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saintlys "The Henge"

yeh, the little blighter's. i just couldnt catch them. they now think there minnows now. :? i'll get them soon ray.
Nah not at all mate. I'm just a little confused... so the embers have been in there all along?

Do think the minnows look stunning in there. Maybe better on their own though?

Oh yeah, I've just sent you a pm on Aquascaping World forum about this site being down for me, but its obviously working now. Don't know what went on but, meh 😀
jay said:
so the embers have been in there all along?

there were 8 i think...i couldnt get 4 of them because they just dart in the grass.

jay said:
Oh yeah, I've just sent you a pm on Aquascaping World forum about this site being down for me, but its obviously working now. Don't know what went on but, meh 😀

got your msg dude. no probs.....come on ukaps tech team, buck your ideas up :lol:
aaronnorth said:
i hate catching fish, i always have to wait until they get tired out :lol:
I caught 6 embers from my 4ft tank last night - took ages as its quite heavily planted... In the end I put a jug in there and left them for two minutes, then covered the top with a net when they swam in 😀
when i was doing my work experience i bet the customers got fed up of waiting :lol:

All the other guys are more 'aggressive' and just slam thenet net against the side to trap them while i am more carefull so i dont damage them. 😳 i just chase them around, took me 25mins to catch a 10" texas cichlid to move it into another tank :lol:
aaronnorth said:
en i was doing my work experience i bet the customers got fed up of waiting :lol:


heres the forground in all its glory. sloped, bits taken out.


PLEEEEAAASE say you like it. :cry: its driving me nuts
I like it. Just give her time.
Also, I find the easiest way to catch fish is to turn the lights on at 3am and net them while they're asleep.
Garuf said:
I like it. Just give her time.
Also, I find the easiest way to catch fish is to turn the lights on at 3am and net them while they're asleep.

I've never heard of that approach before! It sounds like it works though.

I think the foreground looks great. I'm not sure if the little rocks on the sand are doing it for me though.

Excellent fish choice too.
Been following this for a while, thought I'd comment for once!
saintly said:
PLEEEEAAASE say you like it. :cry: its driving me nuts
I think it's more whether you like it. While I agree it's nice for others to appreciate what you've done, it's even more important that you like it since you have to live with it!
Garuf said:
Also, I find the easiest way to catch fish is to turn the lights on at 3am and net them while they're asleep.
Hmm, interesting tactic, might have to remember that one!
Thomas McMillan said:
I'm not sure if the little rocks on the sand are doing it for me though.
Ditto. Or maybe they're just in the wrong place, they might look better to the right, drawing your eye up the line that currently runs up the tops of the plants, maybe that's just me being geometrical though! 🙄 :lol: They'll probably look better when the HC has spread a bit more, at the moment the harsh white black contrast is a bit much and draws your eyes from the rest of the scene. Have a play with them and see what you like best.
Nice i like it. Love the fish sets it off nicely...

I always laugh at the poor guy that has to catch the fish, always feel sorry i tend to go look around so there is less presure. But still laugh. Found watching people try and catch otto's the funnest...!!
saintly said:
heres the forground in all its glory. sloped, bits taken out.
Looks great Mark, just don't mess around with it anymore 😉 let the plants grow now and then decide if you need to make any further adjustments 😉