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Small detailed stones for black lava rock

EA James

22 Jul 2019

Hi all,

It's been a long time since I've posted on here but the tank is still going! I won't bore you all with the details but I'm back into it now and wanting to change things slightly.

I've noticed a recent trend is to add small detail stones around the larger items in the tank, a few I've seen look like pea shingle. I like this detail and would like to add some into mine but not the shingle looking stones, I don't think they'd go with the black lava rock.
Does anyone else have these with black rock? Pics would be great!

Any other suggestions on adjustments?

Cheers all, James
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Hi all,
Does anyone else have these with black rock?
can’t you just crush down some black lava rock?
I think @seedoubleyou's is a good suggestion, but you can get black gravel from Unipac etc. I might like a basalt based one, if you can get it.

The other option is a bit of a left field suggestion, but a black, granular plant medium might also work, something like "Flourite Black".

An even more left field suggestion would be some charcoal or crushed anthracite <"Hydroantracit">. I used to have some crushed anthracite (left over from some waste water work), but I think I've used it all.

If it was me? I'd just wander around my local housing estate and see if I could find any suitable black pebbles.

cheers Darrel
I'd just wander around my local housing estate and see if I could find any suitable black pebbles.
In July this year, I went to a rivulet I know from my childhood to get some dark (grey) natural gravel & pebbles. Afterwards I've learned that some aquarist shops sell similar gravel and stones for incredible prices. So now I know that within a few hours I've mined myself a fortune! It's a good feeling to know that I'm financially secured for many years ahead.😎
what about this?
can’t you just crush down some black lava rock?
Seems ridiculously obvious now you've said that!.... Good idea

Wio website is great, I'll be having a good look over it. Not heard of it until now it looks very interesting. @Wookii that link sends me to exactly what i was picturing in my mind, thank you 🙂

In regards to the other suggestions of aqua soil, wouldn't that be too light and get blown around? I've not used it before, this is my first 'proper' tank. Intrigued about the black lava soil, have you used this @Aqua360??

Thanks all :thumbup:
Seems ridiculously obvious now you've said that!.... Good idea

Wio website is great, I'll be having a good look over it. Not heard of it until now it looks very interesting. @Wookii that link sends me to exactly what i was picturing in my mind, thank you 🙂

In regards to the other suggestions of aqua soil, wouldn't that be too light and get blown around? I've not used it before, this is my first 'proper' tank. Intrigued about the black lava soil, have you used this @Aqua360??

Thanks all :thumbup:
I've used it recently, it's great. Ideal as an underlayer, I even just used it on its own and the plants established quickly.

It's basically pea sized lava rocks, not soil as the title may suggest
I bought a pack of small Dennerle River pebbles but they sunk into the sand. I ended up gradually removing them as I found them. As suggested, small bits of lava may be better?
your tank looks great.
Thank you 🙂

I've had the same scape for about 3 years now so a bit of a mix up is needed! I want a few more different plants in there, I've taken so many cuttings from one Anubias that its pretty much taken over...Its everywhere!
If you have any suggestion I'm all ears!

Hi all,
Just an update on the post, I decided to try crushing up some lava rock as my first option. I was put off the black stones from WIO as it was €30 postage! They’re nice but not that nice!
Luckily my LFS had some black lava rock so I bought a few kilos of that, went home, wrapped them in a towel and beat the crap out of them with a club hammer with great results!! This gave me a good few different size small stones down to gravel. Just what I was hoping for.

I’ve also added a few more plants and tried to split the scape to create 2 islands. I’m really happy with it, I’d love to hear your opinions on it. Constructive criticism welcome 😊

Hi all,
Luckily my LFS had some black lava rock so I bought a few kilos of that, went home, wrapped them in a towel and beat the crap out of them with a club hammer with great results!! This gave me a good few different size small stones down to gravel. Just what I was hoping for.
That looks great. A result and <"a work out">.
I was put off the black stones from WIO as it was €30 postage! They’re nice but not that nice!
I can see a side-hustle here .................. from
wrapped them in a towel and beat the crap out of them with a club hammer
To (re-interpreted) as ..........
........ Our stone artist carefully dissects hand chosen natural volcanic rocks to produce a unique set of individually curated signature pebbles ........
and worth £50 of anybodies money.

cheers Darrel
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It looks real nice. I'd be well chuffed with a tank looking like that. Good call to divide into islands. My one thought would be whether you can differentiate between the two islands a bit, like maybe make the right one, which is bigger(?), a bit more dominant increasing the height its right side which would also make a more triangular layout overall. It looks really good though