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  1. EA James

    Auto Doser recommendations

    Hi all, I’ve been contemplating an auto doser for a while now, going to Florida for 16 days has forced my decision! We go away in just over a week. I haven’t used an auto doser before so I’m looking for a reliable and cost effective doser. Any recommendations guys?
  2. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Thanks @dw1305 😊 keep a look out in the for sale section for the stone artist….
  3. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Hi all, Just an update on the post, I decided to try crushing up some lava rock as my first option. I was put off the black stones from WIO as it was €30 postage! They’re nice but not that nice! Luckily my LFS had some black lava rock so I bought a few kilos of that, went home, wrapped them in...
  4. EA James

    The Dollar!

    Good evening all, After getting married in Florida (Pompano Beach for those that like exacts) in may of 2023, We're planning on visiting a whole lot more!, We've booked a trip for a couple of weeks in April so I've been keeping an eye on the exchange rate. It seems to hover around the 125/6...
  5. EA James

    Honey Gourami and Red Honey Gourami

    You can still comment on past conversations, especially if they have relivance! Bring it back to life
  6. EA James

    Resolved! Website is taking 30 seconds+ to load, sporadically.

    Same here, I noticed it yesterday and thought perhaps it was an issue on my mini iPad but other sites are working just fine. Sites about as slow as I was getting up on Boxing Day 🥴
  7. EA James

    Scatter gravel suggestions

    I was going to get a 2kg bag of river stone from wio but the postage was 30 euros! No thanks
  8. EA James

    CO2 - 2kg Fire Extinguishers

    I use Phil! Great guy, been using him for years also. £8 for a 2kg you can't go wrong
  9. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Thank you :) I've had the same scape for about 3 years now so a bit of a mix up is needed! I want a few more different plants in there, I've taken so many cuttings from one Anubias that its pretty much taken over...Its everywhere! If you have any suggestion I'm all ears! Cheers
  10. EA James

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    following this with interest, I've always wanted to build a terrarium! Looks good so far mate
  11. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Cheers everyone for the replies, they've really helped :thumbup:
  12. EA James

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    @nijat11 your first tank? Wow! Hats off to you mate that looks amazing, and to fill such a large tank like that is good work. Do you only have sand or soil underneath? I only have sand and I'm a bit unsure of planting into it, I've not really had much success in the past
  13. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Seems ridiculously obvious now you've said that!.... Good idea Wio website is great, I'll be having a good look over it. Not heard of it until now it looks very interesting. @Wookii that link sends me to exactly what i was picturing in my mind, thank you :) In regards to the other suggestions...
  14. EA James

    Blyxa Japonica

    Will Blyxa grow in sand? I love it!
  15. EA James

    Small detailed stones for black lava rock

    Hi all, It's been a long time since I've posted on here but the tank is still going! I won't bore you all with the details but I'm back into it now and wanting to change things slightly. I've noticed a recent trend is to add small detail stones around the larger items in the tank, a few I've...
  16. EA James

    Moving home tank strip down

    Yes you can but first you need to have 20 posts to enable you access to the for sale section. You're nearly there!
  17. EA James

    Water diffuser ideas for tank refill

    I do have a larger one but it squashes the hose so the flow drops right down. I've been using masking tape to secure the hose in place which works but I want to just hook something on and away I go! What do you use for refilling the tank?
  18. EA James

    Water diffuser ideas for tank refill

    Possibly yes but I'd like something I can hang on the tank securely so I can get on with some bits while its refilling. @X3NiTH that looks like it might work, I could cut a short length of hose and cable tie it to the handle then just connect onto it. I was hoping to see some homemade pieces...
  19. EA James

    Water diffuser ideas for tank refill

    Hi all, Just wondering what people use to diffuse the water when refilling after WC. I’m currently using my old intake strainer from my FX4 wrapped in a Purigen bag but it’s not that great to be honest, I’d like something better! I’d like to make something like a u shape so it sits on the tank...
  20. EA James

    Does Blue Light Shrink Aquatic Plants?

    I've read before that blue light can contribute/cause algae? I'm not sure where but I don't think it had any scientific backing, more of a rumour!! Any thoughts on that? Cheers
  21. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

    That's a shame @shangman, and like you say, strange as their rarely half way up the tank let alone at the surface. Really looking forward to seeing some updates, that wood is epic!!
  22. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

    hey @shangman anymore updates? I haven't been on here much lately I've been really busy but I always come and have a look at the thread to see how you're getting on! Hope all is well
  23. EA James

    Back into Fishkeeping

    Yes!!! Come on England!!! Welcome to the best forum going pal 😎
  24. EA James

    Raising tadpoles

    Lucky you! One of my main ambitions in life is to own a house on the river. I find there's something magical about being around water, ponds lakes rivers streams or the sea, I love it! I always have a look into whatever it may be to see what life there is I live in Wraysbury in Berkshire which...
  25. EA James

    Raising tadpoles

    I'll do twice weekly, It takes no time at all so not an issue. Id rather be safe than sorry. I was thinking about getting a small air pump for some movement and oxygenation, would I need to? Cheers Miranda 👍
  26. EA James

    cyperus helferi

    I have this in my tank, I don't have high lighting at all and the tank is quite deep at 70cm. I'd say its more surviving than thriving but still doing ok!
  27. EA James

    Raising tadpoles

    Ok cheers for that @MirandaB, I only have spirulina tabs but I'm going to my LFS at the weekend so I'll grab some when I'm there. With regards to water quality, How much do I need to worry about it? I don't want the water to go stagnant, having an aquarium its strange to look at such still...
  28. EA James

    Raising tadpoles

    Thanks for the replies, some interesting points and advice there. I'll post up some more photos when they progress to the next stage in development As for feeding, I've read that boiled and cooled lettuce leaves are good and also a small amount of fish flakes once a week should be enough. I...
  29. EA James

    Raising tadpoles

    Evening all, A few weeks ago on a walk I spotted a beautiful little pond in Windsor Great Park that was brimmed with tadpoles, a lovely setting and it seemed I was in the middle of the countryside! The next week (last weekend) I went back with the mrs and the younger kids and we bought some...
  30. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

  31. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Cheers pal 👍
  32. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Thanks @X3NiTH I wasn't really wanting to change the ferts and I definitely wasn't questioning your work by the way...just throwing that out there! Is there a particular test you'd recommend? Cheers 🙂
  33. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    I've switched the to using just the Aquasky so I can use the ramp up and down feature, red blue green and white are all at 85%. They were on 100% by the way. Will this be too dim now? To be honest up to 100% doesn't seem to make that much difference anyway but thought it might help?! Air pump...
  34. EA James

    Amano Shrimp Berried - Can the young survive?

    I have about 4 females that are huge, they seem to be constantly filled with eggs. I haven't ever seen them ever look any different in the 2 years I've had them, Is that right?!
  35. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    I feel quite proud of my rock now 😂 Its the only one that's like that out of about 22kg of them! At least I can grow something right haha!
  36. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Right ok, all understood. Thanks @Geoffrey Rea, I appreciate all the advice :) I'll report back in a couple of weeks or so, Hopefully with some good news! Thanks again James
  37. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Here’s the chunky SAE conveniently on the ‘red’ rock. Is that BBA?
  38. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Afternoon @Geoffrey Rea So moving forward I'm going to start with trying to light the tank with the Aquasky only, the tubes will be off. I have an Oase air pump so I'll set that for 23:00 until 14:00. I'll also look into getting some Ceratopteris for extra o2. With regards to the filter outlet...
  39. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Thanks for the detailed reply @Geoffrey Rea :) The H.Pinnatifida has now gone, it lost all of its leaves but grew above the surface and seemed to do well, Its since been removed as it was pointless having just a stem in view! Re the lighting I think I'll try just the Aquasky as it ramps up and...
  40. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    To be fair my scape and plant mass has completely changed since that post, I was under the impression you needed high/strong lighting to run co2
  41. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/lighting-calculator.60976/ @Geoffrey Rea here's the post
  42. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Thank you @MrClockOff I'll have a look into it and get one ordered up :)
  43. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Yeah he's been amazing, such a great help and as you can see he spent countless hours to assist me. But now with a few of the guys saying that its running lean do you think I should up it? I forgot to say I add 17g of Mg and 8g of KCl dry dosed on WC day to help remineralise So initially I was...
  44. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics @Geoffrey Rea if this works it should be a link to the thread or hopefully the specific comment that has a link to the water report on it
  45. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

  46. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Morning guys, @Geoffrey Rea thanks for the reply. I'm using tap water, I do have the water report on a very detailed thread that I've tried to link to this thread but I don't know how to do so! I'll tag you in it so you can see if that helps? I've just taken a short video of the surface...
  47. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    A few of the new leaves @dw1305, see what I mean? Not sure if they’re pale or just greener than the old leaves
  48. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Really? I don't really know a lot about that side of things that's why I got some help on here. So would I make the mix stronger or dose more? I dose 100ml of macro and 60ml micro on alternate days, rest day is WC day. I'm quite surprised at this as I always thought my lighting wasn't very...
  49. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Some on the Anubias sp. do but I don't know if that's because they're compared against the 'dirty' leaves. I'll get some more pics when the lights come on. so you can cast your expert eye over them! Could it be an Iron deficiency that's causing the plants to look like that then? Would it made...
  50. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

  51. EA James

    Deficiency or Algae?

    Hi all, I've got a few unknown issues going on in the tank that are making a few of the plants look dirty and not as nice and lush green as I would expect/want! Tank and routine details are- The tank is an EA freshwater 1200, FX4 filter, APS surface skimmer, Eheim Pre-filter. One Fluval...
  52. EA James

    How to refill bubble counter liquid?

    You don't NEED fluid in the bubble counter by the way, It's only in there as a guide to your BPS. In most tanks the BPS is too fast to count anyway so its pointless in my opinion. I run mine dry and just use the drop checker colour for reference 👍
  53. EA James

    How to refill bubble counter liquid?

    Just unscrew it when the co2 is off. When its off the solenoid will be closed so nothing will leak either way.
  54. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

    @shangman I have lava rock in my tank and its quite sharp so be careful as it will scratch the glass very easily, I've seen people use plastic egg crate on the bottom to safe the glass and keep the rocks in place. I just searched alfagrog on ebay and looked at the first one, I think they would...
  55. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

    You could use alfagrog? A quick search says you can get 15kg for under 20 quid, put that in media bags and that should work well, Sainsburys sell little mesh bags for fruit and veg for about 30p that should be ok to use?? At a guess!
  56. EA James


    I must be the younger generation then 🤔
  57. EA James


    I've just searched on Sky for this but can't find it, when was it on? I'm a fan of Big Steve! He's excellent, if he was an actor I think he'd make a great Bond! Proper English gent. I also like Gordon Buchanan too, great photographer and filmmaker. Did you see Lost Land Of The Volcano, And...
  58. EA James

    The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

    Hey @shangman, thought I’d join in with some pics of my cabinet to see if they’ll help you with a few ideas! These trays are stick on bathroom organisers from Amazon, knife rack 2 quid on eBay Kitchen roll holder a couple of quid on eBay, comes in super handy every WC This sections a...
  59. EA James

    Anyone using a FX4? - How to calm it down?

    I've got an FX4 on my tank, keep the in fully open and the out where you want. I have mine at about 3/4 out to slow the flow a little and its worked fine for the best part of two years. Strange that they would say not to when the make it so you can adjust the flow! What outlet nozzle has it...
  60. EA James

    Inline heaters

    @Kyle3 cheers, I'll have a look into that :)
  61. EA James

    Inline heaters

    My heater is set at 24, mainly due to my rummynose and the recent apisto additions. I'd say the house must keep that temp steady. Good idea about the heater, only trouble is the heater has an inbuilt thermometer so that then leads to another question, a good accurate thermometer??? I've got a...
  62. EA James

    Inline heaters

    So two in parallel doesn't restrict flow? What's the need for a bypass? I haven't had anything inline before so its all new to me We have 20 month old twins so the central heating is always on, and my mrs hates the cold so the house is always warm! My current heater has a light to show when its...
  63. EA James

    Inline heaters

    @Zeus. that looks complicated!! Which ones do you have? Guessing you have two because of your tank size? Mines smaller so i should get away with one right?
  64. EA James

    Inline heaters

    Hi all, I'm thinking about getting an inline heater so I have one less piece of equipment in the tank, I have an FX4 filter on a 330L tank. Any recommendations? Will I be able to use one on my ribbed hosing? Cheers
  65. EA James

    Your views on euthanasia

    I agree, i think this is the best way. I had to do this with two lemon tetra last year, removed from the tank and folded them in some kitchen roll. I had two bricks ready outside so i quickly went out and laid the kitchen roll in one brick and then the other a firm flat hit and it was done. Not...
  66. EA James

    Your views on euthanasia

    Might be helpful for members to diagnose and offer further advice if you can post some photos, possibly a video. And also what have you tried? What meds do you have to hand? Are they in the main tank still?
  67. EA James

    Best freebie?

    Me too! It's a great place :)
  68. EA James

    Best freebie?

    I got 4 of these beauties last week thanks to the lovely @shangman Not technically free, they were part exchanged for some red root floaters 😂
  69. EA James

    Diffuser making a strange noise

    I'm guessing its so it blends in with the scape better, not as obvious as a bright white one? Mine was silent before this issue
  70. EA James

    Diffuser making a strange noise

    Cheers @Tom Michael better off just to replace it i guess, I've seen the new ones are brown which i think would look less obvious in the tank, perfect excuse! I clean mine with thin bleach and water 50/50 mix, i let it soak for about an hour during WC and then rinse it under the tap. Is that...
  71. EA James

    Diffuser making a strange noise

    Releasing I mean not realising 🤦🏻‍♂️
  72. EA James

    Diffuser making a strange noise

    Hi all, I’ve noticed a strange noise coming from my co2 art diffuser. It’s also realising a large bubble at the same time the noise starts, does it need replacing? Hopefully this link works, never done this before!
  73. EA James

    Tidy Jungle II, III and IV

    Well now you have the co2 up and running it'll soon get there! Ok that's good to know, I also have some Amanos but the females won't be intimidated that's for sure...they're huge! The males maybe but hopefully it'll be all good. There's plenty of hiding spaces and cover for them anyway. What...
  74. EA James

    Tidy Jungle II, III and IV

    The tanks looking great @Courtneybst the scape looks like it's really coming out at you if you know what i mean?! Looks like we nearly have the same fish stock too, apart from i have cherry barbs in mine. I'm picking up some of the beautiful Apistos from @shangman on sunday, that picture looks...
  75. EA James

    Water hardness

    Yes is the short answer! Yes, in fact a lot of plants do better in hard water than in soft. Loads of members on here have hard water and beautiful tanks to match
  76. EA James

    Manzi island 180L

    Definitely does!I have sand and black lava rock in my tank and I've been looking for something just like this to blend in as you have Thank you
  77. EA James

    Manzi island 180L

    Evening and welcome back! Your hardscape looks spot on, You've done a great job. Plant list looks good too, I'll be following this with interest :) I like the blend from the sand onto the rocks, Are they slate chippings you've used? Looks awesome 👍 Cheers, James
  78. EA James

    Hi all!!

    Yes! Welcome back @Geordie Scaper, love your work 👍 Your Juwel 240 was my inspiration for me to do my first proper scape during lockdown last year, I've been following you ever since (on social media by the way, I'm not a stalker 🤣🤣) Great to have you on board mate
  79. EA James

    Advice on clean up crew

    If they were out of the tank then yeah i guess but pretty much impossible in the there. I can't pull them out either as you can see, not unless i rescape that part of the tank which i don't!
  80. EA James

    Advice on clean up crew

    I have 10 horned Nerites and my tank temp is 24. Here you can see all the eggs, pain in the a*se! None on the wood though just the rocks. I’ve got 3 assassins in there to that as far as I’m aware haven’t got hold of any of the nerites yet
  81. EA James

    Advice on clean up crew

    See the jagged edge of the SAE on the bottom. Easy to tell apart when viewed like this but not so simple when there isn't the other to compare to. I've never kept Flying Foxes but i believe they're a bit boisterous compared the the placid SAE. Lucky you!!! Fingers crossed it stays that way...
  82. EA James

    Advice on clean up crew

    They often get mixed up with flying foxes, the easiest way to tell them apart is the black stripe running along the body. SAE are more ragged along the edge. I have a couple of SAE and they're great fish. With regards to Amano shrimp, the females get big and would probably be fine in your set...
  83. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    Thanks for the reply @Karmicnull, I'm well aware of the surface area needs but that shouldn't be an issue with this set up. It's only a 25L tank that'll i'll be using for a couple of weeks while the fish are in QT. Should only be 4 fish in there at any one time. The media has come out of my FX4...
  84. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    Anyone?? ⬆️ Was hoping to buy some more Honey Gourami tomorrow that i finally found after a long time looking but i don't want to put them in the QT tank if its not right Cheers
  85. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    I’ve just cleaned up the main filter and nicked some media while I was there for the QT tank. Will the media be ok like that? I’m sure I’ve heard/read before that it needs to be in the dark?? Cheers
  86. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    :) great! I thought it was too dark, that's good then. Ok perfect, will do mate Thanks again, Top man 👍
  87. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    Here’s the tank in full lemonade mode and the DC as it stands now
  88. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    Ok I'll look into it, the noise has now stopped but I'll keep an ear out. Everything is fitted correctly and nice and tight so I'm not even sure where to start if it comes back! The drop checker is green but not lime green, I also have one at the back near the outlet as i wanted to see if the...
  89. EA James

    Weed killer for block paving

    @John q I'll bear that in mind and that sounds like a good money saving alternative but i have quite a large area so I don't think that would work for me, ideally i need something that i can mix with water and put it in the watering can or a sprayer, cheers though Never heard of it!! Is it a...
  90. EA James

    Weed killer for block paving

    Hi all, Can anyone recommend an effective weed killer that i can use on my block paving? Commercial products that i see in garden centres seem to be quite expensive and i have quite a large area I need to treat. It's something that haunts me every year all spring/summer long so this year i...
  91. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    Ohhh dear 🤦‍♂️ Definitely got carried away last night haha, feeling it today too! I've noticed recently the drop checkers seem quite a dark green at lights on and when the co2 turns off they're still not light enough IMO, I've changed the timer so it comes on half an hour earlier now so 2 hours...
  92. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    currently eating a bacon and egg sarnie with a very srtong JD in hand after a night seeong my family again! Yhanks amn, will speak tomorrow x
  93. EA James

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    Evening all, So it's been 4 months to the day since I've been dosing the new mix and this is what's left from 5L Pretty much spot on there mate 😎 I need to mix up another batch early next week but before i do i thought I'd post some images from few of the plants that i think might be...
  94. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    That should be the maximum amount of time they'll be in there, Providing there are no issues! Fingers crossed Cheers
  95. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    Possibly yes but as it will only be temporary housing I won't if i don't need to. I don't plan on keeping the tank running permanently so i want to make it easy to break down again. I have sand in the main tank by the way
  96. EA James

    Setting up a quarantine tank/Plant nursery

    Hi all, So I've got the QT tank all set up now with some old bits i had laying around and some Microsorum Needle leaf plantlets that I'm going to try and grow in there too. I have a few questions though Firstly, It has gravel in it, I want to get some more Corydora but will the gravel harm...
  97. EA James

    Unlikely new member

    Welcome @William Wescott, You have made a great choice sir!
  98. EA James

    What are these new plants in the pot

    Awesome! Thanks for the info @mort :)