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saintlys "The Henge"

Haven't you got the remaining Embers out yet? 😛

I think this tank is amazing, seriously. It's just really unique and I love how it looks, like with the rock placements and stuff. I would actually say it's one of my favourite tanks of all time, if not my favourite.

And I definately prefer it now from how it was before. It's more unique than it was now.

Well done, Mark. Keep it up!
Thomas McMillan said:
Haven't you got the remaining Embers out yet? 😛

not yet thomas, the lill buggers :cry:

Thomas McMillan said:
I would actually say it's one of my favourite tanks of all time, if not my favourite.

hopefully i can improve some more over the coming weeks.

JAmesM said:
Nice, love the first pic..

yeh, im looking for the best angles for the set up when it comes to photograph proper.im having a mare with my sand at the minute. i swear if that shrimp dont stop it he's going in my next curry!
Hi mark,tank is looking good as always, you have really done a good job with it and the trimming is very neat,regards john.
oohhhh yeah my shrimp moves things round used to have clown loaches they were a royal pain in the rear. nice i might steal couple of ideas for my mini 35L one...!! if you dont mind
john starkey said:
tank is looking good as always, you have really done a good job with it and the trimming is very neat,regards john.

cheers john, im enjoying the tank at the moment, trimming etc. its nice when things go well.

joyous214 said:
oohhhh yeah my shrimp moves things round used to have clown loaches they were a royal pain in the rear

:lol: yep, right old pain. i got rid of my clown loaches.its a shame they dont stay small.

joyous214 said:
nice i might steal couple of ideas for my mini 35L one...!! if you dont mind

go for it, its nice that someone likes the tank enough to want to emulate certain ideas. 😀

just to report 2 days after trimming e tennelus is rising from the ground once again, it grows WAY too fast now.
anyone had experience with Myriophyllum mezianum ? ....ive bought some and planted it in the back left corner. as you can see its left a void where ive ripped out my grass and e tennelus. from what i can gather this new plant is just what im looking for. im hoping i can get it into some kind of shape that will blend in with the other stem. the timing might be way off but only time will tell 🙄

if it dont work it dont realy matter, just a plant i'll never buy again. comments allways welcome.
Hi Mark,

The scape is looking lovely, nice job mate.

As for the Myriophyllum mezianum, its not a very common plant as im aware. Tropica are bringing out a new Var. It can look really nice. When its in full photosynthasis, it looks like its coverd in ice or snow. Some Sp get very red stems and vivid greens. Treat it like any other stem by way of trimming. My experiance of a Myriophyllum sp has been that it isnt an amaizingly fast grower- But my experiance with it is limmited.

Hope that helps.

thanks graeme, its looking like the scape could be over anyway 🙁 riccia has gone belly up and its integral in the scape now.

ive butchered the big tank and that looks awfull now so it looks like im up for 2 total new scapes. of to the green machine tomoz to buy some new materials
well heres a pic showing the areas that are dying off on the riccia balls. im realy not sure what to do...carry on, rip it down :? as you can see the riccia that becomes part of the stems is crucial to keeping the shape. if it goes its going to look crap and i cant bring myself to try and get around the problem. it might just be easier to start again. i think visiting TGM tomoz will help me decide. im going to buy a load of rocks ADA AS etc so i could scape both tanks.


Rip it down. For me I think this scape has done everything it could do without a drastic change.
You could maybe try this sccape without the sand foreground and just let the HC grow over or something? See how that looks.

Please don't rip it down though. :l
Thomas McMillan said:
You could maybe try this sccape without the sand foreground and just let the HC grow over or something? See how that looks.

Please don't rip it down though. :l
Go backa few pages... like 20 or something. The sand was added later 🙂

Why not just plant some new stems or add some flame moss to replace the riccia, Mark? Is there a rush to get this finished or something?
JAmesM said:
Thomas McMillan said:
You could maybe try this sccape without the sand foreground and just let the HC grow over or something? See how that looks.

Please don't rip it down though. :l
Go backa few pages... like 20 or something. The sand was added later 🙂

Why not just plant some new stems or add some flame moss to replace the riccia, Mark? Is there a rush to get this finished or something?

The tank wasn't as mature as it is now though. 🙂
JAmesM said:
Why not just plant some new stems or add some flame moss to replace the riccia, Mark? Is there a rush to get this finished or something?

i know what your saying james and ive thought of the possibilities. theres no rush and yes its possible to pull it back around.its sounds daft but its gutted me a little that its happening.

im kinda thinking what garuf's thinking, but if i get my big tank under way i'll probably forget the problems in this tank and let it do its thing i suppose.

thomas, i hear what your saying 😀 but my dilema is more towards the gaps the riccia will leave.

maybe i could create the same kind of thing with moss? ive got stacks now its grown in my big tank.mmm...i could find rocks of similar size and instanly fill the void. thoughts everyone?
Flame moss would look great - I've used it myself to fill a spot :lol: But yeah, any moss could work, and the darker colour will add a nice bit of contrast. I can't help but think this tank needs a splash of red somewhere too...
JAmesM said:
Flame moss would look great - I've used it myself to fill a spot :lol: But yeah, any moss could work, and the darker colour will add a nice bit of contrast. I can't help but think this tank needs a splash of red somewhere too...

I agree that it could look decent if it's done right but I don't think the redness should be too intense. Something like the amber shade of R. Roudifolia or B. Australis (I think) when under intense lighting.
we touched on this subject a while back i think. id love to see a tinge of colour. i was hoping the newly added Myriophyllum mezianum would add something, not necessarily red, but something.

i'll ask jim what plants he could recommend tomorrow.

thanks for the input guys, much appreciated. i didn't realise how attached i was to this setup 😳
after coming back fro TGM all enthusiastic i reckon ive said the henge. i remember someone saying put moss into the set up. ive taken the almost dead riccia out and in its place ive added the moss from my big tank. it dont matter cus' the scapes over 😀

what do you reckon?...the gap at the back (left) is going to be filled with a stem. i reckon the moss looks way better.


ut in 2....
I've been bugging you to use moss I'm glad you finally saw sense. Love it mate.