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Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

Okay, so The Fissidens /Riccardia Chamedryfolia mix ~ 1:2 Ratio mix with water has been applied, and I feel much more confident in this now. :lol:
Can't really supply pictures of the moss, as theyre literally green specs on the Manzanita. Amazing how they can recover from such abuse..

On the whole, the tank is looking in good shape, HC cuba is shooting up toward the light, looking in excellent health. The Eleocharis is looking pretty much the same as when it went in, but I know from past experience 'When' this takes hold, it goes like hell. so its just a waiting game for that. Stauro's looking great too and has grown a fair amount.

Microsorum Varietys both looking ok, despite not particularly liking emersed life, and being subject to sitting in a spare vase for a while. I hope it goes well and produces some nice growth soon.
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Looking good Nathaniel 😉 never tried DSM so will keep an eye on this one since I might give it a go when I rescape the Mini-M.
Looking good Nathaniel 😉 never tried DSM so will keep an eye on this one since I might give it a go when I rescape the Mini-M.
Cheers P!

I think the main thing is just to water as little and as often as possible. Obviously now with the new moss pieces on the wood, ill have to be a touch more careful. Growth looks promising. Nice to see vivid greens at this time of year.
I'll keep this updated with any problems/sucesses I have, as to provide reference for your future endeavors.. 🙂
Will be interesting also when you flood it, that light is just made to give people nightmares lol
Okay, so flooded today. Eventually got there after nearly pushing cabinet over and having to catch the tank with my shoulder on the corner :facepalm:

Anyway, it's not looking at it's best, so I'll give it a couple of days to clear up and post some photos soon! 🙂
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mate.. thats a very expensive smoothie... and it's flavor..am... I don't know, not a good idea for me! :lol:

realy nice job looking back for mre updates.... It'll look awesome full of water. Any fish idea for such tiny nano?

Hello, Robert,
Thanks very much. It needs plenty more in the back yet, but I'm yet to decide on a read plant, but possibly Alternanthera Reineckii 'mini'.

When I progress to setting up my 90p, this current scape may get the chop, in trade for a blackwater biotope setup with celestial Pearl Danios and possibly some Rosy Loaches.

Lovely stuff Nath!

Thanks Gary.

What is it with you and not putting doors on the front? Nice looking tank tho...

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I just took the door off today, as blum hinges on the top had pulled out the MDF, so need to fill and refit 🙂
Thanks Lindy.
Ha, I just remember the last one you made and never got round to a door and then saw this. Sorry for jumping the gun!

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Ha, I just remember the last one you made and never got round to a door and then saw this. Sorry for jumping the gun!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Funnily enough, I got that solid oak cabinet back yesterday 😱 would fit a 60p perfectly 😉

Oh, and don't worry! It would be quite a weird thing to do.. :lol: