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Ryan's ADA 60p (featured in PFK magazine) ukaps aquascaping experience

Ryan Thang To

18 Jul 2013
Hi guys
after shutting down my 400 litre discus tank i decided to go for a smaller tank with less maintenance and time. so i thought of buying a ada 60p tank and maybe a diy stand.
i had plenty of mdf and parts that will be need for the job but then i spotted justin a ukaps member selling the whole thing so i went ahead and brought it. it was a hour drive so wasn't too bad.
when i got there i was surprise how this little tank looks so clear and the quality of the tank is a amazing. anyways cheers for that Justin

I don't consider myself to know very much, but I am learning more every day.
my plans is to do a dsm and see how the dirt substrate works as i had never done it be fore and im hoping to try out new plants too. any ideals on some plants would be great!
at the moment Im soaking the wood and once that start to sink I will glue on some moss and go on from there.
i also been playing around with the scape and wasn't sure if i should add another wood pieces. let me know which one you guys like better!

Well guys here some details about the tank

ADA 60-P (17g = 24in X 12in X 14in)
Custom made ADA Style cabinet (white)
beamswork freshwater led
eheim classic 2217 with lily pipe and clear tubes
hydor heater 300w lol i know it overkill but that what i had spare
foxfish diy reactor
aqua pond soil capped with akadama and Unipac gravel in the centre
mini landscape rocks and redmoor wood
Microsorium pteropus windelov
Micranthemum "Monte Carlo
Limnophila hippuridoides
Ranunculus inandatus
Narrow Leaf Java Fern
Rotala rotundifolia
Eleocharis sp.'mini'
Pogostemon erectus
Ammania sp.'Bonsai'
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'
hydrocotyle sp japan
Ludwigia sp
Christmas moss
fissiden moss
not sure yet
2kg Fe and a jbl reg
Ei standard dosing

made sure stand was level
lol you can see my other tank
DSC0074.jpg DSC0076.jpg
I had 5 big rock I broke in to small pieces
here my layout

Some other options

# no 1
# no 2
# no 3
# no 4
#no 5
# no 6
# no 7 skinny pieces of wood I got off my nano tank

let me know which layout you guys like better.
cheers guys
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For what its worth I think 5 as well. Its the thicker central root pointing right I think will be a good feature. Having said that I've just polished off four cans of Kopperberg and a bottle of red wine 😱

Tapatalk On Blackberry PlayBook
For what its worth I think 5 as well. Its the thicker central root pointing right I think will be a good feature. Having said that I've just polished off four cans of Kopperberg and a bottle of red wine 😱

Tapatalk On Blackberry PlayBook

I meant to say 6. Just realised the numbers are at the bottom not top of pic. Time for bed I think.

Tapatalk On Blackberry PlayBook
or have they? First and last pic aren't numbered so not sure now 😀

Tapatalk On Blackberry PlayBook
cheers guys
Lovely little set up legytt. Very nice and the beamswork looks great.

Id say my fave are number 2 and number 5. More geared towards 5. They all look very good though.
Look forward to this and seeing what itll look like
Thanks alastar I like the led too. I thought I try it instead of the t5
Now that I've sobered up 🙄 pictures speak a thousand words!
root by AWB70, on Flickr
That's the one I like. I think that thick section of root covered in moss will be a good feature. By the way off topic, but where's the upload to imgur bit gone for direct uploads?
Now that I've sobered up 🙄 pictures speak a thousand words!
root by AWB70, on Flickr
That's the one I like. I think that thick section of root covered in moss will be a good feature. By the way off topic, but where's the upload to imgur bit gone for direct uploads?
Good night last night lol
Yeah im not sure why is not there. I use a upload picture website like http://postimage.org/
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