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saintlys "The Henge"

Themuleous said:
must be great coming down the stairs to that tank and scape every morning 🙂

it is rather nice, i remember when i first started with plants and my big tank is where this one is now, every morning coming down peering in....oh still cloudy! still got algae! :lol:

it makes a change to look at something half decent.

I really enjoyed reading trough this journal. Great tank, great pictures. I like it a lot. Keep up the good work!
Hi Mark,really nice setup and the journal is a good read,just one thing why have you got the filter and the heater outside the cabinet?,regards john.
john starkey said:
just one thing why have you got the filter and the heater outside the cabinet?,regards john.

because it wont fit inside. you sound like my wife john, she asked the same question.

here's why john, it wont go in the front. and the gap in the back is too small also. cables co2 restrict me too. i am untidy naturely :lol:

JAmesM said:
I'd take a jigsaw to the back

that did cross my mind. it would be posable to cut a bit out and still have enough support. i could allways modify it. just cant be bothered. or i could buy a bigger tank to go with the filter :lol: now there's a good idea.

saintly said:
here's why john, it wont go in the front. and the gap in the back is too small also. cables co2 restrict me too. i am untidy naturely :lol:


See that image right there?

Thats just convinced my girlfriend to let me have an open top tank, luminaire, Iwagumi set up in the living room.

Thank you Mark :lol:
jay said:
See that image right there?

Thats just convinced my girlfriend to let me have an open top tank, luminaire, Iwagumi set up in the living room.

Thank you Mark :lol:

nice to be of assistance. jay. im still trying to convince mine :lol:
saintly said:
JAmesM said:
I'd take a jigsaw to the back

that did cross my mind. it would be posable to cut a bit out and still have enough support. i could allways modify it. just cant be bothered. or i could buy a bigger tank to go with the filter :lol: now there's a good idea.


Hi Mark,i am sure a bit of solid two x two would be plenty as a middle support on that size setup and then the wife will be happy and the whole thing would look absolutely top notch,regards john
john starkey said:
,i am sure a bit of solid two x two would be plenty as a middle support on that size setup and then the wife will be happy

this weekends mission.

all the embers are out of this tank, for seem reason i couldnt get them to feed properly :? there also in big tank.

this weekend shal see an algae crew going in. theres only 1 otto and 2 shrimp at the mo. ive trimmed my stems again tonight and all is looking good due to the new co2 levels and ferts. thanks clive 😉

e tennelus has been trimmed and ive taken a bit of the hc. you can see the stems are starting to bush, so not long till this scape is finished i reckon.

ive held out too long without posting a pic...it's killed me. :lol:

heres an update. clive your experience has payed off in my set-up mate 😀 . the tank is looking the best its ever looked. green lush vibrent. the hc is going mad. it will need replanting i reckon.

pearling like #'?*# 🙄

the first pic is without the filters running and left for 5 mins to show the pearling and the bubbles on top.




this with a slightly different white balance setting in RAW.taken yesterday.





Looking mighty fine mate.

One thought - you may consider doing something with the (incredibly healthy) HC lawn. At the moment it is the weakest part of the aquascape as it's two dimensional. Even pruning it downward toward the front glass would increase the sense of depth, so it's not 'squashed'.

You may notice some of the top 'scapers have open areas for this reason. One solid carpet across the foreground lacks texture.

I know I'm nit-picking, but you deserve this attention! It's meant as a compliment really...

Oh, and super photography, just for a change... 😉
George Farmer said:
I know I'm nit-picking, but you deserve this attention! It's meant as a compliment really...

hi george, long time no speak mate. nit pick all you like. its how we/ i learn. 😀

i totally understand what your saying. your bang on really.

i wished i'd kept that sand front right in the beginning. these are all things that im thinking about in the next scape. 😉

the hc, needs a good trim. this seems to be my downfall at the minute....letting things overgrow 😳
hope things are ok for you out there.

saintly said:
the hc, needs a good trim. this seems to be my downfall at the minute....letting things overgrow
It's all a big fat learning curve pal and you've come a great distance in a minute amount of time! Love ya work.
EDIT - oh yeh, your photography makes me feel like a child in a man's world :lol: (no comments George!)
Tank is looking awsome Mark and those photos even better 🙂 you sure you don't want to swap your 5D for my 5D????

Keep up the prunning or it will end up like in my tank, having to dig it all up as you also found in your large scape, looking forward for the changes you plan for you large tank and see what you do with the HC on this one.

George has a good point as always, I have seen Tom Barr prune is HC at the front of the glass, makes a huge different straight away, you should check it out.

Keep up the good work and photography 🙂