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Welcome :) Tell us about yourself

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hi all :wave:

my first post on the forums here. I am Paul from the netherlands. 25 years old and i have a new nature tank :angel: (and 3 other tanks 😛)

the show tank: 100x50x50 cm
60cm tank: 60x30x30 cm
aqua40: 30x30x30 cm
Nano: 10L

i shall post some photos very soon 🙂
Hi all you happy people out there.My name is Flaviu.I am 20 years old and I am from Romania - Timisoara.My main hobby was photography,the glamour and fashion part of it,but now the primary one is plnted aquariums.My father 35 years ago was the second best aquarist in my city and from him I inherited this great but expensive hobby.
Hi all,
I must admit to only recently becoming interested in planted aquariums. I have kept fish mostly catfish for about 20 years, they generally dont mix well with a planted setup, for obvious reasons. However, due to my current problems with accomodation I dont have room for an aquarium of significant size. so catfish are out, the Nano aquarium is in! After lots of research (looking at pretty pictures of ADA tanks on the internet) I decided to try a bit of aquascaping.
Frankly i'm rubbish. My tank has been up and running for a week, it looks ok but wasn't quite what I intended originally. Never mind.
If you dont mind, i'll lurk for a while, till I feel confident enough to ask any relevant questions, or post pics of my aquarium.
Hi All

My name is Albert I'm 25 this year I come from Poland and live in UK for nearly 5 years I have 2 planted tanks at the moment one 2ft 60l aqua one and second one 4ft 370l rena
I have some tanks before but this was about 15 years ago and my knowledge was very poor now I learn a lot from this forum and other Polish forum

P.S sorry for all spelling and grammar mistakes I try my best
Welcome aboard guys 🙂 enjoy the forum 🙂
Hi, I've been lurking around the forum for a couple of months learning loads and think it is about time I introduce myself. My name is Amanda. I'm a 37 year old full-time mum to two busy mischevious toddlers. I also keep 6 chickens and maintain a veg plot where I attempt to grow my own veg weather, kids and chickens permitting and still find the time to maintain 5 tanks two of which are low-tech planted

I've been keeping fish for a couple of years now. It started with a biorb and goldfish for my son but quickly got out of hand. I realised that we, as a family, had a serious case of MTS when we started setting up tanks in the garage. Hopefully common sense has now prevailed and I'm going to merge 4 of the tanks into one large planted tank in a few weeks time. Caught hubby on eBay the other night bidding on another tank 'that would look great as....' so who knows

ps. Pls forgive any typos. I'm writing this one-handed on my iPod while cuddling my daughter to sleep 🙂
Welcome Amanda! Sounds like MTS has gripped you all hard 🙂 I've managed to reduce my tanks from 7 to about 2 (still got a few empties kicking around!)

One big planted tank sounds like an awesome project. I look forward to the journal :thumbup:
Hi All
I have been interested in fish keeping most of my life. Started off properly with a couple of tanks in our first house.
Kept Cichlids and big catfish. I have always like big tanks . My first two were 96x18x18" and 72x24x24"..
Sold everything up when we moved house and built a Koi pond. All the usual stuff, 6ft 6" deep built with blocks and fibreglassed out. Underground filters ,gas heating. ect ect. This developed with a conservatory being added to the house with the koi pond being extended into it.The Conservatory has a standard flat roof and is well insulated. Also it is not in full sunlight so that keeps temperatures stable in the summer . We have had this set up for about 8 years now.
We have now decided to get rid of the part of the koi pond indoors as the maintenance on the conservatory is just to much.Access to cleaning it all is just getting to difficult. Half of the windows can only be cleaned from with in the pond We also had a flying bug problem which I have since discovered was water born and that was a nightmare to deal with. Also in the winter with the pond down to 6*c it acts as a massive cooler and makes the room unusable.
So its gone. In its place is going to be a new 7x2x2 ft tank. Underneath will be a 5 ft sump with sliding glass lids to semi seal it.
I used to use canister filters in my previous set ups but they are just not my cup of tea.
I am hoping to build up a really nice planted tank display .I have had enough of keeping large fish. I hope this is something that my wife will take an interest in and we can do together.So far she loves the idea. But we both know just about nothing on this subject. Keeping fish is the easy bit for me.
So thats where I am at the moment. The tank and sump is paid for and delivery in approx 3 to 4 weeks. I have to finish the stand and decorating the room ,though we did buy the carpet yesterday so its getting close.
I will be spending many hours reading your great site and gathering as much information as possible and hope that you will be able to point me in the right direction when I get started.
Perhaps I can do a blog on my tank.

Simon and Janice
Hi, I'm Dougal. I'm from North Yorkshire but have been living out here in Sydney for the last 7 years.

I started off with an 80L corner tank about 2 years ago and now have eight tanks set up around the flat, oops.
I'm renting at the moment so haven't bought any large tanks yet. My current tanks range from 12L up to the 80L tank, all are planted in some way or another. I do have a 90x45x45cm being made for me as we speak though, which I'm looking forward to getting my hands on. Also having managed to get my hands on 15x2ft tanks very cheap, a mate and I have set up a bit of a fish room, the tanks are currently cycling, and we're gonna try our hand at a bit of fish breeding. Thinking of trying Killies, Catish first off.

I like a bit of an easy life so I'm only running CO2 on one of the tanks at the mo although this may have to change soon as I want to speed up the h.c. in my shrimp tank but I'm a big fan of ferns, mosses at present.

The whole planted tank thing doesn't seem quite as well established here as it does in the UK. Equipment fish and plants are all a fair bit more expensive than over there and the range is more limited. We have a couple of good shops here in Sydney though, who are both very informative and always up for swinging you a bit of a deal.

Anyway came across this forum which, having been through the gallery appears to have a pretty talented bunch of people on it and although it is the "UKAPS" hope you"ll let me hang around for a bit.


Welcome Simon, Janice and Dougal! 🙂

Dougal, you'll find a few other ausies around here 🙂 It sounds like Australia is where the UK was maybe 2 years ago. You have very strict import laws don't you?

Hope you enjoy being part of UKAPS 🙂
I'm Stuart from Ramsgate in Kent, I'm 27 and have been keeping fish since 2001
I have had three tanks but currently only have one 80 litre (36"x12"x15") planted fish tank.

This tank was originally set up in 2005 as a 'high tech' planted tank with very high lighting, pressurised CO2, multi-layered nutrient rich substrate, substrate heating, etc. but after about a year or two I had problems acquiring CO2 so the tank got neglected and I decided to strip back the lighting to produce a low tech tank instead.
It has been 'ticking over' (not very well) since then and recently I have decided to improve the tank back to a thing of beauty.

I've built a cabinet, moved the tank from my parents house to our lounge, increased the lighting, re-designed the aquascape, installed pressurised CO2 and am fertilising regularly again.

It is already looking much better 😀

I look forward to expanding my knowledge further through the reading of experiences on this forum.
Hi all
My name is Darrin 44yrs old and I live in Cheshire
I’ve just started into this hobby after visiting a Chinese’s restaurant on holiday last year which as an amazing planted tank, after Christmas I was looking at the photos from the holiday and seeing this tank again I thought I would like to try doing a tank like this, in goes a search in Google and up pops this great site, So now I have been spending like hell, the wife is not happy Lol she will get over it one day
So far I’ve bought a
600ltr tank size 180, 60, 66
jbl602 co2 system + a 6.5k cylinder
Aqua medic co2 reactor 1000
2 x Haydo External Heaters 300W

Hi Paul yes I’ve had fish for 4yrs now in a juwel vision 260ltr but never really bothered with plants as I have it set up for pleco's
But after finding this site I’ve become rather addicted to it as much as to say obsessed Lol
Just got to start saving again to purchase the substrate, not sure what to go for, as the size of the tank is just going to cost so much


Hi all,
I'm Matt, 30 (just - 31 next week but clinging onto my youth...) and i'm a Paramedic in The People's Republic of Yorkshire. I've always loved the idea of fishkeeping but never had a tank until my birthday last year, when my wife very kindly bought me a 54l setup. And that was when the trouble started...🙂
I now have my 54l (which is the one on the cards for rescaping as soon as my plants arrive!) an AquaOne AR980 (210l with 110w of lighting - presently community but i have a bit of a vision for a DIscus tank...) and a 1ft cube presently used as a hospital tank, plus a growing out tank in the garage and another 300l tank that's lying fallow until i have the time and space to get a couple of ex. filters set up on it (although i think i might fill it just to soak some wood ...there's an idea that's just hit me...). Oh, and i also have an opti white nano on order. My wife now regrets buying me that first tank!
With a 2yr at home (like a lot of people i guess) i don't have limitless funds to indulge my addiction, so my focus at the mo is rescaping my 54l on a budget. Not doing too bad so far, with a couple of internet bargains to move to an external filter and a 36w PL luminaire (picked up new for £25 - get in!) now giving me 2.5wpg and 20x turnover if filter's running at capacity!
I'm finding this sight amazing for picking up budget tips and (more importantly at the minute) inspiration for designing my own tank.
Away from work i'm mainly a dad! I don't get enough chance to go to the pub - but i guess that's no bad thing!
Hi George
Thanks for the welcome, yes I intend to create a journal to share with you all!
I look forward to starting it in the next few weeks.
Hello, my name is Peter. I am 30 and have just got my 2nd tank. Really though, t is my first one, as i had a fluval edge for 4 weeks, cycling, but i returned it for a refund after repeated problems. I then purchased a Wave Cubo, a nano tank of 30 litres capacity. I would love to get a large tank but only have a small space on my desk in a spare room at the moment. I am employed part time in retail and am studying part time for a degree in geoscience, with the OU.
I bought my fluval edge on impulse whilst browsing a garden centre, and have been on forums ever since, seeking more information, and i real feel that i have missed out by not having a tank until now.

My current tank has a standard 18W fluoro light, 250lph hob filter (to be upgraded to an eheim 2213 asap) and a FE co2 unit being delivered next week. I have it planed with cypto wendtii, java fern, anubias nana, java moss, flame moss and dwarf hair grass. Some hygro polysperma and blyxa japonica is on the way. I have a redmore stump and some gneiss as hard scape and black gravel as a substrate, which i might underlay with some cat litter when my co2 arrives and the tank is rescaped. I have 6 male endler's (N class) and 1 scarlet badis, which are both fascinating fish. Very active. M goal with this tank is to create a jungle look with time.
Eventually i want several tanks. But that will need to wait until i have more space. (and money)

I have found this site to be full of great info, and am on here almost non stop at the moment, infact proabably too much considering i should be writing a dissertation on submarine tsunami triggering earthquakes!! Aquascaping is so much more interesting though.
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