I have gotten some suggestions from
the almighty cult leader @Happi of things to tweak to see if we cant get the Heteranthera and some of the others growing better 😉
I made a new batch of macro fert today, only to last 4 weeks which I think will be a good length for tweaking.
We're going up from 1.75 N to 2 N, and instead of 82%/18% Urea/KNO3 this one is 50%/50% and a touch more P and K.
Also increasing micros from 0.067 to 0.1. So;
8.86 NO3 (2 N)
0.8 PO4 (0.26 P)
3.12 K
0.1 Fe
0.05 Mn
0.02 Zn
0.02 B
0.006 Cu
0.0001 Mo
0.0001 Ni

There is a shift in the balance of the tank, the new type of thread algae is increasing,
and BBA not only seems to appear in less new locations, it also seems to be going away in places where it is already established.
I didnt really expect this, and ive spent a few days staring very closely at stuff to make sure I wasnt just imagining it.
Like this pebble here with the mystery Riccardia that appeared in one of the native mosses, I could have sworn it used to have more BBA

Unfortunately, because many of the mossy pebbles have been ugly lumps of black BBA growth, I havent taken many pictures of them because BBA is not very interesting to photo.
I dont have any real good before and after shots yet because of that, but I have taken some closer photos now and will monitor the development.

A snail decided to make its way across the Pantanal exactly when I wanted to take a photo. Thanks snail

Slimy threads like unhappy plants

Marilia group is finally starting to look presentable from the side.

Unhappy Heteranthera

Ok Hydrocotyle

Fairly happy Tonina 🤷♀️

I wonder what this Crypt will end up looking like. Purchased as Silver Queen, and im not sure if I have seen many pictures of that variety submersed.
So far it doesnt look much like the emersed leaves.

Ive gone back to JBL 20ppm liquid for the dropchecker, the CO2Art liquid I have is just too pale to be usable and once I started questioning the bromothymol blue content, I also started questioning if it is precisely 4dkh and if the readings can be trusted. I dialed the CO2 down a bit to try to get closer to 20ppm as well.
Lastly a photo of Cryptocoryne spiralis Red, its just such a lovely cheerful plant with beautiful leaves.
I wonder if the pink appearance is because of the chlorosis issue, and that I might get redder leaves when that is properly solved.