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Diffuser making a strange noise

EA James

22 Jul 2019
Hi all,
I’ve noticed a strange noise coming from my co2 art diffuser. It’s also realising a large bubble at the same time the noise starts, does it need replacing?

Hopefully this link works, never done this before!
It looks to me like you have a break in the sealant, hence the large bubble and I guess the hissing sounds. I doubt it would be easy to reseal so you might want to replace.

I have the same diffuser and it’s the best I have used. I just purchased another one for a new scape and the membrane is now brown so might be more sturdy.

I have broken a few diffusers over the years - my tip only clean in bleach solution never scrub!
Cheers @Tom Michael better off just to replace it i guess, I've seen the new ones are brown which i think would look less obvious in the tank, perfect excuse!

I clean mine with thin bleach and water 50/50 mix, i let it soak for about an hour during WC and then rinse it under the tap. Is that the right way?? Also i think i read somewhere before that you're not meant to touch the ceramic part of the diffuser, is that right??

Thanks again mate 🙂
Cheers @Tom Michael better off just to replace it i guess, I've seen the new ones are brown which i think would look less obvious in the tank, perfect excuse!

I clean mine with thin bleach and water 50/50 mix, i let it soak for about an hour during WC and then rinse it under the tap. Is that the right way?? Also i think i read somewhere before that you're not meant to touch the ceramic part of the diffuser, is that right??

Thanks again mate 🙂
Yes that’s all correct. I damaged the seal on two aquario diffusers by just handling too heavy- basically when pulling the co2 tube off! My guess is that there not that resilient (or it could just be me!) I also wonder why they changed to the brown material, could be a few people have had this issue perhaps!
Ah k. Never used this type of diffusor. Only the other types (acrilyc with the brown/orange disk on top of it) but they also made that "sissing" noise when in use.