I think I mentioned a while back I got a few peace lily cuttings from my mother to try growing emersed in my tank later on. ..Or did I?
Cant be bothered to check, im mentioning it now anyway

It was just supposed to be that and maybe a "parlour palm" thing, im not entirely sure what happened but I seem to have lost control of my body and now have the kitchen table full of various beautiful plants to try to use as really fancy duckweed. I dont know where I am going to put all these plants and I need to stop before things spiral completely out of control, if they havent already.
Its been a while since I last visited a garden center, probably a couple of years at least. I forgot how nice it is to just walk around in there, looking at the plants and smelling the fragrant air.
It was very unhelpful of them to have a sale on assorted mini plants, 3 for ...something. I wasnt really paying attention as I was already gleefully picking out plants.
By mini plants I of course mean normal plants that are 1/10th the size of regular plants but somehow 1/3rd the price. Funny how that works isnt it.
At some point I remembered that I have no idea what I am doing, and that I should probably check that they can grow hydroponically at all.
Fear not, UKAPS had the answer and some searching turned up
this link of hydro-compatible plants. Thats a lot of shinies isnt it...
The plants I will need to figure out what to do with are the following:
Spathiphyllum 'Chopin'
Chamadorea elegans
Calathea 'Freddie' (I guess some plants come pre-named now, it didnt strike me as a Fred but what do I know)
Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave'
Anthurium with purple flower
Random mystery fern (The garden center staff had no idea what this was, and after bothering 3 separate employees about the ID of said fern I was about to commit seppuku from social embarrassment and decided it would be better to hear what
@dw1305 thinks it is instead of continuing to harass the poor staff)

The Anthurium has a cooler purple tone in real life, but for the life of me I could not get the camera to register it right

The unfortunate plants that ended up in my possession. Did I mention that I dont have a green thumb? I think it may actually be black and necrotic..

Im trying to covert them to growing hydroponically, while I try to figure out how im gonna keep them long term, if they even make it that far 😅
I dont want to add anything emersed to the tank right now while the chlorosis issue is unsolved.
And I am worried that many big emersed plants will make growing my submersed plants in good form difficult. Might start a thread about it.

warts and all all warts.
Moved a few plants around, the right hand side looks a little less tragic now, lush stargrass saves the day 😁

Ludwigia sp. Marilia got moved to a brighter spot, I could tell within a day that it really appreciated it, camera has washed all the color out (as usual

) but its turning a bright sunny yellow.
The propagation of Super Red is going well as you can also see. Pleased that I was able to rescue the few stems I had left.
Some gratuitous noodle pics for
@shangman and
@KirstyF 😉

Speaking of beady eyes, do you guys have any idea how hard it is to get focus exactly on a tiny beady eye with a phone camera that is well past replacement time

Ill continue to pat myself on the back for not replacing my phones until they break, and while I do I get a convenient excuse for lack of photographic skill!

This noodle has a unique little chin strap in his pattern, but only on that side.

This one kept getting photobombed by shrimp

Windowsill subjects doing ok. Pedicellata Golden has put out a lot of roots lately, the sprigs of Pantanal are not doing amazing. Thinking of transferring them to aquasoil.
Native fissidens mosses doing well. The color difference is interesting. I removed the native fissidens from the tank as I was really low on space and they were just not that decorative.

Drop checker color of today. Still 20ppm liquid. Not 20ppm green.
Not sure what I want any more. Fish seem very comfortable at this level and even when it was higher. So should I bother with decreasing? Will give it some more thought.