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HC dry start dying off


30 Sep 2011

My Hemianthous Cuba propagator started off really well and grew quite alot nut now it is dying off. The Andy's Propagator concept was used and is being hit by direct sunlight during the day. Any ideas why?


As you can see the top left corner has turned yellow and died. Please help!



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No its not dry because my water level is always 1-2 cm below substrate as well. These days we had alot of direct sunlight here so I guess sun was a bit strong but its wintertime so not that strong. Substrate is potting soil. Might it be the sun?
I m in Cyprus and from the day I have started this we have sunny days. This propagator is indoors and gets a good 8 hours. All was good up until a couple of days ago but I can't figure out why. The days didn't change, same sunlight same heat.

Nathaniel the plants are next to a window so I don't use light, but the thing is it was ok before for the past 10 days....
I had the same problem before. I used some white strips of "sticker plastic" to block about half of the sunlight also waited a few weeks before trying again because the temperature was to high ( in south China) now HC and other plant are growing really great.
For the winter months everthing is indoor with a light above it and now the plants are even growing better.
My HC is still dying off even when I moved it away from the sun. Is there a way I could save it since its quite rare where I live? Should I uproot it and place it in a bowl of water by the window to get direct sunlight (this time it will be in water though) ?
Hi all,
The Andy's Propagator concept was used and is being hit by direct sunlight during the day. Any ideas why?
If the sunlight is directly on it, it may have got too hot. Dark substrates like peat really absorbs and hold the heat. When the air is hot it can hold a lot more moisture, so the relative humidity will fall, even with a wet substrate.

cheers Darrel
My guess is also that the soil is to warm and this often results in root rot. Look at the roots, they should be white all the way from the plant's stem till the end, if not, cut away the rotting roots and replant in new substrate..... I actually don't even plant HC but just put them on the substrate ...done this a few times already, even with bad, half dieing plants