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Alibaba Bent Corner 56 L -- First Planted Aquarium


New Member
21 May 2024
California, USA
Dry-start Date: 10 April, 2024
Flood Date: 20 April, 2024
Cycle-complete Date: 20 May, 2024 (2 ppm NH4 in 24 hrs)

So, I hope it's okay to make my first post a tank journal instead of an introduction? If not... well, I guess it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission 😉

I'm a molecular biologist living in California, USA. My previous experience with hobby aquariums consists entirely of a single, cringe-worthy 37 L tank I had when I was 12 years old. I don't remember much about it except I definitely didn't understand the nitrogen cycle, and there were no plants. I remember I had some gouramis...

A lot has changed! I've worked in labs doing research on Danio rerio and Xenopus laevis, both of which required enough aquarium knowledge to get the species reproducing, although there was, uhm, "high turn-over" in stocking these tanks, so long term welfare was not a hugely pressing concern. I have also worked in botany laboratories, but mostly in situations where we focused on growing common model plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, not decorative plants. I do keep terrestrial plants as a hobby, including several finicky species such as dwarf Vanda orchids.

In fact, this aquarium was originally born out of an idea where I would use the process of perfecting the water quality in my aquarium so that I could use the water taken from the tank during water changes and use it to water my more fickle, sensitive, and demanding terrestrial plants. I figured, hey! that sounds more fun than treating water in a barrel! Last words of the utterly deranged.

Hundreds of dollars and months later, here I am with my first planted tank. My goals have shifted somewhat, although I do use the water changes as fuel for my terrestrial plants.

Let's get started with the setup details:
Weird, brandless 56 L my LFS said they bought off of Alibaba. It has bent corners at the front, dimensions in cm of 50 W x 32 L x 35 H. I have been keeping it lidless. I like it, and it was half the cost of every other tank of similar size in the store.

Filter: Finnex PX-150, I know it's a weird one. I have a spin-type lily pipe to baffle the outward flow. Also, a 75 L capacity sponge filter that I will eventually move to a fry/hospital/quarantine tank.

Hardscape: Rocks I found on the beach a few minutes away from where I live. I do think they have some calcium bicarbonate component but oh well, they're pretty, and my water is already super hard.

Substrate: UNS Controsoil Black, very fine

Light: Fluval Plant Spectrum 3.0 (my first-day splurge.. there were many more)

Heater: Weird 150W heater I found online, idk the brand. It works alright.

CO2: 5 lb tank and GLA GRO regulator (& set), CO2 Art in-line atomizer

Aeration: Bubbles from both the sponge filter and an air stone are caught in a small glass bell to avoid surface agitation that would harm the floating plants. I am open to suggestions as to whether this is a good or bad thing.

Azolla caroliniana (meant to get mexicana...)
Barclaya longifolia
Echinodorus aflame
Eleocharis vivipara
Helanthium tenellum
Hemianthus callitrichoides
(do we say var. Cuba? We'll see how this does...)
Littorella uniflora
Phyllanthus fluitans
Rotala macrandra var. Mini Butterfly
(another "give it a try" plant)

Current Animal Stocking (added 20 May, 2024):
7 x Amano Shrimps
1 x Nerite Snail

Future Stocking Plans:
15+ x Celestial Pearl Danios (holy crap am I in love with these fish)
Maybe 3 x Otocinculus? If I mess up and get a bunch of algae that the nerite and shrimps can’t handle?

Water Parameters:
  • pH before CO2: 7.8
  • pH at peak CO2: 6.8-7.0
  • KH: 7
  • GH: 23
  • 0 / 0 / 20 ppm (“current” NH4, NO2, NO3)
  • TDS: 469 ppm (!)
  • Temp: 21 - 23 C (no climate control in room, heater usually keeps it at 22 C)


CO2 period:
8 am to 4 pm, ~1 bps

Journal of Events:

Day -10


Dry-started tank with L. uniflora and H. tenellum. Used citric acid and baking soda under the cling wrap to really fog out the plants with CO2. Probably unnecessary, and everything was way too wet anyway.

Day -3


I had fixed the moisture level and things were... fine... (and no mold at all!) but I did more research on the species I was keeping and I found out that H. tenellum maybe grows in its submerged form while TC'd, so I was just kind of making it suffer by doing a dry start. You can see some of it kind of melting in the foreground. I resolved to flood the tank ASAP.

Day 0 -- Tank Flooded


It's wet! You can see the aerator glass bell in the background. At this stage, I didn't have a heater, and although I put some red root floaters in they were getting demolished by the current from my sprayer bar. I also chose to remove the driftwood I had originally put in the background; it wasn't working out aesthetically.

Day 8


Added the Barclaya longifolia and devised a system with fishline and suction cups to keep the red root floaters sequestered away from the current. Added sponge filter and heater. Not much plant growth. At this stage, I was dosing Excel every other day to control algae (not to supplement carbon). Added a black background.

Day 18


I wanted to add a cute shrimp hide (on the right) and it turned into a whole damn thing. I ended up also moving some plants and adding a few more rocks from the sea shore... I think it looked a lot better, but I did have to uproot the delicate growing plants to do it...

Day 23


Got the remainder of the plants as a large order in the mail. I had my CO2 canister at this point and intended to start dosing carbon on this planting day, but the FZONE regulator I had purchased had a broken solenoid. I ordered the GLA GRO and hoped that the delicate plants would be alright until it arrived. Added the glass lily pipes.

Day 27


CO2 Day! Mostly I put this picture in because it is amazing how the change from Day 23 - 27 (4 days) is so much less than the change between Day 27 and...

Day 29


Look at all the growth in only two days! CO2 is a helluva drug. I also fit the sponge filter under the glass dome of the bubbler bell, so the bubbles that reach the surface are contained in the glass bell. I'll try and explain better later.

Today, 21 May, 2024 (Day 31, or 1 Month)

I was able to complete a cycle yesterday, as measured by twice successfully clearing 2 ppm ammonia in a 24 hour period. Confident that I had a good base of biological filtration, I got my first animal stocks in the form of Amanos and my nerite snail.




Full Setup Shot:

  • Plants are priority.
    • I'd love to get my many species of red plants looking quite red. I know to do that I would need to severely limit the nitrates in my water column, and right now I'm just not there yet-- most of the plants haven't even rooted, and I haven't done my first trim on most of them. Maybe in the future.
    • I also know my water hardness might become an issue for some of the most sensitive species. I steal DI water from my lab, but I'm trying to only use it to lower the TDS below 500 for sustainability's sake (marathon not a sprint and all that). I also have to carry it back 10 km on a bike...
    • My photoperiod is 6 hours of intense light and 8 hours total (well, I lied, its 13 hours if you count a 5 hour period of 1% blue and pink LED light). Right now my algae is mostly fine, but you can see some of it come up on the rocks. Is this something to worry about, or will the plants/amanos/nerite handle it?
  • Celestial Pearl Danios are the stars of the animal show.
    • When I first heard about these suckers I kind of thought they were a little pick-me and I didn't really like them. By chance, I happened to see a school of them on the day my LFS was storing them before someone took them as their special order, and... they're so cute! Their personalities are perfect! They're gorgeous, and tiny! I'm obsessed.
    • I have a tentative future plan to breed them in a secondary tank and either use them to make stocking my own tank cheaper or sell them. I also briefly entertained the idea of breeding them for color or shape variations, but I imagine it would take a pretty big breeding operation to get that going anywhere... maybe distant future plans.
    • I ordered 8 of them that should be arriving in a week or so. I'll continue checking my water parameters daily to make sure the tank is stable and ready for them before I add them!

As of right now, I don't have any specific questions, but I know there are things that I might not know I need to know. I'm open to feedback, especially considering I'm new at this. I've been a lurker on this forum for a long time to get answers to questions as I set up my tank, and I can say with certainty that this community has a high standard for information quality. I am excited to contribute and to learn what I can!
Welcome! I'm jealous of the access the west coast has to nice aqua scaping stores. Not much out here in the NE. :/

Oh, and if you're in it for the long haul, get ready to spend a lot more money haha
Welcome 🙂 agree with you on the Celestial Pearl Danio I love watching mine do the dance and put on a show
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I actually do have a pressing question, now!

I noticed two small green hydra on my front glass a few days ago. I spot treated both with less than a mL total of hydrogen peroxide and I sucked them up when they became detached from the tank. I already knew that was unlikely to be all of them...

Unfortuantely, I was right, and today there were 10+ of them on the front glass. I think they're eating an outbreak of cyclops that have taken up residence in my tank in the absence of predators. I know the CPDs will eat the cyclops and bring the population down, but it's going to be ~1 week before I introduce them, and hydra can grow out of control fast with a lot of food (something I know from my lab experiences).

I don't really want to go the chemical route with such a delicately established microbial ecosystem, especially since many of the options would also threaten my nerite. I'd rather get a nano predator that would eat the cyclops and the hydra, but leave my adult Amanos and nerite alone.

If I go this route, I'm looking for something that is as small and peaceful as possible (to get along with the CPDs), that likes my water and tempature parameters, and that will tolerate being the only member of its species (or will tolerate the smallest number of conspecifics as possible).

I suppose another option is that the CPDs themselves might eat them, being omnivores themselves, but I can't find reliable information about whether CPDs will eat hydra in a pinch. I am also open to the suggestion that a hydra outbreak will balance out once the CPDs are competing with them for the cyclopses, and therefore I don't need to do anything at all.

Any thoughts? Thanks again for the kind welcome!