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  1. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Hello, Robert, Thanks very much. It needs plenty more in the back yet, but I'm yet to decide on a read plant, but possibly Alternanthera Reineckii 'mini'. When I progress to setting up my 90p, this current scape may get the chop, in trade for a blackwater biotope setup with celestial Pearl...
  2. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    In situ:
  3. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Okay, so flooded today. Eventually got there after nearly pushing cabinet over and having to catch the tank with my shoulder on the corner :facepalm: Anyway, it's not looking at it's best, so I'll give it a couple of days to clear up and post some photos soon! :)
  4. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Mori no shinden

    Looks great al!
  5. Nathaniel Whiteside

    A closer look...

    Nice one!
  6. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Just about completed the centre column for my build. The end is in sight! Cheers, N
  7. Nathaniel Whiteside

    No Boy Scout: Attaching Java Moss.

    Hey, Taken from my old journal: I got tired of seeing the stainless steel mesh through my Fissidens fox, so bought some ADA Riccia stones ( after looking for 'black slate' to no avail). Dab glue and stick the moss in one direction, as it looks so much better: Layered effect taking...
  8. Nathaniel Whiteside

    So how about a glass aquarium with no silicone?

    I've just bought one :o
  9. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Plant identification?

    I'd thought AR as soon as I saw it too.
  10. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Rebei Bowl

    Looking nice mate, but I don't know how well the shrimp will tolerate 50% WC's.
  11. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Any idea what is happening to my Staurogyne Repens?

    Sounds like melt due to low co2 or flow in that area Andy?
  12. Nathaniel Whiteside

    RO under 100 quid?

    Ro-man machine with a D&D diaphram pump
  13. Nathaniel Whiteside

    What fish medication is in a UKAPS cupbaord?

    Esha products are meant to be good for treating specific problems. But yeah healthy tanks with big water changes and an overpowered filter should do fine if allowed to mature before stocking.
  14. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Decisions Decisions on upgrade

    What's more scary is the fact I can remember you selling your update 2 years ago! Flies by doesn't it!
  15. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Does my shrimp have parasitic nematode? (VIDEO)

    Yeah, using the 'brick' method :lol:
  16. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Where to buy Taiwan F1 at reasonable near to grantham?

    Get in touch with basil. He knows his shiz
  17. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Calling all nano scapers...

    Mine came out relatively unscathed. I need to update tonight. :)
  18. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Show Your Pets

    Bernice the beagle *
  19. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Show Your Pets

    Those eyes are the best Lindy! :lol:
  20. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Yoghurt and cycling

    ...an unstoppable force of nature, the likes of which has never been seen before.
  21. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Bad paint job

    One coat none drip is insanely thick and will need days to properly go off. Thin oil based paint down to a thick milkshake thickness in another tub. Defo use a roller too, better coverage and nice and fine. Edit: If it's near something really hot (radiator or log burner) than the oil sweats...
  22. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Aquariums in Bedrooms?

    I had a 250 litre In an upstairs bedroom. I often anticipated finding it in a wet living room. Being so large I'd advise against it.
  23. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Flourish Iron and Flourish Nitrogen

    If your dosing EI, then no, more nitrogen isn't necessary. Iron may be if you've a lot of plants that are Iron heavy (red) plants?
  24. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Massively sorry for the 'x'.. Must have been on a texting spree at the time :facepalm: Nice one dean! All this cabinet talk is making me want to show mine. But I mustn't till I'm done :o
  25. Nathaniel Whiteside

    IAPLC 2014

    Not a chance in hell for me then! Might start now for next year :lol:
  26. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CRS new tank

    Mainly down to genetics
  27. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CRS new tank

    Excellent. To be honest, it's the best way to go with livestock. Carefully cared for, by someone who knows the scene inside-out.
  28. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Moss and Skin Reaction

    Prune fingers from having your hands in water too long
  29. Nathaniel Whiteside

    German brand C02 kit

    That'll be the one. I forgot about them completely. and no, they don't trade anymore.
  30. Nathaniel Whiteside

    German brand C02 kit

    JBL? Dennerle? I thought Dupla were German, but they're Australian I think?
  31. Nathaniel Whiteside

    New full-time career in aquatics

    All the best of luck to you George.
  32. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Show Your Pets

    Barry the beagle
  33. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Show Your Pets

    Time to resurrect a great thread:
  34. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Yeah Rob, stands looking exceptional x
  35. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Paypal Help

    Yeah well you can top. Paypal up, but funds will take 5-7 days to clear. And your parents don't trust paypal... But let you have a credit card. The worlds gone crazy...! :drowning:
  36. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Paypal Help

    No, that's definitely not likely. And your money would be fully insured. I'm of the view that if rather send money via paypal than any other way, as it's by far the safest.
  37. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Paypal Help

    Okay, sorry. So why not set a paypal up yourself?
  38. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Paypal Help

    Why don't you just link your account to your bank then?
  39. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Andys HC propagator step by step

    Very nice. Can you supply a few more pics? Where did you purchase prop + equipment from? I can't find a decent one with a light built in..
  40. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Bucep's bluff thread finished :-)

    Tim 'nano tank' Magician is his actual real name.
  41. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Andys HC propagator step by step

    Sounds ideal. I'll send you some seeds to grow too? Ill collect them when they need harvesting. :P
  42. Nathaniel Whiteside

    help needed before abandoning ship

    And quite possibly next doors sofa thrown in for good measure...
  43. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Andys HC propagator step by step

    You'll need additional light at this time of year for sure.
  44. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CRS new tank

    I wouldn't advise publicly naming them. There's no point in name calling / shaming a company, and dragging the forum down. I agree fully with your right to complain, but using proper methods, such as discussing in private with shops / possibly even forum mods will yield better results.
  45. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CRS new tank

    They're pretty bad quality in terms of colour strength. But they need as much love as the beautiful ones ;)
  46. Nathaniel Whiteside

    help needed before abandoning ship

    ...Your going.. With.. Stus.. Mrs?
  47. Nathaniel Whiteside

    40l Nano

    I think it looks rather nice! Different seeing 'normal' homegrown stones being used. Will surely stop hard-as-nails water too! Easier to grow plants. Win win win.
  48. Nathaniel Whiteside

    help needed before abandoning ship

    Do not under any circumstances ramp your lights right down and leave co2 as normal. Otherwise you'll come back to 25 dead 'small tetras'. Do as Clive says, (as per usual! :roll: ) and turn lights and co2 off. Make sure that if evaporation occurs, that the spraybar/ outlet isn't positioned in...
  49. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Green adventures....Low Tech Jungle river

    Fantastic looking setup Jo. And some nice equipment. Layout is rather nice, and simple. Good to start growing some plants. Good luck with the 'fresher' side of life ;)
  50. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Antoni's 60 cm scape - Autumn déjà vu

    Plant health perfection. Amazing.
  51. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    I thought this was common mate? Then they pushed out submersed leaves? Might be wrong lol.
  52. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    Really? I hadn't seen they did it in 1-2 grow! Might have a go in my Dry start!
  53. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    I've never tried it. Is it co2 heavy? Or funny with ferts?
  54. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Disposable tmc kit with tropica bottles

    What it do? When Co2 liquids turns to gas, its cold like :lol: Can you claim another from supplier?
  55. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    Any hygrophila pinnatifida in there Tim? Could look quite nice behind the stumps. Love the texture of it.
  56. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Antoni's 60 cm scape - Autumn déjà vu

    Very nice Antoni. Plants look superb!
  57. Nathaniel Whiteside

    140lx70wx50h rimless ??

    Don't ask why, because I don't know will be the reply. I heard people recommend this as the best silicon sealant: Gold Label 290ml Clear Pond and Aquarium Silicone Sealant - Gold Label from Discount Leisure Products UK
  58. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Do!aqua mini m high tech

    Looking really nice mate. At least you know your good with pogo helferi!! Which quite a few Can't ;)
  59. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Mini amano shrimp

    Try mini Japonica
  60. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Nope, that's the narcotic psychedelic substances that make you think they're soft. But in reality, there as rough as sandpaper.
  61. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Do what I do.. Hold your breath.
  62. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Scratched glass - need advice

    Can't you get a resin filler to fill scratches in glass like those autoglass use? Glass Repair Resins
  63. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DTL's Planted tank journal

    First time Ive seen it. Looks excellent. Updates! to echo paulos request :)
  64. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Cheers P! I think the main thing is just to water as little and as often as possible. Obviously now with the new moss pieces on the wood, ill have to be a touch more careful. Growth looks promising. Nice to see vivid greens at this time of year. I'll keep this updated with any...
  65. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Aquarium controller

    or a treble one for Macros,Micros and Liquid carbon Bubble Magus Dosing Pump Starter Unit (BM-T01) Marine Reef Aquarium Additive | eBay
  66. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Aquarium controller

    Heres one if you dont know what your doing with Electrics: D&D Peristaltic Pump - PP1ML | Swell UK
  67. Nathaniel Whiteside

    IAPLC 2014

    Ill have a go if I can get tank set up in new house quite quickly.. Might be up against it, and I know 'little' tanks dont do very well, so no point me entering a Mini M :lol:
  68. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    By the way.. Sorry if i sound ridiculous, but what is Fissidens Geppi? and how does it compare to Fissidens Fontanus? smaller Strands I was thinking? is it similar to the 'Fox' Variety, as Thats what I received my Fissidens under.
  69. Nathaniel Whiteside

    25 litre tree scape

    Wow. What a Beauty! Going to look the muts after a few weeks pal. Nice one! :D
  70. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Okay, so The Fissidens /Riccardia Chamedryfolia mix ~ 1:2 Ratio mix with water has been applied, and I feel much more confident in this now. :lol: Can't really supply pictures of the moss, as theyre literally green specs on the Manzanita. Amazing how they can recover from such abuse.. On the...
  71. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Can output of LED's be converted in an understandable way?

    Hey Jomega, Yep, mines 8k for plants, but they'll grow in Anything. Just Aesthetically the 8k gives me a wide range of colour spectrums from orange to light blue. Cheers, N
  72. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Aquarium controller

    DIY Dosing pump Peristaltic dosing Head For Aquarium/ Chemical Lab | eBay
  73. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Can output of LED's be converted in an understandable way?

    My maxspect razor 160w apparently outperforms a 400w halide. With a very similar setup to what you describe. I'd say a rough pound for pound measurement is 3x t5. ..but, par is what matters, and is highly variable, setup to setup. From Maxspect Website:
  74. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Please tell me what that is..

    Seed shrimp?
  75. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Bleach dipping new plants?

    Put them in carbonated water for 30 mins. Co2 should deal with anything. And your plants will be overjoyed.
  76. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Moss failed. Stay tuned for another effort :) Just going to blend with water.
  77. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Okay, So it looks like a seagulls shat all over my tank... I'm not sure if it's going to take hold of the wood. I guess time will tell. Cheers,
  78. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Eheim Pro 3 - worst Eheim ever?

    You check the seals hadn't perished?
  79. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Bucep's bluff thread finished :-)

    Fantastic proportions pal. Only thing giving it away is the cherry shrimp! How've you found the Bucephs? Similar in cryptocorynes to care for?
  80. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Ha. Yacht varnish is supposed to be for external timber components. Probably a touch excessive. A few coats of even water based paint will give you a level if water resistance. Then just use a couple of topcoats of quick drying 20 min varnish if you please. Doing coats of heavy varnish at...
  81. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Are you putting the cabinet in the tank or are you intending to fill your kitchen with water. If floods hit, dibs on a seat on your cabinet
  82. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Struggling with aquasoil

    Not quite yet :D Moving out in 3 weeks though :o
  83. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Struggling with aquasoil

    I used these for my recent scape. Very very good. ADA Pinsettes S - buy Aqua Design Amano Nature Aquarium Aquascaping Tools | The Green Machine
  84. Nathaniel Whiteside

    HC dry start dying off

    What light you using? If none, there's your answer.
  85. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Struggling with aquasoil

    TMC Aquagro Straight Tweezers | Charterhouse Aquatics
  86. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    I was going to order some off eBay! Could maybe apply that at a later date? Will see what I can do! Cheers P, N
  87. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Cheers Paulo :) There's about £25-30 retails worth of Fissidens in there! This was some if harvested from my own supply. Hope it works out okay! :nailbiting: Ta, N