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Formula H contains glutaraldehyde......doesn't say it is glutaraldehyde!
I would be careful with this item....more information is needed on this product!
Seeing this thread after I just spent £15 on easycarbo...! Where to buy in UK?
It looks like Bonnymans have it in stock via Amazon. Anyone in London interested in clubbing together to get it?
It looks like Bonnymans have it in stock via Amazon. Anyone in London interested in clubbing together to get it?
I saw that but given it's out of stock on their own website (GTL_UK's post above), I think maybe they've just not updated their Amazon page. 🙁 Probably worth an email to check before buying anyway.
Supply and demand
Nhs is phasing it out leaving only a small number of people using it hence high prices and out of stock where its cheap
And where it is still in use its at much lower concentrations so it doesn't need diluting for use thus minimising the risks to the user
have you emailed these people and asked for price and availability on larger amounts?
Came across something called Steranios which is 2% glutaraldehyde. 5l is £37 delivered. Someone on monster fiskeepers is confirmed to be using it

Researching to see if it has anything other than glut and water... Looks promising...