hey all,
My names ciarán,Im from n.ireland.been running a fluval edge tank(unplanted)
for about 6 months now.It mostly has been a decoration tank in the hallway with
my main tank being a 2ft marine.have never done a planted tank and seen some
nice fluval edge set ups out there.so came here to find out what I can/cant do with
this tank.have already changed to SMD lights when I first got it as I was unhappy
the dim glow from the standard lights but seen people doing a coralife 50/50 bulb
mod which I might go for for growing plants.what plants could I grow without having
to get co2 units and what way would be the best way to go about it.....dont want
to be spending too much as the marine already costs me enough lol.
At the minute the livestock is
6 platys,2 hovering loach,3 mountain minnows and 7 neon tetras.
the tank just has black stones and fake plants but im sure I can use
A quarintine tank as a spare tank unti the fluval is ready.
so my main questions are plants, what is best and how many....
what additives do I need(already use RO water for water changes)....
do I need soil or sand or different finer stones....
is there any other mods I need to do...
cheers in advance
oh heres the tank now....dont laugh lol