Today is water change day again, and at this exact moment I realised I forgot to put water in the barrel yesterday 😳 Oops..
ahem Tomorrow is water change day. (Its possible the barrel will finish heating up late today, I will have to see..)
I got the water change finished after all yesterday, it
ahem got a bit late but it got done 😅
I got just about all of the water changed, I drained the tank down to just a couple centimeters in the front and the large Aquael canister was also emptied of water.
TDS in the tank was 222 before water change, fresh water remineralized had a TDS of 113, and TDS after water change settled at 123.
So a total of about 10ppm's worth of old tank water was left. I think that will be entirely good enough as a clean slate. I had decided against doing a double change to be kinder to my shrimp.
As if that wasnt enough, after the very late water change I did some even later fertilizer making. Normally making ferts so late at night would not be recommended, but when I am not a permanently exhausted pigeon I tend to be a bit of a night owl, so theres no guarantee making the fertilizer at a more appropriate time would have been any better. In fact the last time I mixed ferts in daytime there were tons of mistakes, so ill stick with what I do.
The new macro is made out to a target of 1 N (not NO3) per week, but Happi said to start at 1.75 N so I am multiplying my dose by that.
Normal dose is 30ml, 30ml x 1.75 = ~52 ml. Technically 52.5 but my doser doesnt do half mililiters.
This will give me a weekly;
NO3 7.75 (N 1.75)
PO4 0.7 (P 0.22)
K 1.17
(Micros are 0.3 Fe still)
This is not far off from Tropica Specialized at recommended dosing which is;
NO3 7.12 (N 1.6)
PO4 0.36 (P 0.12)
K 1.236
Most notable difference seemingly being the P.
Because of the "low" amount of K in Tropica, we are fairly sure that Tropica uses something else than KNO3 for its N.
The community's best guess is Urea and/or NH4NO3.
Since I wouldnt think twice about the safety of dosing Tropica Specialized at recommended levels, I think doing the same for Happi's starting dose will be safe.
If I was to start dosing Urea at EI levels I would probably want a gradual introduction.
But regardless, in an abundance of caution I set up my doser to spread the macro dose out over the photoperiod.
Previously I had the doser set up to dose micros at lights on and macros ~12 hours later.
I have recently read that plants uptake of nitrate and ammonium "increases during the day with a maximum at the end of the light period after which the uptake decreases."
It doesnt say anything about Urea, but I think Urea might not be naturally occurring at the levels that we fertilize plants with.
Anyway, I set the doser to do micros at lights on and then spread the macro out into four doses of 13ml to be dosed with an hour between them. Right now the doses are in the early part of the photoperiod, but I might change this a bit later. Since the plants grow pretty hard at the start of the photoperiod, I wanted the macros to hit the water in time for that demand.
I have taken fresh reference photos from above of the plants today just as light came on, because some of the plants have moved slightly and same locations makes for better comparison shots.
Will probably take a new set in three days time and again in a week.
I will monitor the fish and shrimp closely and of course also the plants. CO2 levels also.
Have plans to record TDS changes as well to get a little sneak peek at what is going on.
I feel like I was supposed to write something else as well but I have forgotten
😉 Too-de-loo for now