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Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M


Really looking forward to seeing HC and Eleocharis merge.


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Lovely scape, really really like that Nath and good to have you back with a set up :)
You may find you need to add one more small mid height piece of vertical (ish) wood from the centre of the wood cluster once the microsorum grows in to break the green and keep the focus in the centre. It's really nice as it is but your eye does tend to get drawn up and out of the tank with the right most piece of wood, the addition of another smallish piece from the cluster, mid tank height will just add a bit more weight there to keep your main interest within the tank but allow it still to be drawn around by the other pieces if that makes sense?
Really nice start mate and ill be following with interest.
Lovely scape, really really like that Nath and good to have you back with a set up :)
You may find you need to add one more small mid height piece of vertical (ish) wood from the centre of the wood cluster once the microsorum grows in to break the green and keep the focus in the centre. It's really nice as it is but your eye does tend to get drawn up and out of the tank with the right most piece of wood, the addition of another smallish piece from the cluster, mid tank height will just add a bit more weight there to keep your main interest within the tank but allow it still to be drawn around by the other pieces if that makes sense?
Really nice start mate and ill be following with interest.

Hello mate,
Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's always nice to hear a technical perfectionist point of view. :D
I agree that the centre may be drawn away from by the highest most branch on the RHS. I was toying with the idea of adding some sort of red stem in just behind the central focal point, maybe some alternanthera reineckii "mini" or a bucephalandra sp.

Going from it's positioning, it should hit the golden ratio, right on the nose.
What I said in Ali's thread mate.

I don't think a gradual fill would be a good idea, think you would see issues until you had it filled enough to start getting flow and co2 in.

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What I said in Ali's thread mate.

I don't think a gradual fill would be a good idea, think you would see issues until you had it filled enough to start getting flow and co2 in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Iain,
A big rock it is then :p although, the wood does seem to be taking on a bit of water, As I'm misting the Microsorum fairly regularly. Might take that back out when I do the moss, until it takes hold.
Lovely layout. Making me think hard about my next tank. I could definitely live with a mini m after seeing what you are doing with yours.

Thanks very much Rob,
I can recall your NA tank back in the day, and I know what your capable of with layouts and plants.
Definitely get one, or the do!aqua ( but I also recall your taste for all things fancy with your NA! :lol: )
I find the little tanks are hard to work in terms of proportions, but obviously a lot less expense in plants and hardscape!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :lol: makes me hungry lol

only joking looking good get some update pics first thing nat ;)
Shouldn't there be more fissedens than yogurt? :p

Great start, liking the new layout :) :thumbup:

Cheers Paulo :)

There's about £25-30 retails worth of Fissidens in there! This was some if harvested from my own supply.
Hope it works out okay! :nailbiting:

Hope it works out okay! :nailbiting:
Other people have tried it and worked just fine so I am sure it will be ok, fissedens is a tough plant! You should have got some mini pelia too that looks even better on a smaller tank.
Other people have tried it and worked just fine so I am sure it will be ok, fissedens is a tough plant! You should have got some mini pelia too that looks even better on a smaller tank.

I was going to order some off eBay! Could maybe apply that at a later date?
Will see what I can do!
Cheers P,
So it looks like a seagulls shat all over my tank...


I'm not sure if it's going to take hold of the wood. I guess time will tell.



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