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saintlys "The Henge"

Thomas McMillan said:
As much as I'm upset that this scape is going... the next one seems awesome! 😉

thanks thomas, its not dead as yet. when ive decided on the scape positioning etc. i'll pull it apart then. i need the plants...moss some hc, e tennellus. i have stems in the other tank that i will use also some crypts. these are new to me so will see how things pan out.

aaronnorth said:
i used to have that thomas train set :lol:

joyous214 said:
oohhhh.... nice...
😀 thanks joy, early days yet.

as you can tell the forground is mainly hardscape, so i'll have top get it dead right. once ive got something close, ive got tio transfer the whole idea into the optiwhite :?

plenty of pics for that job me thinks.
you genius :idea: wish i could create something like that,
keep it going pal
Oh no, we can't have that! We need at least 70 pages from the next journal! I must say, the wood's looking awesome, I think it will be a fab scape. Have you started it yet? :lol:
saintly said:
the henge is now a nursery housing some stems for the future scape.

Luxury, I say! I've got an old scratched, octagonal tank as a standby...

saintly said:
heres the proof aaron...


But with the plants in an optiwhite nursery home, I know we'll see a cracking scape in the next journal 😀
well, i guess a plus side to ripping this tank down is that you could get your hands on those last few ember tetras. :lol:
Thomas McMillan said:
well, i guess a plus side to ripping this tank down is that you could get your hands on those last few ember tetras. :lol:
yeh the little bliters. they were the last thing i took out the tank. they tried to bury them themselves in the AS.
saintly said:

I like where you're going with the stone arrangement and sand with gravel at the front. Like Dave Chow's 'scape.

It looks beautiful and has the beginnings of a real nature aquarium.

Is it Mopani wood? If so, its the only time I've seen it put to good use, never usually liked it.
blimey, when did i do this? this is a distant memory...

JamesM said:
Nice one Mark, looking forward to your rescape mate 😀

cheers dude.

JamesM said:
thats one nice bit of wood... looking forward to seeing it planted

this is where i started my graded nonsense then?.... :lol:

chilled84 said:
What are you carpeting with?? 😵

nothing my friend.



these really were trial and error days.