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  1. sa80mark

    Please help first time dirting...

    Sorry for the highjack :( Bigtom, did the aqua soil have any effect on lowering ph? I bought a bag last week and cant decided wether to use tap water (ph 8.2) or ro water Mark
  2. sa80mark

    EI Natural/Low Tech Literature?

    Here you go ;) ecology-of-the-planted-aquarium-diana-walstad-
  3. sa80mark

    Electric toothbrush..... Are the fully submergable?

    I think most are water proof my youngest daughter has got one of those cheap ones from asda with disney Princess on it and thats fully submersible and only cost about £7
  4. sa80mark

    James' new ADA 60-P ... New photos

    Ive found a seller on ebay (uk) that does black if thats any use to you
  5. sa80mark

    James' new ADA 60-P ... New photos

    Its was you :) I knew id been in a thread about filtet piping but couldnt find it :( was it 12mm black pipe you were after ?
  6. sa80mark

    How much harder is it to maintain water parameters with a small tank

    In my mind go for the 60p the smaller ones are really nice but you will get to a point where you sit there wishing you had just that bit more room,
  7. sa80mark

    How much harder is it to maintain water parameters with a small tank

    In my experience the only thing thats slightly more difficult in small tanks is temperature and id go as far as saying difficult is the wrong word, its just something you have to keep an eye on especially in summer, small tanks under 30l can heat up very quickly, as for water quality ive never...
  8. sa80mark

    grasslands nano thread closed.

    Im with you on the co2 thats why im going low tech until I get my custom reg built then I will have another go at it :)
  9. sa80mark

    grasslands nano thread closed.

    What a shame :( any plans for whats next ?
  10. sa80mark

    Waste water from RO through HMA filter

    Interesting question, ive been thinking the same thing, and although I dont know the answer I suspect it can be done but I think the filters wouldnt last very long due to the extra amount of minerals, contaminants etc
  11. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Ive got a sneaky suspension hes no longer in business, I could be completely wrong but that's the rumour
  12. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    I definitely think your on the right track now just keep up the water changes and keep pumping that co2 in, algae etc can take a few weeks to turn around so dont get disheartened With the bigger tank have you thought about going low tech ? Less water changes and as you can see from the likes of...
  13. sa80mark

    Odd PH readings?

    Have you tested tap water after gassing off ? Left for 12 hours or better still 24 hours, I did mine last week and it goes from approx 6.4 out of tap to 7.9 after 24 hours
  14. sa80mark

    First attempt

    Very nice jungle effect tank everything looks pretty healthy and very nice little crypts down the front, crypt parva ? By any chance
  15. sa80mark

    Totally confused about stocking

    On the very occasion you will find a betta with a bad attitude these are the ones that will have a go at anything, betta are similar to oscars in that they all have there own personality they can be more like a dog at times in that they learn who feeds them etc etc Betta are very misunderstood...
  16. sa80mark

    Totally confused about stocking

    Agree with above your not over stocked imo id say your near the limit and the only thing I would say is that the betta is unsuitable for 2 reasons first the filter is to powerful betta really dont do well long term in water flow and second keeping betta with tetras is not a good idea as most of...
  17. sa80mark

    CO2 Art Dual Guage Reg w/Solenoid working pressure?

    Probably a good idea buying one from the uk makes it a lot easier to send back if it doeant work ;)
  18. sa80mark

    CO2 Art Dual Guage Reg w/Solenoid working pressure?

    30psi is approximately 2 bar I believe the co2 art regs are 2.5bar so it will be fine the only issue you may have is the same as many people on here as well as world wide and thats if the atomizer you by is genuine or fake, if this is the case its what gets said when someone has one that doesnt...
  19. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    I would pit one before and one after the bubble counter just for peace of mind I cant view the video :( when youve got no live stock in there no limit to how much co2 you use so dont be worried about running it high, I was running mine massively high, so much I couldn't count the bubbles but...
  20. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Full plant list Anubias nana Moss balls Hair grass Ammania Hc Hydropiper Bacopa australis Lilaeopsis novea-zealandiae
  21. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

  22. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Sorry lads forgot all about updating :( ive added some hair grass, a tiny bit of hc and a few stems of Ammania In all honesty it looks a bit of a mess but its a good experimenting tank I will get some pics up asap :)
  23. sa80mark

    K1 filter media

    As above I used to use it in my sump when I had a fish room, imo its not all its cracked up to be, and at times can be a right pain in the rear, you have to ensure it stays fluidized other wise it gets gunked up in no time I ended up changing over to good old cheap pot scrubbers, alot cheaper...
  24. sa80mark

    90 cm fresh start. Thread finished.

    Looking great, very jealous :) I know many people arnt fans of black backgrounds but for me they make everything pop the plants, rocks etc Great rescape :)
  25. sa80mark

    Inspirational Cube layouts

    Thats the same problem I had :(
  26. sa80mark

    Inspirational Cube layouts

    I struggled finding many what I call proper planted cubes when I was looking for my nano cube the only real pointers I can give is search google images with searches like Planted cube High tech planted cube Planted cube aquarium And as many other variations you can think of :)
  27. sa80mark

    Cyperus spp

    Nice find on both the plant and the website :) definitely on the possible list :)
  28. sa80mark

    Cyperus spp

    Its a possibility mate, not quite what I was after im more thinking along the lines of Cyperus alternifolius Or this one which is just about perfect but I cant find it available over here :( Cyperus Dwarf Umbrella Sedge | Riparium Supply
  29. sa80mark

    Cyperus spp

    Im chasing my tail trying to find a Cyperus thats suitable for riparium use that is small ive found info stating there are species as small as 5cm but I cant find any names for these Does anyone know of any that stay smaller than approx 15 inch and will tolerate low humidity riparium conditions...
  30. sa80mark

    Anubias on Bogwood

    Super glue gel ;) or cable ties work well, they look horrible but in a few weeks you should be able to remove them :)
  31. sa80mark

    which used dslr

    Thanks chaps :) the video isnt important to me but I suppose its a nice handy feature to have, also the flip screen appeals, I can see where that would come in very useful, I take the point on the ageing d80 and think it maybe is just a bit to outdated I also like the idea of cmos sensor on the...
  32. sa80mark

    which used dslr

    Ive spent the last month looking into dslr cameras basically when it comes to photogarphy im a complete beginner, im pretty sure im going to buy a used camera for obvious reasons and I think im fairly set on a nikon, this is from the no end of reviews ive read, from what ive gathered nikons are...
  33. sa80mark

    co2 in tap water

    Good to know the simple solution is the right one :) thanks guys
  34. sa80mark

    co2 in tap water

    Im just about to set up a low tech dirt tank and thought I had everything set, then I had the bright idea to test my tap water for ph and the results have me a bit worried / confused as to what to do about water changes Ph straight from tap 6.2 Ph after standing (12 hours) 7.6 Ph after standing...
  35. sa80mark

    Go get some leaves!

    I would guess there alright but im not confident enough to say yes 100% safe, someone on here will know for certain though ;)
  36. sa80mark

    Go get some leaves!

    Possibly cherry ? Or beech ?
  37. sa80mark

    Go get some leaves!

    Thanks nath I may well just take you up on that :)
  38. sa80mark

    Go get some leaves!

    Beech and oak it is then :) just need to find a beech tree near me know :)
  39. sa80mark

    Do I need to boil alder cones?

    I used to boil mine when I used them in breeding tanks but many breeders I know just put them straight in, I only boiled mine just to be 100% sure there was no nasties
  40. sa80mark

    RO help

    One thing I used to do was to run my ro unit at night I dont know if its the same everywhere but my water pressure was approximately 1.5bar higher at night I presume this is because no one else was using water at night ?
  41. sa80mark

    'A Twist of Nature'

    Looks great gary, you really do have a great eye, as always I will be following this one :) just one thing though.... dont leave us hanging we all demand more regular updates ;)
  42. sa80mark

    Questions about emersed

    Its rarely a big problem as pretty much all plants are grown emersed at the nurseries ;)
  43. sa80mark

    TMC V2 iLumenAir

  44. sa80mark

    TMC V2 iLumenAir

    Just seen a post on facebook about these and damn they look nice maybe not quite as sleek as the maxspect but definitely looking forward to seeing more of them
  45. sa80mark

    Questions about emersed

    No a few people on her do it, just recently a member (bigclown) turn 1 pot of hc into about 20 pots worth growing it emerged, there is also a few members who have done dry starts with staurogyne ;)
  46. sa80mark

    Fire extinguisher CO2

    No I dont think anyone on here using a fe has had theres removed :)
  47. sa80mark

    Fire extinguisher CO2

    Thats expensive mate, check out ebay if you cant find cheaper locally, I got a referbished 2kg delivered for £19
  48. sa80mark

    Leaves Browning Slightly

    My guess would be flow rate needs upping, once the filter has media in and pipe length flow rate can drop upto around 50% again as a guess if your filter is full with media id say your flow rate will be around 800 - 900lph Mark
  49. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    If you have no live stock in dont be scared to crank the co2 up even higher :) Water changes can be boring but a few weeks of doing them will pay dividends also be happy you only have 15l to do, imagine doimg 200l + lol Fingers crossed things work out this time ;)
  50. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Water changes try to do them daily for atleast a week I was doing mine daily for 4 weeks, in a high tech tank as often as possible is always best, if you can only do it every 2 days then thay might work just try and do as much as possible 75% or more imo, With dosing imo its best to dose after...
  51. sa80mark

    Members Photos - can I use some?

    Damn fine idea foxfish :)
  52. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Looking good matey, only thing id recommend is shorten the length of pipe between the reg and solenoid, keep this length as short as possible :) The push fit wont leak its rated for 10bar so once the pipes seated correctly it will be trouble free Keep the water changes large and regular and...
  53. sa80mark

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Yes mate there compatible ;)
  54. sa80mark

    Unipac Micro Gravel

    Generally the smaller pieces end up at the bottom :(
  55. sa80mark

    Unipac Micro Gravel

    Imo I wouldnt worry about it, all 3 of the dwarf cory species are much more mid water fish than other corys, yes they do feed off the bottom but ireally wouldn't worry to much, topping the gravel with the sand will work in the short term but it will soon start migrating under the gravel
  56. sa80mark

    DIY or not to DIY....

    I agree go second hand, I got one of my eheim 2217 with taps and hoses for £23 posted because the impeller was broke wich was £6 so £29 for a £110 filter :)
  57. sa80mark

    soil substrate, mesh or not ?

    Im leaning towards using a mesh for the reason troi stated, I will probably be moving plants around alot to start with Is this mesh suitable ? 1.2m Gardman Greenhouse Shade Net Shading Material - By The Metre / Off The Roll | eBay
  58. sa80mark

    Trouble finding inspiration

    I struggle with the same problem the way ive found that works for me is first off decide what plants you want to have, this will tell you were in the tank they go once youve got this sorted and a picture in your head of where your going then use the hardacape to fill in the gaps :)
  59. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Looking good mate :)
  60. sa80mark

    UKAPS Tshirts options POLL

    Left breast :)
  61. sa80mark

    soil substrate, mesh or not ?

    Brilliant that makes life easier :)
  62. sa80mark


    Wasnt my first choice, my recruitment officer kind of bullied me into them, glad he did though, fantastic part of the army and will only become larger
  63. sa80mark


    AAC down in Winchester :)
  64. sa80mark

    soil substrate, mesh or not ?

    Ive been reading up on soil substrate and have come across tons of info but what I cant find an answer to is wether on not to use a mesh screen between the soil and sand cap What do you do ?
  65. sa80mark

    Betta Splenda

    Try Betta splendens uk On Facebook some of the people have some nice quality betta :)
  66. sa80mark


    Me to I support help for heros and donate to the poppy appeal due to being ex army and I donate to the rnli when I can, for me I suppose im a bit of an idealist and believe charity begins at home, ive been accused of being narrow minded but I live with that
  67. sa80mark

    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Fantastic mate it looks like youve got this breeding lark nailed :)
  68. sa80mark

    suitable riparium plants

    Thanks darrel, very helpful and nice links to ive not come across them ones :)
  69. sa80mark

    suitable riparium plants

    Thank you :)
  70. sa80mark

    suitable riparium plants

    Very nice foxfish, what are the 2 plants at the rear right ?
  71. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    No problem mate I think I might have tracked down a supply, they are german bred and the supplier does ship to the uk so im just waiting for my mate to get back to me with what shops order from him :)
  72. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Ive emailed jo at rare aquatics and steve at az also emailed a few breeders that I used to get stock off so I will let you know as soon as I hear back :)
  73. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    Thays interesting stuff ive never come across them before, off to look at there website :)
  74. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    No idea I know a-z aquatics in crewe used to have them, ive still got a few contacts f4om my breeding days so ill ask around for you ;)
  75. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Ammocryptocharax elegans is available in the uk but its rare
  76. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    It says its a 3 -4mm barb so it might be slightly on the loose side ?
  77. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    This is the only one I can find thats close to 4mm barb TAIL CONNECTOR EXT THREAD M8 | S.31291 | Malpasonline.co.uk
  78. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    Ive not looked into them properly yet but heres some im looking into Maranta leuconeura erythroneura Soleirolia soleirolii Muehlenbeckia complexa Pilea cadierei Maidenhair fern Baccopa monneri
  79. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    Have you got a link to these ?
  80. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    No tom no rush I probably won't be setting it up for few weeks anyway, bloody work :(
  81. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    That would be fantastic thank you for the offer tom, I can get new suckers very easily if you pm how much you want I will get payment etc sorted :)
  82. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    I didnt even consider it falling though :( for planters im not sure yet, ive looked for shower caddy type but cant find anything locally and the ones ive found on ebay are really expensive so ive considered using tupaware or similar, I did plan on using mesh screen inside the planters as shown...
  83. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    Which ever I use I was planning to cap it with 3 - 5 mm coarse sand, The hydroton is amazingly cheap so I will go for that Thanks tom :)
  84. sa80mark

    riparium planter medium

    Apologies if this is in the wrong section Im looking at getting my bits sorted for my upcoming riparium project and cant decide on what media to use in the planters am I better off using akadama or Hydroton Clay Pebbles ? Or is it as I suspect the same thing with a different name ? Mark
  85. sa80mark

    Hi newbie from Leicester

    Welcome to the forum, another Leicester lad :) weve got a few on here now,
  86. sa80mark

    will any tubing do for co2

    When researching regulators for when I build mine I came across a post that stats silicone tube shouldn't be used as its leaks co2, depending on the pressure it was anywhere from 5% - 20% it didnt explain anything in more detail so im not sure how accurate the figures or even the info, Mark
  87. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    This is also a very interesting watch especially for killifish lovers
  88. sa80mark

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Good find, I watched the killifish one a while back Have a look at his website :) IMAGE GALLERY
  89. sa80mark

    hello all

    Welcome to the forum :) Dont worry about the colour loss its pretty common in farm bred betta it usually starts at around 14 months of age Mark
  90. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    This is the best I can find on ebay Top quality 10 meters OD 8mm ID 6mm BLUE PU tube tubing F-T0806PUTUBE1 | eBay
  91. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    A quick Google search suggests its commonly labeled as PU tubing
  92. sa80mark

    will any tubing do for co2

    Just replied on your other post I think im right in saying it needs to be Polyurethane
  93. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    I think im right in saying it needs to Polyurethane ?
  94. sa80mark

    Draft for new scape

    Absolutely beautiful, I wouldn't need a tank if could draw half as well as that, very impressive :)
  95. sa80mark

    Recommendation for CO2 regulator with adjustable working pressure

    Here you go mate UP Twin Gauge Regulator A-165 - 25% OFF | UK Aquatic Plant Society
  96. sa80mark

    leaking JBL cristalprofi

    Chances are the seal has perished :(
  97. sa80mark

    Can Koralias be adjusted?

    Interesting post tim, I guess by doing regular water changes your keeping co2 levels up and when you let them slip co2 levels get chance to fluctuate so algae kicks in, Its definitely good to see people maintenance on low techs especially as im strting one soon :)
  98. sa80mark

    Can Koralias be adjusted?

    Bang goes my suggestion of no water changes :( thats the only thing going off james algae guide as it seems like youve tried everything else
  99. sa80mark

    Can Koralias be adjusted?

    Is it a low tech tank ?
  100. sa80mark

    Can Koralias be adjusted?

    As tim said there not adjustable, in the true sense of the word but theres ways to slow the flow such as using tights etc over the unit to diffuse the flow, having owned and used a few 900's I dont think they will offer much flow in your tank imo there just about powerful enough for a 60l so id...