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  1. Tim Harrison

    Domestic heat pumps & solar - any advice?

    I've done various renovations over the years and took a deep dive in to air source heat pumps for the last one. I quickly came to the conclusion it'd only be efficient enough to justify the initial outlay in a passive type house. As @Ehcosbie above, and underfloor heating is needed to get the...
  2. Tim Harrison

    Strike Action - Views

    I was also going to mention Acas. Also, your company might offer support in terms of CV writing and applying for other jobs etc. Always good to find out, no harm in asking. Always best not to make any assumptions. Might be a good idea to apply for all available roles straight off the bat. When...
  3. Tim Harrison

    Strike Action - Views

    @Gill, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It's incredibly stressful. I don't think there is very much you can do. It seems your employer is acting responsibly and trying to do the best by the workforce. Employment law in this country is quite stringent and usually in favour of the...
  4. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    @simon_the_plant_nerd. Kinda... My wife was born in Clydebank. And I kind of learnt to understand my mother in law. She was brought up in the Gorbals. She was Glaswegian through 'n' through 🙂
  5. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Sorry Darrel I disagree completely. You're a scientist you must acknowledge that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And for the record I'm not trying to stir up problems, quite the opposite. The questions I asked are quite ordinary and wholly legitimate. I'm not going to make a...
  6. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    That's a fair point @AlecF. But it would be a good idea for the committee to produce accounts with a full 7 years financial disclosure either way. It'd be good to know that all has been above board over the past 7 years, at least. But perhaps more importantly it'd provide the committee and...
  7. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Not sure whether that was meant to be satirical or not, I had to watch it several times with captions and I still didn't understand it. But the planet doesn't need saving from us. We need saving from ourselves. We need to get out of our own way.
  8. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Since UKAPS is now community owned and led. Will there be full disclosure and transparency regarding finances dating back 7 years; the full length of time that bank statements are available? Hate to sound like a stuck record, but this issue seems to have been conveniently ignored. I think it's...
  9. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Oil and gas aren’t fossil fuels and are not finite resources. They are more likely than not abiogenic and infinite, on a vast commercially viable scale. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2008RG000270 Green energy ain’t so green. Compared to oil and gas it’s a dilute...
  10. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I can, and I have. That’s because it’s fundamentally true. It’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Also, from a post a few years ago… And to quote German physicist, Max Planck, ‘science advances one funeral at a time’…
  11. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    What’s the alternative to hydrocarbons?
  12. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    For sure, the arguments for global warming are well established and very convincing. They’ve become culturally entrenched and accepted without question, and therefore dogmatic. Accordingly, any dissent is usually met with incredulity and indignant rage, or both, and immediately shut down...
  13. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Hello all, I'll start by saying I've a masters in Environmental Management from a Russell Group University and have several years of post graduate ecological research under my belt, along with stints as an ecological consultant, conservation officer and lecturer and teacher. No doubt global...
  14. Tim Harrison

    All That Remains - Take II

    You could try placing a few pots of French marigolds near to your aquarium. The volatile organic compounds they give off can help control aphid infestations. It’s an old gardeners trick. Which has now been backed by research. My dad used to place several at regular intervals among his tomato...
  15. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    We all appreciate you Thierry :)
  16. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Exactly, why let a few folk ruin something that gives you joy, whatever that is. Especially something you have an obvious talent for ;)
  17. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Here's what I think is happening. From the article I linked above. The consequence of depleted carbonate in the aquarium water is twofold. Firstly, it can adversely compromise how fish regulate the minerals in their body through osmoregulation. In itself, this can be deadly. Secondly, without...
  18. Tim Harrison

    Star Jasmine.

    I think some plants are reluctant to flower when conditions are good. Most of the energy goes in to vegetative growth and there is little incentive to flower, since the plant is not stressed and has no need to reproduce to perpetuate its genes.
  19. Tim Harrison

    Changing times for UKAPS

    It is the end of an era. Paulo pretty much built this forum as it stands today singlehanded. He's been its backbone and lifeblood for well over a decade. The fact that UKAPS is still going strong when almost all other forums have gone to the wall stands testament to his dedication and hard work...
  20. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Take a look at this article. https://www.freshwateraquariumservices.co.uk/post/understanding-and-avoiding-old-tank-syndrome
  21. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Just a stab in the dark but so called "old tank syndrome" immediately springs to mind.
  22. Tim Harrison

    Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae.

    Thanks Darrel. Again not sure I understand it properly but the conclusion is quite surprising and exciting. It highlights the need for huge revision of the taxonomic group, and probably others too. This quote from the conclusion sums it up for me. 'The result was indeed quite different from the...
  23. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Can you provide the info below especially a FTS? It might make it easier for folk to help diagnose what the problem is ;) 1. Size of tank in litres. 2. Age of the set - up. 3. Filtration + Media/Sponges. 4. Lighting and duration. 5. Substrate. 6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing. 7. Fertilizers used &...
  24. Tim Harrison


    Welcome :)
  25. Tim Harrison


    Welcome, Very nice tank :)
  26. Tim Harrison

    Help needed. Miss calculation on Under Gravel Filter

    I'm not sure there is anything you can do about it other than tear it down and start again if you want to use an UG filter. However, I wouldn't bother, I'd leave it now and hook up a canister filter. Next time, perhaps give some thought to using grill type plates. It's how I did it back in the...
  27. Tim Harrison

    Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae.

    I'd like to see a phylogenomic or phylogenetic analysis of the Hyphessobrycon genus, that could prove very interesting.
  28. Tim Harrison

    Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae.

    Crikey, sounds complicated, not sure I fully understand the process or how definitive the results are, or whether it just further complicates an already contentious field. I wonder if the new nomenclature will catch on, and if so how long it'll take. Or whether it'll just be left alone...
  29. Tim Harrison

    Planting Technique Advice

    A decent set of pincettes will make life a lot easier. The business end is often better designed and they're often better sprung. Push the plant in at a slight angle into the direction of any flow. Allow the pincetes to spring open and withdraw them straight up. If that fails use the mark 1...
  30. Tim Harrison

    New Aquascaping

    Welcome 🙂
  31. Tim Harrison

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    Anyone else want to confess to MTS? How many tanks do you have? :)
  32. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    Looks like it's shaping up to be a great UKAPS members meet. And what an amazing venue. I'm sure a good time will be had by all :)
  33. Tim Harrison

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Maybe I should merge them in to one single epic 😁
  34. Tim Harrison


    That's dire, definitely send it back. Just out of curiosity where did you purchase it? There are more than a few alternatives on the market these days with decent silicone work.
  35. Tim Harrison

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    Got MTS? Maintenance getting you down? Don't worry, help is just a quick phone call away. . . Not really, don't ring that number 😁
  36. Tim Harrison

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    They definitely do better in larger numbers, and you'll perhaps see more of them as well. I had well over 20 micro rasbora in this tank. I gave them plenty of hiding places which also helped. They were still fairly elusive but that was okay since I got to see them on their own terms.
  37. Tim Harrison

    Hello from London

    Welcome 🙂
  38. Tim Harrison

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    Definitely look fat and healthy to me too. Are they behaving strangely or as expected?
  39. Tim Harrison

    Mixing ADA aquasoil v2 with other brands?

    Mix away, I've mixed several different brands in the past and no disintegration. As far as I can see there is very little difference visually as well. Regardless, it's not something I'd worry about too much particularly ;)
  40. Tim Harrison

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    There's nothing ugly about that tank. Superb, well done :)
  41. Tim Harrison

    Is Rotala h'ra and Rotala Orange Juice the same plant?

    Not in my experience. I've grown them side by side. H'ra is red, Orange Juice is orangey in colour, so aptly named :)
  42. Tim Harrison


    I think it’s okay to use if it’s properly dead and dried out. I wouldn’t add it if it’s still got some sap. It will rot after about 6 months. Ivy. Same with any other kind of wood, including Azalea root. I wouldn’t use conifer wood at all though. It’s best to strip the bark from all dead wood.
  43. Tim Harrison

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Give AG a call. They often have plants for sale that aren't in the online catalogue, or show as out of stock. If they don't have it Dave or Steve will order in and get it to you asap
  44. Tim Harrison

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    @Cazza I just posted it above :)
  45. Tim Harrison

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Pro Shrimp great for dry goods, and hardware but perhaps not always the best choice for plants. If you want guaranteed quality plants try one of our sponsors. I always use Aquarium Gardens. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/pro-shrimp-awful-plants.74334/#post-750608
  46. Tim Harrison

    Plant Storage Advice

    If they're grown emersed they'll be fine in a plastic bag on a north facing window ledge for a couple of weeks at least. I just leave the bag slightly open at the top and spray daily. In vitro pots, leave them sealed and place on a north facing window sill. Immersed grown, they'll keep for a...
  47. Tim Harrison

    Question | Could a plant's routes bust out the sealant on my tank? Echinodurus Cordifolius

    It is possible https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/paludarium-tartarium-glass-thickness.72937/#post-739421
  48. Tim Harrison

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    If you find the time to take the trip up to AG @MichaelJ let me know :)
  49. Tim Harrison

    CO2Art Awards are back

    Well done Ady @Ady34 , I hadn't noticed you got 3rd place. Really nice to see a Nature Aquarium scape in the top 3 :)
  50. Tim Harrison

    Twin star prism rainbows 🌈

    It looks very cool. I always think of it as an added bonus. Sorry doesn't help your wife's head though. Is it possible to move the tank to a place where the prism effect will be less distracting?
  51. Tim Harrison

    Fern melt??

    @Bigsilky can you read the guidelines for plant help and post the relvent data please https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/ However, if I were to guess it probably does have something to do with transitioning. Like you mentioned above AG grow their...
  52. Tim Harrison

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Anything like this? https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/white-fungus-like-dots-on-anubias-making-my-fish-sick.37756/#post-407875
  53. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    If the tanks are stable shutting them down for one day won't do any harm. But there is no need for the likes of us to do the same. I think it's just convenient from a business point of view.
  54. Tim Harrison

    The Art of Nature Aquarium

    600mm Nature Aquarium island layout
  55. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    I'm guessing that'll probably be Sunday, when the showroom is closed.
  56. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    Dave at AG, generally tends to use high light from the get go. He did explain why a while ago and I may have forgotten something crucial. But I think the gist is, it’s sort of a race between rapid plant growth and algae control. Basically, he concentrates on growing healthy plants rapidly to...
  57. Tim Harrison

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    I think it's just as simple as a change in environmental conditions. Crypts exhibit an amazing degree phenotypic plasticity regarding leaf morphology in response to different environmental parameters. It's probably more energy efficient, as a longterm strategy, for them to shed old leaves and...
  58. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Newbury

    Welcome :) Starting a journal is a good idea, then we can follow your journey, and if needed offer advice along the way.
  59. Tim Harrison

    Is this moss dead?

    I think the brown bits maybe dead. If there are any green leaves left the moss may grow and spread using the dead leaves as a growth matrix. It’s ideal in that it’ll still absorb moisture and help create the right environment for regrowth.
  60. Tim Harrison

    Aquarium and Natural History Books

    @Ben Cox you inspired me to try and complete the 1-5 vol. collection. Number 5 arrived this morning. Found it on eBay. It was sold as the English version, but it isn't, it's German. Not sure it exists in English, so I don't mind. Vol. 1 and the 1-5 photo index are new since they were fairly...
  61. Tim Harrison

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    It is possible to max CO2 in a low-energy aquarium and keep it relatively stable throughout the photoperiod by increasing surface agitation. Decomposition of organic matter also releases CO2. It's sometimes why natural waters have higher CO2 conc. than can be accounted for by atmospheric...
  62. Tim Harrison

    Oase Styleline 125 thoughts?

    I'm in the same camp as @seedoubleyou. Always go for the best you can afford, especially if you have your heart set on something. If you're like me, anything else usually turns out to be false economy since you'll probably end up buying it as well anyway.
  63. Tim Harrison

    something bigger, now a riparium

    Looking great, well done :)
  64. Tim Harrison

    How big is your towel? And do you wash it?

    A single tea towel, I wish. Even with a small tank I'm so messy I have to use an old beach towel. And it gets washed after every use. And sometimes even gets used at the beach too :cool:
  65. Tim Harrison

    Returning to fish

    Welcome :) Strange how fate sometimes intervenes ;)
  66. Tim Harrison

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Not necessarily. It is possible but perhaps not a technique that’s suitable for folk just starting out. I think its success hinges on a nutrient rich substrate sealed off from the water column and dense planting. It also requires good surface agitation to equilibrate dissolved CO2 with...
  67. Tim Harrison

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    I don't think I've ever dosed sufficient fertz for it to be considered true EI. And I've always used all in one ready mixed products like TNC Complete. Instead I watch my plants closely for signs of deficiency and just up the entire dose when I feel it's necessary, or add TNC Lite if I think...
  68. Tim Harrison

    Video (not photo) Camera Recommendation

    Have a look at Canon. It has a sale on at the moment on some products https://store.canon.co.uk/cameras/
  69. Tim Harrison

    Week aqua A430 pro, I'm disappointed?

    Coverage and intensity look fine to me also. You could probably get away with hanging it a little higher if you’re still concerned about it
  70. Tim Harrison

    Hello - I'm New To Aquascaping

    Try IKEA as well they often have a range of glass vases or containers that can be repurposed. Also, try charity shops, they usually have a bric-à-brac section with various glass bowls etc.
  71. Tim Harrison

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    In 2005 Tom Barr and a handful of other aquarists developed a eutrophic fertiliser dosing method know as Estimative Index (EI). They contended that inorganic nutrients do not cause algae therefore it is safe to dose ferts in excess. It initially met with a lot of resistance from the old guard...
  72. Tim Harrison

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Sounds like your CO2 is fairly well optimised. But stay on top of it and make sure you can rule that out as a potential factor. The reason, the new tank is relatively immature and missing an essential component to stability; a balanced microbial community throughout the entire system. This...
  73. Tim Harrison

    To Trim A Stem?

    Don’t pull them up, just trim and replant the tops. Best to trim at a level just below any hardscape so the ugly ends are hidden until they start to grow again. And repeat as and when necessary. The rooted stems should produce two or more new shoots, so you should end up with dense bush. One I...
  74. Tim Harrison

    Shallow tanks and emergent growth

    Nice example. I think the key is choosing the right plants from the outset, ones that don't mind their feet in water but can also tolerate lower humidity. So you're not necessarily restricted to what we normally consider aquatic plants. You also have more than a few houseplants to choose from as...
  75. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Take a break from aquascaping Thierry, and/or just keep a simple planted tank and enjoy that for a while. Either way, keep the best of your equipment, and store it out of sight, and out of mind. There'll come a point you'll want to return and you'll be glad you did :)
  76. Tim Harrison


    Welcome :)
  77. Tim Harrison

    Very Suspicious Anubias Rotting

    I think it must be fairly systemic throughout the industry, and a bit hit and miss. But yes perhaps that would be the best course of action.
  78. Tim Harrison

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Haha, sure has John. I might stick to the Blond @5.0%, and role out the Ale for special occasions :)
  79. Tim Harrison

    Very Suspicious Anubias Rotting

    It's probably Anubias rot or melt. There's a few older threads on this somewhere here; one below. It's happened to me too fairly recently and many other members in the past. It's probably infected nursery stock and I don't think there is very much you can do about it, except perhaps try again...
  80. Tim Harrison

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Visited Mount Saint Bernard Abbey today. It's a Cistercian Monastery set in beautiful Charnwood countryside. It has its own brewery and produces two types of beer, blond and ale, both are superb.
  81. Tim Harrison

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Further to my post above. Visited Mount Saint Bernard Abbey today, accompanied by my wife. Beautiful place, very well kept and very peaceful. Picked up a few bottles of beer. Both the Blond and the Ale are full bodied with distinctive flavour. The Blond is like an IPA, and the Ale a malty stout...
  82. Tim Harrison

    Hello from London

    Welcome 🙂
  83. Tim Harrison

    Things you don't see everyday.

    ...same guy showing off :)
  84. Tim Harrison

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Remember posting this last summer Marcel @zozo ? When I first saw it I remember thinking that's pretty cool, wish I lived near a Trappist monastery so I could try their beer too. Well I was using Google Earth yesterday, looking at my local area for places to walk to and visit, and stumbled on...
  85. Tim Harrison

    Has anyone got experience with NTLabs Test kits?

    Just err on the side of caution and introduce critters slowly and a few at a time if you're still not convinced. Normally my tanks cycle enough in a week or two to do just that.
  86. Tim Harrison

    Very Inconsistent Results- Advice Appreciated!

    On the whole I don't think your tank is doing too badly for a low-energy setup. Some of your initial problems could have more to do with inappropriate plant choices. For instance, Hygrophila Pinnatifida often proves difficult for experienced growers with CO2. Myriophyllum Mattenongrosse, really...
  87. Tim Harrison

    Good morning from Hereford

    Welcome :)
  88. Tim Harrison

    why are fish flicking themselves on plants and rocks?

    Could be either or both. If it were me I'd treat with a combination of eSHa Exit and eSHa gdex, to cover my bets. Or alternatively, it could possibly be some sort of skin irritation in response to poor water quality caused by high ammonia or chlorine etc.
  89. Tim Harrison

    why are fish flicking themselves on plants and rocks?

    Ich https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichthyophthirius_multifiliis https://eshalabs.com/esha-exit/
  90. Tim Harrison

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Nice architecture. What’s it like inside John?
  91. Tim Harrison

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    I think we're still doing okay especially since we have so many knowledgeable and helpful members, and more joining all the time. In fact someone commented on another forum regarding UKAPS, that, 'I've never seen a more technically oriented forum with so many knowledgeable members' :) I'm...
  92. Tim Harrison

    55 Litre high energy aquascape

    Very nice, well done :)
  93. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Very nice scape, if you want more epiphytes go for it. Why not think about attaching them yourself? I'd consider not using a UV steriliser, and think about your fish bioload. Planted tanks work differently to ordinary fish tanks. Plants and associated microbial communities will do a lot of the...
  94. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Go with the cheapest option then, Tropica Premium. But even with a high fish bioload I'd still be wary of N and K deficiencies, especially if you intend to plant heavily. Which incidentally is usually recommended
  95. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    No worries, quite understand. But might be worth mentioning all in one horticultural dry fertz. We've been looking in to Solufeed for instance. Or are they difficult to come by too...