This raises an interesting point for us planted tank enthusiasts and aquascpers. I came to the conclusion a good while ago that not all wood sold by venders as hardscape is suitable.
Much of it has been the source of all sorts of scaping woes, mostly BBA and the like. As it rots and breaks down it floods systems with high levels of organics that not even regular and substantial water changes and excellent husbandry can deal with.
In future I’m seriously leaning to only using real bog wood, manzi, and eucalyptus root. I know azalea root or spider wood is popular, for instance, but I’ve had nothing but problems with it, and likewise oak, although I haven’t completely ruled that out yet.
Be interesting to learn how long dead birch does. Although at the very least the bark should be stripped. If only to remove the risk of dead and decaying wood boring saproxylic organisms polluting the water.