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saintlys "The Henge"

saintly said:
Dan Crawford said:
Was that the Staurogyne? strange, it just grows and grows in my tanks, real slow but it still does well. Shame that pal.

yup! it was showing new growth, the all of a suden every leaf dropped of it. ive pulled it out and it had roots at least 3 inches long healthy white ones. its in the bin now
Mark, if the roots were still white you had a fighting chance of recovery. The first suspect in any type of tissue loss should always be CO2.

saintly said:
Dave Spencer said:
That stem plant looks like Rotala sp green to me. It definitely isn`t HM.

well the ticket from aquafleur said rotal WallichLi. im still no wiser as to what it is,im realy not happy with the way i keep buying one plant and finding out its sometrhing else.i dont get that with tropica. i just know i like the look of it 🙂 and its growing. i dont hink now im going to go with vivipara. im liking the stems it gives it a totaly different look to the usual iwagumi thats planted with just hc and a bit of grass
I trust Dave's assessment on this one. There is no way that plant is R. wallichi which typicallylooks something like this:

ceg4048 said:
The first suspect in any type of tissue loss should always be CO2.

yet i have a green drop checker with 4 dkh water. everything else is thriving. there were no leafs at all when i pulled it, so surely it wouldnt grow back?

saintly said:
ceg4048 said:
The first suspect in any type of tissue loss should always be CO2.

yet i have a green drop checker with 4 dkh water. everything else is thriving. there were no leafs at all when i pulled it, so surely it wouldnt grow back?

Nope, not true. White roots means the plant is alive. All cells in a plant contain the DNA and RNA for growing new leaves or new roots. The instruction set is there. A leaf can grow roots and a root can grow a leaf. This isn't a guarantee, just a possibility. Haven't you ever seen a crypt completely disintegrate and regrow later? Well, all that was left was roots.

Not all people eat the same or grow at the same rate. Similarly, not all plants use nutrients/CO2 as effectively. Also, the distribution of nutrients and CO2 within the tank is not homogeneous. Green DC may be OK for most plants in the tank while not OK for others. A green DC isn't automatically OK if flow, light distribution and uptake efficiency vary in the tank. For staurogyne to grow in your tank configuration you may require nearer to yellow or increased flow. The plant may have come from a high CO2 tank to which it was adapted and had trouble adjusting to your lower levels. This phenomenon happens quite a bit when hobbyists send out specimens. The plants arrive, are placed in the tank and disintegrate within a week. The reason? Lower effective ambient CO2 and nutrient levels in the new tank. The minute you start to see disintegration this is a signal to crank up the CO2. Forget about the DC color. The plant knows more than the DC. 8)

ceg4048 said:
This phenomenon happens quite a bit when hobbyists send out specimens. The plants arrive, are placed in the tank and disintegrate within a week. The reason? Lower effective ambient CO2 and nutrient levels in the new tank. The minute you start to see disintegration this is a signal to crank up the CO2. Forget about the DC color. The plant knows more than the DC.

thanks clive, just shows my weaknes's now eh? :lol:
even though the plant is out, ive up'ed my co2 and fert levels. from 2ml tpn+ to 3ml perday.

ceg4048 said:
Haven't you ever seen a crypt completely disintegrate and regrow later? Well, all that was left was roots.

ive never grown one, ive heard of crypt melt though...ahhh, (penny drops) 😉

so if id of waited the chances are it could of grown back? i might order some from AE and see what happens.

thanks againg clive 😀
after a day of more fert and co2, the plants are pearling far more than they have ever done. is this a good sign clive? my drop checker is on its way to yellow now

Yep, pearling is always a good sign. This indicates food production via photosynthesis and imminent future growth using this food. The only thing negative about pearling is that all those bubbles mess up the photos.

ceg4048 said:
Yep, pearling is always a good sign

like ive never seen in this set up. my big tank pearls sooo much.

so i guess you are right clive regarding the higher levels of co2.

ceg4048 said:
The only thing negative about pearling is that all those bubbles mess up the photos.

yeh, i try to take my pics in the morning if i can.

thanks clive (we need a thumbs up smiley)

well after all the excitment of the aga, im all fired up and decided to trim my stems!

clive, things are greening up nicley now! 😉

i think this pics shows off the beauty of opti white. see the back wall? same colour behind glass as it is without glass! no tint.


anyways, thanks.
Yeah! Sweet. It takes guts to crank that needle valve, but if it's done carefully the results are unbelievable. 😀

Can you see now why I think that double dropchecker with a reference green bulb is so totally bogus? Aren't you glad you didn't shell out that £28? :shock:

ceg4048 said:
Can you see now why I think that double dropchecker with a reference green bulb is so totally bogus? Aren't you glad you didn't shell out that £28?

totaly, begining to understand. 😉 you cant real tell from the pic ,but the drop checker is lime green, and it dont seem to bother the fish or the shrimp.

ive still got that big gap infront of the big stone, but as you might see ive planted Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53b'. which i'll try and keep small and bushy, if it dont work out it'l come. :lol:

Tanks looking great! hope with all the recent excitment of ADA you u are planning on entering into AGA?. With 3 scapes allowed per entrant The UK should be well represented this year. If I were you I would get that Rena scape in too!

I have a small confesion to make - I love The styling of this tank so much ive got myself a (very) similar set up for my next scape. Ive gone 60 x 30 x 30 opti white on the same cabinet as yours. Trouble is the Mrs has put her foot down and said one has to go to make way for the new one, So im facing tearing down what I think is best scape so far (dont know if I can bring myself to do it 🙁 )
Looks like lusty Glaze has to go 🙁

Sorry didnt mean to hi jack your thread saintly 😳

I actually forgot to ask -

Are you trimming the HC reguarly, Ive used it a few times now and have just let it grow and grow until Ive either ripped it out (leggy) or re scaped. Im interested to know how it responds to trimming, Im guessing this is something you have to do from the start?
Just gets better mark.

Still think that rotala is a young rotundifolia... sure i'l be corrected soon enough 😀

Understand about the Co2 also. My drop checker is the same colour, with no signs of ill affect towards my fishes.
planter said:
Looks like lusty Glaze has to go

oh no, i love that scape. i prefer it to coast TBH.
planter said:
Tanks looking great! hope with all the recent excitment of ADA you u are planning on entering into AGA?. With 3 scapes allowed per entrant The UK should be well represented this year. If I were you I would get that Rena scape in too!

I have a small confesion to make - I love The styling of this tank so much ive got myself a (very) similar set up for my next scape. Ive gone 60 x 30 x 30 opti white on the same cabinet as yours.

im flattered, truly. you'll love the opti white though 😉

i think i might just enter the AGA, just for judges comments, but i think i allready know where ive gone wrong on my setups. so judges wont surprise me. still got a month or so before the last day of entry? hope so, for growth on the henge. the water is the clearest its been since setup 🙂 just a waiting game on the plant side.

i trimmed my hc a few weeks ago, i recieved advice from nasfish at MAC forums. he reckons you can trim it just like glosso, it appears that hc is also heat sensative! acording to stan chung at MAC.

i got this reply from him after pm'ing him.really decent chap actualy and a brilliant scaper. 😀

"As for stable growth I think it's with the season. It's particularly sensitive to heat.
We have two tanks in an LFS for example but one is warmer[not under the air conditioner] and the other is doing better then it goes downhill with hair algae. LOL. Too many fishes and none of the kind that eats hair algae.

something to bare in mind. i certainly am.

my hc suffered recently with browning, now im not sure which remedy has worked...higher ferts and co2 or the water cooling back down!(it got to 30c ) runs at 24c. anyways im getting new growth again! and is pearling. maybe the combination ?

planter, the calls yours mate. as stan said to me, its about personal experience with plants.

jay said:
Still think that rotala is a young rotundifolia... sure i'l be corrected soon enough

:lol: the debate continues! :lol:

jay said:
Just gets better mark.

cheers jay. 😀 but not without help from certain members here.(you know who you are 😉 )
