Season’s greetings, and all that stuff... My name is David Wells and I joined the forum a week or so ago, and thought it only polite to identify the lurker! I live in the sun-kissed Garden of England, although currently it feels like someone left the gate open. In the dim and distant past I kept tropical fish for a couple of years in my teens. I remember a Pearl Gourami and a beautiful Blue Acara, and I also remember the ultimately abortive efforts I made to recreate what I thought of as being their habitat. In those primitive days there was no Redmoor root wood, no Mapani wood, and my attempts to incorporate pieces of cork (yes, cork!!) inevitably led to tears not just for my vain efforts but for the consequent demise of my fishes.
Fast forward past a career spent afloat, and I have been thumbing through various websites, books, and magazines, and marvelling at just how far people have taken the hobby of keeping a little fish in a bowl. Japanese influences backed up by German technology, amongst many other factors, have opened up so many different avenues, and made this a hobby limited only by one’s own imagination.
Actually, to be perfectly honest, it’s also been limited by my wife’s lack of imagination in not agreeing to share my vision (I don’t think she will read this...). But I believe I may have worn her down a tad, so much so that I am on the brink of ordering an aquarium from Aquariums Ltd., a name I wouldn’t have been familiar with had I not spent so much time reading through these very forums (should that be fora...?).
So enough of this waffle, and at the risk of being yet another newbie who hasn’t read the answer to his questions in countless other topics, may I run a few ideas up the flagpole and see if they flutter...?
I really admire the Sanzon Iwagumi style and would love to create something on those lines, but wonder if that is so specialist and minimalist as to restrict my scope to learn and experience different plant and fish types. My vision is of a design that slopes down from high rear right to low front left, that uses rocks as the prime hardscape, and allows a limited variety of plant species to enliven the aquascape. Have you seen Andyh’s Kitchen Tank...? So have I and I’m wondering why I’m even bothering. Nevertheless, I’m confident that mine will be different (as in worse!).
I aim to position my tank in a suitable corner of the living room, convenient to power, sheltered from sunlight, and not a million miles from water. It will be of the order of 80-90 x 45 x 45cms, and will benefit from opti-white glass. (I haven’t seen this type, or been able to make a comparison with float glass, but just about every opinion I’ve read seems to favour the opti-white. As it will be viewed primarily from the left and front, is it worth having all other sides and base made from the cheaper float variety?). Is this a reasonable size to start with? I am balancing in my mind the stability of a larger water volume with the dubious ability of owner to manage it!
I would like to give myself the best possible chance of success in growing plants in this tank of mine, and noted the sound advice given by Dan Crawford to another newcomer ( He reckons that pressurized CO2 injection is a no-brainer, and I would be happy to follow that advice. I just have that sneaking reservation that I have seen images of some stunning (mostly small) ‘scapes whose owners boast of the lack of those expensive CO2 bottles, gauges and the like...
I have already bothered Andyh with some sycophantic question about lighting, to which he gave a perfectly sensible answer about not needing to use quite as much as some formulae seem to dictate, but then he basks in the smile of the gods. Does anyone have a recommendation or advice for a mere mortal? I have seen the new Arcadia OT2 4-tube luminaires, and my Visa card had a momentary seizure, which thankfully passed quickly, but I’m willing to put it to the test.
I would like to use an external filter, preferably with an inbuilt heater (such as the Eheim 2324?) because I really dislike all the plumbing being too visible. Again, I’ve seen some very pertinent remarks about water flow, of which I have no knowledge, so I would really appreciate a steer on this subject.
Which basically leaves stuff like substrates, hardscape, etc., and I’ve been doing the rounds of LFS in the area, although none appear to specialize in planted aquaria or have anything to compare with the Green Machine, from what I’ve seen on their website. There aren’t many shop-keepers who can advise on that level, from what I have seen. Why is Wrexham so far away...?!
I’m not aware of whether this forum is modified, but assuming it is, could I please make a bid to be recognized as the longest introductory post, and if that fails, resubmit it under the ‘Most boring’category? If you’ve read this far, I’m sorry you have nothing better to do with your free time, but many thanks anyway, and any advice will be appreciated!