Hello again,
thought i'd better let you know what has been let loose on your forum!
I live in Ely, (16 miles to Cambridge, 25 to P'boro), and work at a theatre/gig venue doing mainly boring admin, but also a bit of stewarding when I get to see the shows. Its quite funny seeing whats in various celebs riders though!

Fun and games.
I only caught MTS after being bought a biorb in November. That is happy with anubias, mosses and ferns, all you can grow in those really. Bought a cheapo 2 ft tank from Aldi at christmas, this has swords, java fern, java moss, limnobium spongia, c. blassii, and some nice bits of wood. Really enjoyed the planted element of these so decided to move onto bigger things after buying a 4ft tank, cabinet + luminere for £40 on fleabay. Journal:
viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10620 . Enjoy the fish side of things, but my apple snails are my pride and joy.
I think the reason for this hobby blooming so rapidly since only november is because i've been off work with a bad back and ops etc due to a car accident, somewhat house bound, but also meant lots of window shopping at various local and regional lfs. I have had to rely on my wonderful OH to do the larger water changes etc, he has been a godsend. He is not terribly keen, but understands cycling, and co2 etc now. I tinker with tanks, he is glued to Call of duty. Yes, I am a COD/PS3 widow. Keeps him quiet.
Also love and brew real ale, and just passed my bike test, so hopefully getting an sv650, or street triple R, although haven't decided, depends on payout from car accident. This could mean I could go wild on aquascaping equipment too, but must not think about that as it is very dangerous!!!!!! My dad builds and races classic bikes, so we go to track days/weekends, BSB, autojumbles etc, and he has bought a campervan- so with the bike trailer, we can go touring round europe! Fun fun fun. I enjoy photography, but have not got the hang of taking good pics of the tanks yet.
Well thanks again to all the fantastic information and advice on here, it has been really really helpful. See you around. Must go and stop my apple snails having an orgy. What are they like!