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why are fish flicking themselves on plants and rocks?


New Member
9 May 2024
I have had a small group of neolamprologus multifasciatus for around a year now and they have been doing great up until a week or two ago when I saw one of the fish flick itself off one of the shells. I thought nothing of it but as time went on i saw it happening more often and they seem to be 'flicking' more frantically. I have an idea that it could be gill flukes but does anyone have any ideas or have had a similar experience?
Could be either or both. If it were me I'd treat with a combination of eSHa Exit and eSHa gdex, to cover my bets.
Or alternatively, it could possibly be some sort of skin irritation in response to poor water quality caused by high ammonia or chlorine etc.
At the weekend after taking some scrapes and viewing under a microscope, I found gill flukes on some of my koi. Treatment is going in this morning.

I've never tried taking mucous scrapes on aquarium fish though😕
At the weekend after taking some scrapes and viewing under a microscope, I found gill flukes on some of my koi. Treatment is going in this morning.

I've never tried taking mucous scrapes on aquarium fish though
yes, I feel that my shell dwellers would not be as co-operative as koi