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  • Users: Jaap
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  1. Jaap

    Is too much flow bad?

    If it "poisons" plants, however fish seems to be fine, is there a chance that useful bacteria get "poisoned" as well which in consequence causes diatoms? Also can diatoms be produced without the presence of fish and their waste products? Thanks
  2. Jaap

    What algae is this?

    Hi Please id this algae Thanks
  3. Jaap

    Preferred CO2 levels and gas exchange

    Ardjuna saves the day :) So we need surface agitation to prevent high and lethal co2 levels? Why wouldnt we want 1bps lets say for 3 hours to reach 40ppm and when lights on to remain at those levels rather than 3bps 1 hour to reach 40ppm and then surface agitation to keep at safe levels? thanks
  4. Jaap

    Using lillypipe instead of spraybar

    this is not true I think...the ph will drop intil the co2 injection and co2 degassing reach am equilibrium...also ligestock or lifestock this affects plants as well....
  5. Jaap

    Preferred CO2 levels and gas exchange

    Actually this could not be true...I mean its easier to get co2 levels up when surface movement is low...I am guessing you are trying to say that you could get a good and sustained level of co2 and oxygen with surface movement...I might be wrong so forgive me...
  6. Jaap

    Preferred CO2 levels and gas exchange

    Hello, What is considered to be more beneficial? 1. Injecting CO2 some time before lights on and until lights off, but because there is minimal water surface agitation then CO2 is kept in the water and dropchecker is 24/7 lime green even when CO2 is off. 2. Injecting CO2 some time before...
  7. Jaap

    I'm just wondering...

    What else do you have in the tank? How long has the tank been running for? Do you have plants? Please provide more info. Thanks
  8. Jaap

    Using lillypipe instead of spraybar

    I am not saying that water circulation with a lily pipe is better than with a spray bar. I am saying that I have replaced my spray bar with a lily pipe and since I have a 1000 L/h filter attached on a 40L tank then the lily pipe would have no problem with circulation. Although theoretically it...
  9. Jaap

    Using lillypipe instead of spraybar

    Hello, as part of my learning process I have moved from a spraybar at the back of the tank, to a lillypipe output on the right of the tank. The setup is shown below: This morning I have noticed that the colour of my dropchecker is still lime green and the CO2 has been shut off for a good 13...
  10. Jaap

    Monte Carlo Mayhem

    Hello there. Nice tank! Do you have a journel or some specs about the tank please? Thanks
  11. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    UPDATE: A week ago I came to the conclusion along with the advice of other forum members, that the dirt produced in the tank continuously is what caused major algae problems to me. So i have decided to rip everything out except a few Stayrogyne Repens and the Monte Carlo. I have siphoned...
  12. Jaap

    Is too much flow bad?

    How about monte carlo, stayrogen repens and hair grass?
  13. Jaap

    Is too much flow bad?

    Is there a chance that high flow will cause brown algae in the sense that it will not allow bacteria to attach easily on surfaces?
  14. Jaap

    How to treat bacterial blooms?

    Hi how do I deal with cloudy water that comes from bacterial blooms? Not a new tank, I just unplanted a few plants and caused dirt from the substrate to rise into water column. Tank in nearly a year old. Thanks
  15. Jaap

    Lillypipe design and functionality

    Whats the difference between these two then? http://www.hinterfeld.com/aquarium-glass-inflow-outflow-lily-pipe-16mm-hsl-l-p-1067.html http://www.hinterfeld.com/aquarium-glass-inflow-outflow-lily-water-pipe-hf16mm-p-1242.html Thanks
  16. Jaap

    Why so much dirt in the tank?

    If I aerate the tank at night will this help with the mulm? Is there a direct connection?
  17. Jaap

    Why so much dirt in the tank?

    where would the diatoms come from?
  18. Jaap

    Lillypipe design and functionality

    Hi, I am trying to chose between these lillypipes: http://www.hinterfeld.com/aquarium-glass-inflow-outflow-lily-pipe-ball-shape-hf16mm-p-1400.html http://www.hinterfeld.com/aquarium-glass-inflow-outflow-lily-water-pipe-hf16mm-p-1242.html Is there a difference in functionality? Do you have...
  19. Jaap

    A New Adventure (a jungle mess)

    Hi Ian I am planning to get a tank 60 x 40 x 40 and use the 1500ND TMC tile suspended above the tank. Do you reckon the light will be sufficient? Have you had any problems with the light?
  20. Jaap

    Why so much dirt in the tank?

    Too much circle of life my friend...I have 2 guppies and 2 ottos in a 40L tank and I never feed them...seems a bit too much especially when I do 70% water changes twice a week and I siphon alot of the dirt.....
  21. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    monte carlo and i just trimmed it :)
  22. Jaap

    Why so much dirt in the tank?

    Hi, I was wondering why would I have so much dirt in the tank? I do water changes twice a week but still no difference. Also I do regular filter cleanings. Any ideas? Thanks
  23. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 279! Increased light intensity to 75%. Also cut back on alot of plants. Plants are not looking good. Also increased co2 because weather is getting hotter. alot of bba as well.
  24. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 258! After increasing water changes to once every two days, the tank was invaded with diatoms. I then decided to just let it be and that seemed to keep them at bay. I still have some BBA but its not that bad. Today I have increased light intensity from 65% to 70%. I have also trimmed...
  25. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    Amazing...still have the tmc 1500 tile at 100%?
  26. Jaap

    What exactly causes BBA?

    So no answer on whay exactly causes bba? Bummer!
  27. Jaap

    Does adding O2 benefit the planted aquarium?

    So the point is....good water agitation doesn't require an airstone...
  28. Jaap

    Does adding O2 benefit the planted aquarium?

    Hi, I was thinking if adding O2 will benefit the planted aquarium in direct or indirect ways. Any thoughts? Thanks
  29. Jaap

    Whats your pH profile?

    Elaborate on stability please...
  30. Jaap

    Epsom Salt and kH relation

    Ok....I think I get what you are saying but even if I have a climbing co2....thus throughout the add the co2 in my tank is increased....then why would that be a problem if I am over the threshold when lights are on?
  31. Jaap

    Whats your pH profile?

    Could it be that a drop checker is yellow, nutrients, lighting, circulation are good and still have algae?
  32. Jaap

    Epsom Salt and kH relation

    So basically a dropchecker with 4dkH water with bromeline blue if its yellow it means that I have adequate co2?
  33. Jaap

    Epsom Salt and kH relation

    How can I measure kH accurately to understand better whether the co2 pumped into my tank is mostly dissolved or mostly dissipated?
  34. Jaap

    Epsom Salt and kH relation

    Hi, will adding Epsom Salt increase my kH? Thanks
  35. Jaap

    Dirty tank never clears up

    Its not stuck at all....it flies off if I shake the leaves...ofcourse I have some that need wiping off which that should be diatoms but thats not the problem...its the the detritus matter....and I am telling you each water change is 70% and the water is literally brown from the dirt....but it...
  36. Jaap

    Dirty tank never clears up

    Hi, the past few weeks I have seen my plants getting covered with detritus matter....might be diatoms might be dirt...so I have decided to do plenty of water changes. I have been doing 3 water changes a week for the past 3 weeks and still the tank is as filthy as it was when this phenomenon...
  37. Jaap

    Tiny black creatures

    The thread from londondragon indeed has many bugs. Unfortunately the ones I have are small and I cant see them properly to recognise them. I will keep removing them and see how it goes...
  38. Jaap

    Tiny black creatures

    Hi I see that some small creatures have appeared in my tank and on the leaves of certain plants. Can't see them moving and can't describe what they are. They are too small. I will share a few pics and maybe ypu guys can recognise them. Thanks
  39. Jaap

    Hemianthus Micranthemoides melting

    Hi, Does overdosing Seachem Excel cause the hemianthus micranthemoides to melt? If not then what is it causing it to melt? No changes in CO2 or lighting or nutrients the past months....so NO its NOT CO2 deficiency! :) Thanks
  40. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hi Steve and thank you for taking the time to write such a helpful post. I think I figured out what went wrong the first place. This was definitely the light. I had my TMC GroBeam 600 at 50% from the very first day and the low light did not help the plants grow and become strong at all. Another...
  41. Jaap

    Water Changes and EI dosing

    Maybe not 90 lets say 70 but its still alot...and maybe not daily but every 2 days....the daily was for educational purposes...
  42. Jaap

    Water Changes and EI dosing

    So if someone does daily water changes of 90% would it go something like this? Day 1: Water change add macros Day 2: Water change add micros Day 3: Water change add macros Day 4: Water change add micros Day 5: Water change add macros Day 6: Water change add micros Day 7: Rest day
  43. Jaap

    Water Changes and EI dosing

    Hi, for both practical and educational purposes how does dosing EI and water changes go when: 1. Water changes are made daily? 2. Water changes are made twice a week? Also, when doing a water change is it better to change as much of the water possible rather than 50? I mean doesn't 90% water...
  44. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 193! Today I have decided to get rid of the algae by overdosing Seachem Excel for 10-14 days and then gradually decreasing the dose until I stop. Then I will observe if I have algae issues again so as to address them from the root cause because at the moment I am thinking that this algae...
  45. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    Did you originally have it on the inlet of the filter as you state in page one?
  46. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    I am confused...is the inline CO2 atomiser on your inlet or your outlet...if its in your inlet then you should have microbubbles right?
  47. Jaap

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    21-22 degrees Celsius
  48. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    22.5cm from the surface of the water...how much from the surface of the substrate approximately?
  49. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    You are at 100% and 40cm above the substrate yes?
  50. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    I am thinking that at 65% light intensity, the TMC 1500 tile is a bit more bright than the GroBeam 600...so still I might have less light than "optimum"?
  51. Jaap

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    ok...lets see this from another perspective... Lets say that the algae was there from before and that the plants grow very very slowly...will this increase the algae if all parameters are good but light is low?
  52. Jaap

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    Thanks for the reply Martin but please allow me to respectfully disagree with you. I have plenty of co2, circulation and nutrients...sometimes its the light...you have to accept that some people have lower light levels....I had the grobeam 600 at 100% and had no growth, now I have the grobeam...
  53. Jaap

    Green Pekoe Pond - 40 litres

    I have the same setup as you regarding CO2 and a TMC 1500 tile at 65% but still no getting good results or any growth... I was thinking of either increasing light intensity or switching my up inline diffuser from filter intake to filter output....what do you think?
  54. Jaap

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    Hi Martin...I am guessing is due to insufficient light levels, however we should not diverge from the initial question because this is important. If I have no growth and this no growth leads to algae THEN there is a chance that my low light causes algae to appear or if already present, to...
  55. Jaap

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    Hi If i have none to very little growth, might my aquarium be more susceptible to algae as opposed to if a had better growth? This might mean that all factors might be correct except light and still I might get algae? Thanks
  56. Jaap

    Does CO2 mist kill algae?

    Hello, I am injecting CO2 into my filter at quite high quantities and it has been stable for months now, yet I have some BBA and GSA. My lights are not that strong, my dosing is EI double dosing and if you have followed my posts on my tank you will know that circulation is very very good...
  57. Jaap

    Water Change Methods (Considerations For Debate)

    Is there a chance you can share some pictures of your tank with us?
  58. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    I think it was too much hydrogen peroxide....because only one side of the monte carlo was affected
  59. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 186! Today I have increased the intensity from 60% to 65% again. Double dosing continues. Lets see what happens.
  60. Jaap

    CO2 in filter inlet vs CO2 inline atomiser

    Hey its close enough, actually its the same thing...I am basically asking which is better....adding co2 in the filter and "completely" dissolving it or an atomiser on the outflow thus filling the water column with microbubbles?
  61. Jaap

    CO2 in filter inlet vs CO2 inline atomiser

    Ok thanks...cleaning would be one issues....however which of the two is considered more efficient or lets say better for the plants? dissolving completely in filter or microbubbles from outflow?
  62. Jaap

    CO2 in filter inlet vs CO2 inline atomiser

    So you mean you had the inline atomiser on the outflow of the filter?
  63. Jaap

    CO2 in filter inlet vs CO2 inline atomiser

    Hello, which one of the two methods is more efficient? The co2 in the filter inlet or an inline atomiser on the outflow of the filter, thus filling up the water with microbubbles? Thanks
  64. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Is it ok to add both macros and micros 5 minutes appart sometimes or do they react together?
  65. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    I removed the flame moss and fixed everything [emoji14]
  66. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Hehe...looks like I am screwed...light is ok, co2 is ok, circulation is ok...its either nutrients or I burned my plants with h2o2...
  67. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Mr Teapot has this light at 40cm and at 100% intensity and it looks good... http://www.ukaps.org/forum/index.php?threads/27575/ This is from his journal: Tank height: 30cm. Grobeam 600 was at 50-100% @ about 10cm from surface (dependent on what stage the tank was at. Current tile is at about...
  68. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Yeap digital...anyone still thinks its a co2 issue?
  69. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Maybe the drop checker becomes yellow with less co2...havent tried that...maybe the pH drop of 1 or 0.8 is still sufficient and a drop of 1.2 is too much...right?
  70. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Please help me understand....how can I have a CO2 problem if my drop checker is yellow and my pH drop is 1.2 in an hour and my circulation is more than enough? Why is the CO2 the problem? The effects might be the same of that of low CO2 but surely with the facts a gave above then CO2 is being...
  71. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    A bit more info about my 40 litre tank... 1. A TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima tile, 40cm from substrate and at 60% intensity 2. Substrate is JBL manado 3. My kH is around 9 4. I am pumping CO2 at such a high rate which is not measurable by bubbles per second. It is connected onto an inline diffuser...
  72. Jaap

    Iron deficiency with EI

    Hi I have noticed lately that some of my plants turn white like stayrogen repens and monte carlo. I am double dosing macros and micros. Is there a chance that Iron can become low even with EI? Thanks.
  73. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Back to 60% from 65% because I saw my montecarlo turning white and wasn't sure is it was melting or needed more micros....anyway again time will show!
  74. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 170! Today I have increased the intensity from 60% to 65%. Things look better now. Plants are healthier!
  75. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 163! Today I have increased the light intensity by 5% to 60%. I believe 5% every 5 days is an ok increase so as not to shock the plants. I am also double dosing micros and macros!
  76. Jaap

    60P - The Shimmering of Light

    Does it cover the wood by growing across it? Or does it just grow without spreading?
  77. Jaap

    60P - The Shimmering of Light

    What moss is that on the wood?
  78. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Shouldn't the EI fertilazation regime be covering me on nutrients though? Day 158! Today I have increased my light intensity by 5% to 55%. I have also cut back on some plants, cleaned the glass from algae, added some hydrogen peroxide on the leaves of the stayrogyne repens and made a 70% water...
  79. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    well the amanos have been there for months now and I have the co2 setup for months so shouldnt be co2...they being of old age I can understand one death but not 3 in a week...
  80. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    Another amano dead...my tank is at 22 degrees Celsius...its not the temperature that is causing the deaths right?
  81. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    My kh is around 9. My dc is yellow before lights on :) i think that bba attacks the old leaves of my plants and only stayrogyne repens because its such a slow growing plant in my tank...most of the plants in my tank are growing slowly and so mostly are old leaves that deteriorate. Thats why ai...
  82. Jaap

    A New Adventure (a jungle mess)

    The distance from the substrate I mean...10 to 15 cm should have been the distance from the water surface....how about from the substrate?
  83. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Regular tap water...hard water...wood is from petshop...driftwood I guess...doesnt leak tannins!
  84. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    The algae is really bad though...also growth is stunned and lush green coulour not present...still a long way to perfection :) thanks though for the positive comments!
  85. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 155! It has been a long time since I have posted an update on the tank. This is because I haven't changed much but things aren't going grate....I have very little growth and because of that I believe the leaves are getting old and covered with some BBA. On the 25th of December I have...
  86. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    Does double dosing macros effect shrimp as double dosing micros?
  87. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    It might be the double dose because nothing else changed...
  88. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    Not even if double dosing? :) Well the white furry stuff was removed by cutting back the moss... Si if it wasn't the ferts then what could it be that effected 2 shrimp out of 4?
  89. Jaap

    Dead Amano Shrimp

    Hi, this morning I found 2 out of my 4 amanos dead. The last thing I did was a 30% water change on the 26th, 2 days ago. After the water change I added both macros and micros in double doses. On the 27th I also added a double dose of micros and on the 28th (this morning) I found 2 shrimp dead...
  90. Jaap

    A New Adventure (a jungle mess)

    Whats the distance between the led 1500 tile and the substrate? Whats the intensity you have it on?
  91. Jaap

    Stayrogyne Repens new leaves are yellow-white

    Lush green colour has gone and now yellow leaves appear...i have double dose macros and micros now for a week but no change yet. Any suggestions?
  92. Jaap

    White stuff on flame moss?

    Hi Whats this white stuff I have all over my flame moss? Thanks
  93. Jaap

    Stayrogyne Repens new leaves are yellow-white

    Hi Joost...I am already doing all that you said...its just a deficiency I trying to find out what I am missing
  94. Jaap

    Stayrogyne Repens new leaves are yellow-white

    Hello, I have noticed that the new leaves of my Stayrogyne Repens are yellow to white so I assumed this is some kind of deficiency. 1. Is it Nitrogen deficiency? 2. Will the yellow/white leaves become green again if I dose the proper amounts of nutrients or do I have to cut them off? 3. If...
  95. Jaap

    Filter flow and pearling

    Hi, I have a 1000 l/h filter with a spraybar at the back of a 40L tank. The flow is quite strong. I have noticed that when I stop the filter, the plants pearl and oxygen bubbles are visible leaving the leaves going towards the water surface. Which one of the two is most likely: 1. The strong...
  96. Jaap

    Are these plants aquatic?

    I found these plants by a nearby river but not in the water...recognise any of them?