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saintlys "The Henge"

Hey Mark,

Having just spent some time looking back over this journal I just wanted to stop by and say how much ive enjoyed it. I really do hope you enter the AGA with 'The Henge' . The UK needs YOU saintly 😀

Nice work pal
cheers for the latest pics Mark.

Good luck hitting the deadline, but if not, there is always next year 🙂
another trim has occurred tonight and everything seems to be ok. i seriously doubt it will be ready in time for aga. but hey who cares 8)

im really starting to understand about textures, layers and positioning of plants with this aquarium. some of it working some of it not. there's one or 2 spots in this tank that seem "empty" but slowly and surely i'll fill these gaps.

i still don't have an algae crew and boy don't i know it. the usual task of amano shrimp cleaning my rocks is defiantly lacking in this set up. soon though...

anyways hc is growimg in at a quick rate now. and my unknown stem is bushing nicely. riccia looks good too 😀

aaronnorth said:
get a nerite, they are amazing at cleaning!
might do.

ive just recieved my new tubes from PM! thanks mate. ive put them in and cannopt believe the difference. so much whiter. luvely. not that horrid pink. we'll see how they go.

heres a pic to show you. hopefully you'll see the differenece. ignore the alagae on the lilly pipe. 😳 had no time what with work!

usual ytheres a pink glow on the back wall. i'll do a compare shot later.

im blown away with the light colour rendition of these tubes.greens are so green. 😀 cant thank you enough PM 😉

will the higher K (lights) help with the plant growth?

so i have 1 plant pro and currently one orsam lumilux skywhite.you can just see the pink and white on the surface of the water.

here's a couple more pics. ecxuse the dirty hardware AGAIN 😳


with all the kit out.

im begining to think it maybe ready for the 15th! 😀 just need a nice shoal of something now....sharks maybe? :lol:
My first thought was it needed some stems in the left corner, but you already have a nice line on the left side of the existing stems, so why not shape up the right too? Looking good though mate, wasn't keen on the sand at first tbh, but its growing on me 🙂
JAmesM said:
My first thought was it needed some stems in the left corner, but you already have a nice line on the left side of the existing stems, so why not shape up the right too? Looking good though mate, wasn't keen on the sand at first tbh, but its growing on me

cheers bud!

i'll go and trim it now. it has been bugging me for a while.
it was easy. ive taken minimal of the right side just to give it shape. thats it.

rough pic mind, still got cuttings too :lol:

JAmesM said:
What's the internal for?

initially to help with general flow issues. weeks ago i started showing signs of hair algae. so i wapped the internal in up co2 etc, etc. ive never seen signs since. but now im scared to take it out! :?
i'll take out and see how things go.

thanks for the replies James 😉
Looking really nice mate, really should consider entering it. Just, those little tufts of tennelus coming from the pogostemon and HC near the main rock? Reckon you should take them out. Will neaten up the 'pads' of green those plants.
Looks fantastic saintly, minus the trimmings that is, On the subject of trimmings how do you get your stems so dense and how do you trim downoi?

Can I offer a critique, get rid of the riccia and swap it for a less obnoxious moss it really throws the scape. (Sorry to be so brutal).