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saintlys "The Henge"

joyous214 said:
Nice i like it. Love the fish sets it off nicely...

I always laugh at the poor guy that has to catch the fish, always feel sorry i tend to go look around so there is less presure. But still laugh. Found watching people try and catch otto's the funnest...!!

If the shop assistant is struggling to catch fish or shrimp for me I always try and put them at ease - usually I make a point of saying how rubbish I am at doing it! I hadn't thought about walking off, that would be a good move!
The funnest, i watched a poor boy cant have been more then 16 yr old over the weekend, trying to get tiny shrimp. This women and her son wanted this special on and everytime he got one the little boy went no not that one, that one... I was crying i was laughing so much. The kid had gone brighter red then i ever seen 😳 and sweating like mad :lol:
ok, here's the usual update. things going real good, good growth shrimps doing there job etc. etc....actualy thats a lie! the shrimps are pain up the ass! they keep sifting through the sand and AS which is making it fall to the front. i know its the shrimps because ive seen them do it. so ive gone from having a grain perfect forground to a forground full of AS as you can see in the pic.

this weekend shall see yet another trim to encourage bushing of the stems.

saintly said:
aaronnorth said:
but i think the stomes are getting covered a bit to much

hence the trim.... 😉

if you had quoted the las part of the sentence it did say ' see what it looks like after the trim'

But IMO it will have to be a big trim to get them back again and the main part of the tank, that is what i was trying to say before.
aaronnorth said:
But IMO it will have to be a big trim to get them back again and the main part of the tank, that is what i was trying to say before.

maybe your right aaron.

heres a side view....

Good bit of trimming there, almost looks architectural. Just needed up that sand and make it ruler traight... could pass for an ADA tank 🙂
Love the way the riccia is almost turning into the rotala.
thanks jay, i thought this tanks life was close to being over but things just seem to be getting better. i have more of a "vision" for want of a better word, for this setup. i even get to practice trimming techniques.(not sure if there right) there working for me anyway.

the one thing i am thinking about is re producing this in my big tank. but with hills, open ground etc. i got a toothbrush to my stones today and there looking nice again.

there's just so many different options to us as aquas capers...its great isn't it? 😀
I liked it before the trim!!! hee hee.. but looks so neat after. how do you do that. mine looks slightly less wild!! but that just looks perfect.
joyous214 said:
I liked it before the trim!!! hee hee.. but looks so neat after. how do you do that.

give it a couple of days and it will start to look natural again. its just because of the initial trim it looks so neat. its took weeks to get the stems to where they are now. now its got to the bush stage i just nip the tops of all the stems which encourages new growth. its all experimentation BTW, ive never done it before but things are going ok. you can already see the stems growing in the first pic, one day on

ive just be experimenting with angles and flash for when i photograph the tank proper....


a couple of the fish and shrimpy (whos been causing all the mess)




thanks for being bored! :lol: