Hi all, I'd like to think so, but as another Bonsai related sculpture is: Which seems to have a touch more of the Elon Musk's about it. I understand that, I'm not trying to impose some sort of cultural hegemony, and people are going to see very different things in any art work. My guess is...
  86. dw1305

    The brief and incomplete future of aquascaping

    Hi all, I'm not sure I understand conceptual art. I went to talk where the presenter explained why the paintings of Vermeer and Rembrandt were of their time, and that if either of those artists had worked in the 21st century they would have produced video installations etc. At least I think...
  87. dw1305

    The brief and incomplete future of aquascaping

    Hi all, I've an opinion about his work in general, totally artistically and morally bankrupt. cheers Darrel
  88. dw1305

    Emersed growing planters and plant recommendations . . .

    Hi all, They are fine, however the suckers on them <"are useless">, so you need stainless steel, or <"acrylic hooks">, that fit over the glass rim, <"to anchor them in position">. @hydrophyte (Devin Biggs) doesn't <"come on the forum any more">, but he still has his company in America and...
  89. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, Difficult to know without a PAR meter, @oreo57 is your best bet for some informed comment. If you look at @Filip Krupa's thread you can see that they work. cheers Darrel
  90. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, Quite a few people are using them, @Filip Krupa has them on <"his monster tank">. cheers Darrel
  91. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, I'm going to carry on using mine until the electronic ballasts fail and it isn't economic to replace them or you can't get the tubes. If it is a <"standard size"> you can still get the Tridonic etc. ballasts and T5 tubes relatively cheaply. cheers Darrel
  92. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, Yes it has improved, in fact you get very <"little lamp lumen deprecation"> with tri-phosphor tubes and electronic ballasts. Basically they only <"need changing when the lamp doesn't turn on">. cheers Darrel
  93. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, The eight 54W tube units have two switches so can have the inner four tubes on, outer four on or all eight tubes on. cheers Darrel
  94. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, This <"was in 2013">, so they last OK, and looking back I actually bought <"them in 2011">. cheers Darrel
  95. dw1305

    Would I need to bombard a jungle with light?

    Hi all, Those are absolutely fine. I have that model in the glasshouse, the luminaires have got some specs of rust on them, and the electrician said the choke units are pretty cheap when he replaced a couple, but they are cheap tubes to buy. cheers Darrel
  96. dw1305

    Finding my own hardscape (NE Scotland)

    Hi all, No it doesn't. You don't get a lot of tannins from the leaves either. cheers Darrel
  97. dw1305

    Soil and Gravel?

    Hi all, It normally sinks when it is fully waterlogged, although I believe that some floats whatever happens. cheers Darrel
  98. dw1305

    24hr plant propagation

    Hi all, It depends on the plant, commercially they grow some <"salad crops under 24 hour light"> ("continuous illumination"), but others need a "night" and they use a 16 hour day for them. My guess is with the coming of LEDs, there is now a lot of work on R:B ratio and on LED pulsing. It may...
  99. dw1305

    Tips on choosing and using found rocks and wood in a planted tank?

    Hi all, It isn't exactly a test kit, and doesn't tell you anything specific, but I like a <"conductivity (TDS) meter">. They are <"nice and straight forward to use"> and don't <"require any interpretation"> etc. If you found a rock, that you weren't sure about, all you would need to do is...
  100. dw1305

    Tips on choosing and using found rocks and wood in a planted tank?

    Hi all, I'd go further than that, round cobbles are always safe to use, and any <"effect on water chemistry will be"> , at most, negligible. Only really hard rocks form cobbles. Yes, they just need a soak. It is for the same reason, if they were permeable they wouldn't have formed cobbles so...