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60P - The Shimmering of Light

your tank looks like a dense forest;), In our place there is only one dealer for TS and i heard we need to replace disk every 12months which he doesn't have so i never bought, and lucky i won ADA coupons when we went for aquascaping contest with that i can buy 5 9l ADA soil:)
Thanks Andrew :D

I think it depends on the water (and Stones used) in the tank. My water is quite soft and the Twinstar is still running like a charm without any signs of usage on the metal parts.
If the water is harder then you can get some residue on the metal parts and the disk needs to be replaced more frequently.

The TS doesn't help in case of red-algae of GSA... but it helps (a little bit) against green algae.
But like with all tools or anti algae Tools it doesn't avoid the reason WHY the algae is popping up...
So if the tank or the nutrient Levels are unstable... I would first start there ;)
Thanks Viktor :thumbup:

During the last days I made some small changes to the tank:


Glosso carpet is now growing nicely instead of the sand.

Things to do:
- Moss trimming on the right side
- Hydrocotyle trimming on the right side

BTW: I'm really eager to try out the new Aquasky Moon with the additional light output... could look much nicer than my 2x 601 units.
Have you seen the new light unit already, Viktor?

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BTW: I'm really eager to try out the new Aquasky Moon with the additional light output... could look much nicer than my 2x 601 units.
Have you seen the new light unit already, Viktor?

I look forward to it as we use many 602 and 601 units in our showroom.
This start to shipping in january worldwide so hopefully we will have some in hand to test.

By the way test. We were the first in the EU who started to use the Aquasky LED 2.5 years ago and in this timeframe we haven't seen a single aquasky unit which had LED failure. Nada.
I've seen some faulty adapters, but no light failure. Also not seen any decrease on light power in this timeframe. This is cool. Hopefully the new unit will follow this trend.
Sounds perfect ;)

Please let me know when you receive the first units :)
It would be interesting to know if one Aquasky Moon is really in between the light output of a 601 standard and the 602.
From the first images I've seen, the Moon looks much broader than the classic...

And as it is impossible to get just the "stand" of a 602 here in germany (wanted to replace my 2x 601 stands with the one from the 602), could be a good alternative for me.

Need some pics Viktor :snaphappy: hehe...

But I can agree with you... never heard or read of any failed LEDs so far!

Hi Jordi,

I'm using a Tetra Ex600 Plus without any special filter media. Just the filter + filter mat to improve the flow.
If the plant mass is quite high I have the Eheim Skim here which adds some nice flow "on demand" :)
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Ahoi Ukaps,

another small update, shot from the left side:

- removed the twinstar and the heater with photoshop
- trimming and replanting the glosso on a daily basis
- tomorrow it's time to cut the stem plants... again :arghh:


Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you guys... :)

He he... DivZero: The ray-gun isn't so extreme as many people think. PLUS: I don't need any extra light anymore in my kitchen :lol:

Next item on the list: Better cam :snaphappy:... pocket cam and iPad is just simply ... well... nothing :(
Ahoi Ukaps,

another small update, shot from the left side:

- removed the twinstar and the heater with photoshop
- trimming and replanting the glosso on a daily basis
- tomorrow it's time to cut the stem plants... again :arghh:


Enjoy the weekend!

What moss is that on the wood?
Thanks Rodoselada ;)

Jaap, it spreads like hell if you trim it often.
From time to time, I have to "tie it back onto the wood" with a small piece of thread.
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