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Welcome :) Tell us about yourself

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I'm Nina and I have kept cichlids for many many years, so not a plant in sight! Last November I moved house and found a bargain 500L tank. After much deliberation I decided I wanted an Amazon biotope and that meant diving head first into the world of planted tanks. I am pretty good at killing all plants, apart from a 4ft peace lily in my lounge (affectionately called the triffid), so have been hunting for a good forum to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Took me a while to find you guys actually. In that time I managed to totally move away from the Amazon idea and now have a tank that I hope will turn into a bit of a jungle one day and have just gone for easy to care for plants that look good rather than stick to a stript biotope. Same with the fish!

I also have a little nano shrimp tank which was recently set up. With this I have spent more time time thinking about the scape, and although not a patch on your tanks, I am very proud of it!

I have already been given some great advice by people when my shrimp tank filter died the other night and I needed a shrimp friendly replacement (thanks guys for the filter advice!) I'm hoping you'll also help me turn my big tank into a bit of a planted paradise, despite the mistakes I've already made!

One thing I can manage is making my own fertilisers for pennies - being a pharmacist has its perks!
Welcome aboard everyone 🙂 enjoy your stay here
Missed this bit, i've had a journal on here for about 3 months now. My name's Ian, from lincoln. I'm a trained nurse and have been keeping fish for abround 4 years, 2 of which were in cold water. This is where i got my interest in plants (java fern and anubias). I decieded to go tropical about 18 months ago and plant it. This is when i joined TFF as i was struggling with plant keeping. At the moment i have a juwel trigon, i do plan on getting a nano at some point. I have only recently started to use pressurised C02 and dose my ferts myself via Easylife. The tank is looking OK at the moment (i think lol). I have learn't loads from here and hope to learn more. Thanks guys.
Hello all. o/

I have just recently stumbled on this forum. I see many familiar names from another fish forum which shall remain nameless!

I have been an avid aquarist for over a year now. before that the last time I kept an aquarium was when I was a child. Now at the age of 32 I have a little bit more disposable income to spend on the hobby! I currently only have a small ~50 litre tank in which I keep some corrys and rasboras. And am trying to get it looking nice with plants.

I have a lot to learn still and am soon to be investing in a much bigger system. Looking forward to seeing other peoples tanks and hopefully learn a lot during my time here! 😀
Hi, I'm Richard, 26 and live in Stamford,lincs with my partner and kids. I've been an RAF mechanic for the last 8 years and hope to be doing so for the foreseeable future. I've only been interested in planted tanks since last year and am currently working on my first one, struggling with the usual beginners problems. My dad kept tropical fish ever since I was small and I guess I followed on from that but have since progressed to planted.
Hi all the name is Dave and living in Co. Cork,Eire and am the proud owner of four heavily planted tanks but basically 2 minutes thought to layout so really thankful I found you lads and lassies otherwise a lost cause.When you meet me first I'm quiet but afraid that doesn't last long.And have other 13 tanks in the garden waiting........just waiting for permission you know how it is.Interested to see if you can teach a old dog new tricks,take care :wave:
Hi There!

My name is Duncan, i'm 25 and i'm a manager for Maidenhead Aquatics.

I've worked in Aquatics since I was 18, and have worked in loads of different outlets (Garden centres, pet shops, specialist aquatics)

As you'll probably find with most peoplewho work in Aquatics stores, I haven't had many tanks at home (Busman's holiday and all that) But have settled for having to set up large, expensive and budget free display tanks 😀

However, as a manager I now do more and more paperwork and my hands get less and less wet, So the need to have my own tank again has arisen.

I'm currently in the process of setting up a (moderately) high tech planted "Iwagumi" style tank, which I shall keep you all posted on!

Anyway, it's a pleasure to be here and see some of your truly inspirational aquariums!

Welcome aboard everyone 🙂
Enjoy it here we are a friendly bunch 😉

Have been interested in starting up a planted tank for a while and luckily I'm adopting a free tank on Sunday from my father. I'm generally into planted terrariums and amphibians but excited to be adding another dimension to my hobby! Just here to do a bit of research and hopefully I'll have a nice planted tank to post up soon enough.

Very impressed with the quality and information available so far.


New to the wonderfull world of Planted Aquariums. i`m 32 and live in Swindon, originally from Poole in Dorset. I work as a consultant for a large IT company specialising in high end Datacenter solutions. I have had a 4ft tank for 7 years but did very little with planting just fish etc. I had very little knowledge before joining this great site and with the guidance so far inparticular from Clive (ceg4048) who has been fantastic with my co2/ferts setup, i have gained alot of knowledge and confidence in setting up and maintaining my tanks.

Hello all. 🙂

I've been keeping fish seriously for about 3 years now, but so far have utterly failed to produce a decent planted tank! Brown algae is abundant, however! Have come here in the hopes of finding out what I'm doing wrong! I'm fairly active on the PFK forums and think I see a few familiar names already. 🙂

Erm... other stuff... female, mother, cake decorator, geek. 😛

I'm just about to get my first Fish Tank, well one that's not a bowl, and I am looking to do some Aquascaping mainly for helping the water and fish but it's got to look good too right? I'm here to make sure I have the knowledge and don't mess it up.

Bring it on!

Hi all,
I was recomended this site from a fellow member on the B.I.D.K.A forum as im planning a high tech planted discus tank. So Im busy gathering as much info as pos. No doubt i'll be pesturing with loads of questions
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