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Just Stop Oil Protesters

I don't have a big problem with people wanting to shoot people, and I was mostly joking, but also just noting this is why these threads usually come down and I think they should. If people want to object to things in the news they have twitter or Facebook. In the last few days we've seen people accused of embezzling without any actual evidence. One of the reasons UKAPS works is the moderators usually restrict discussion to actual plants and fish. That means we all enjoy the discussion and our very varied and mundane views on life and politics don't get in the way. I get to appreciate advice from people whose politics I might hate, and for sure they'd hate mine. Even when there was a sensitive post on a. fish-related issue it was suspended, and a civilised resolution found. We all have opinions, from time to time we all like to shout about them, but what everyone keeps saying is UKAPS really works for them, because it sticks to people being helpful, so I hope the moderators will keep restricting things. There's a pleasure in interactions which aren't coloured by people's opinions.
I am pretty sure our friend John just choose those words out of outrage and to make a point.
Yep, I've no intentions of seeing anybody shot; well maybe the leaders of the two big political parties in the UK and one in the US, but that's another story 😉
I find the hypocrisy of some environmental campaigners astounding - many have extensive travelling histories, including many of the JSO. My personal favourite is Mya-Rose Craig, Birdgirl, who campaigns by going to the North Pole to get us all to stop flying. That being the same Mya-Rose Craig who held the Guiness World Record for having flown round the world to spot the highest number of bird species by the time she was 18.
Hi all,
I find the hypocrisy of some environmental campaigners astounding
I think is definitely a tenable argument, but I think the thing you can't argue about are these graphs and the effect <"increasing CO2 levels are having on the planet"> <"Global Monitoring Laboratory - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases">.


Personally I wouldn't be anything like as aware as I am of rising CO2 levels if I hadn't been a <"member of UKAPS">.

cheers Darrel
We heard all the same arguments against all the progressive campaigns, until eventually minds changed. Perhaps this will be the most difficult struggle of all, and it seems quite likely one we won't win, given intransigence. The protestors are realists. Of course, there may be show-offs and exceptions but focusing on them is just a kind of deflection.
I wouldn't want to dis credit the right to protest but you have to try to keep the general public onside. Change must come sooner (their aim)than later but my own opinion JSO are losing what should be positive by their disruption tactics The question about the flying the globe by 18 for a giuness record, she was only18 when completed so it should be people who funded this in the dock, I have no objection to JSO gathering at the North Pole whatsoever but Polar Bears might have a different view
I'm not sure I can think of any key progressive issue where the public were onside from the beginning? That's the point about how change works, with anti-apartheid or whatever, that a small minority have the bravery to begin the process of change, while public opinion is not bothered or against them. I'm not disagreeing with you about the stupidity of Guinness records for flying.
Never openly supported JSO so suspect your argument is I'll founded, still it creates...
It just astounds me that with a history like that, someone can't see the connection between their own behaviour and I don't know if I've ever heard her in any way express regret or acknowledge it.
I don’t believe the majority of the public are that bothered by JSO one way or the other. The most vocal anti JSO members of the public are those that have been inconvenienced by their actions, and I understand that. I broadly support the principle but I may not agree with all their methods.
The problem is that we’re all so wedded to oil and it’s by products that it’s difficult for the average person to contemplate life without it. It’s a finite resource though and even before it runs out it will be too costly to extract the last reserves. When that happens though is anyones guess.
Hello all, I'll start by saying I've a masters in Environmental Management from a Russell Group University and have several years of post graduate ecological research under my belt, along with stints as an ecological consultant, conservation officer and lecturer and teacher. No doubt global warming is a thing, but I wholeheartedly disagree that it has anything to do with us.

For those that are interested, this is a decent summary of the alternative argument to the usual alarmist rhetoric...

Do you have a view on the other byproducts / chemicals we produce?

Every time I get back to my little green space from central I feel coated with pollutants. Its like I can literally see the gunk in the air when looking along the underground tube tracks.

I do fall into the cheesy hippy category former Londoner now living in the countryside, growing my own vegetables, composting food waste and trying to buy sustainability, minimising waste… vegetarian… all the stereotypes etc…

When I’m in my garden and watch the wildlife and breath the clean air I feel so much better than when in smoggy city conditions.
Hi all,
Welcome back,
No doubt global warming is a thing, but I wholeheartedly disagree that it has anything to do with us.
I'm not trying to be funny, but I think that the link between atmospheric CO2 and global warming is established science? - <"Climate change: evidence and causes | Royal Society">.

I mean there might be a global conspiracy amongst climate scientists <"Fossil CO2 emissions at record high in 2023 - University of Reading">, but I'm going to say the chances of that are less than nil.

This talks about the medieval warm period <"Climate explained: what was the Medieval warm period?">

I certainly know who I'm going to believe.

cheers Darrel