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  • Users: Jaap
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  1. Jaap

    What am I doing wrong :-(

    So is this the problem that prevented the DC to change to lime green?
  2. Jaap

    Chihiro Professional and TMC Aquaray Controller

    Hello, can the Chihiro Professional be connected to the TMC Aquaray controller? http://www.hinterfeld.com/chihiro-professional-planted-aquarium-18w-36-led-white-lamp-40cm-p-1830.html http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/tmc-aquaray-controller-p-3806.html Thanks
  3. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    I think that BBA has stopped growing everywhere. However, the plants arent growing either and so I am thinking of getting a TMC 1500 Natural Light to replace the Grobeam 600. At least I will have more light to experiment with. Any thoughts?
  4. Jaap

    Aquarium size and TMC GroBeam 600 Ultima

    1 Grobeam 600 over a 40L tank is not enough...I have minimum growth at substrate level and the tank looks poorly lit...I am now aiming to get a 1500 tile!
  5. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    2ml of hydrogen peroxi 3%....spot dose when tank was half empty...then added water and filled tank up...tank is 40L
  6. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    My micronutrient EI solution contains some copper. Does this kill them in trace amount? http://www.aquariumplantfood.co.uk/fertilisers/chelated-trace.html
  7. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    Another RCS just dies...I still dont unferstand why...I haven't done anything today apart from dose my macros....does the MgSO4 kill them?
  8. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    I think we could rule out the possibility of having something in the water because only 2 shrimp were affected and no fish maybe... I spot doses 1ml of Hydrogen Peroxide on one rock...maybe the 2 shrimp were close to the rock when I spot dosed it?
  9. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    By rcs I mean red cherry shrimp...no korilina... I dont think its the water change because i have been doing this for the past 3 months from the same tap water and the fish or amano shrimp have never complaint...
  10. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    Because I don't have much experience on rcs i cant k ow if they were big but i will guess and say yes...no i dont have an airstone but surface agitation is good enough for gas exchange....other inverts and fish and rcs are fine...yeah Bhu no luck at all :(
  11. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    No...kH 9
  12. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    No injury and the tank is planted with plenty of hidding places
  13. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    Not really...all other inverts and fish are fine plus this is my usual routine and from the same water source as always.
  14. Jaap

    RCS die after 2 weeks in tank

    Hello I have a planted tank with 10 red cherry shrimp 4 amanos and 3 guppies. I am adding co2 and dosing estimative index. The temperature is at 23 Celsius. Last night I did a 30% water change after lights off and today I find 2 rcs dead. Any ideas? Thanks
  15. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    You used to have a grobeam 600 and changes to a tile 1500 right?
  16. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    Sorry...what I meant is that the conditions that they are in are fine...plenty of CO", flow and nutrients.....I still believe I have low/insufficient light....
  17. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    They have been in fine conditions for the past 2 months :)
  18. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    My carpet plants are trying to establish for the past 115 days :) i am a patient man but not that patient :)
  19. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hahaha well Big Clown the only algae in there is BBA and nobody is eating it obviously. They are just lazy or they enjoy hanging around pissing me off...
  20. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    Hello Thanks Bhu for the answer. It is my humble opinion that the plants you have in the tank are not very demanding. I have grown most of these plants under low light or no light at all sometimes and by adding CO2 it just makes the growth faster and not the tank high tech. Thats just my...
  21. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    I am not expecting the Amano Shrimp to clear the BBA but at least they could go through the moss and clear it from any detritus matter....its ridiculous....I think now they are having a conversation under a branch...I wonder what they are talking about?
  22. Jaap

    Anyone used a GroBeam 600 for high tech tank?

    Hi I find it a bit strange that the TMC GroBeam 600 could be ever used for a high tech planted aquarium. The light produced looks so dull and the tank looks poorly lit. My plants aren't doing well and yes I have ruled everything else out, its the light that's causing the problem no doubt about...
  23. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    The situation with the tank is getting funnier by the day. It is like nothing is working towards the tank being healthy and all of the bad karma of the aquarium world is in it. My new observation? While all the fish in the tank are swimming about happily, my Amano Shrimp are just chillaxing on...
  24. Jaap

    Ph Kh and CO2 relation

    According to your table on page one, I have 55mg/l of co2 added. Is this lethal to fish? If this is lethal then its either wrong because my fish are still alive or the surface agitation provides o2 and fish are not digased...if its not lethal is it considered a good amount of co2?
  25. Jaap

    A brief video of my setup, maybe you can help!

    Done that already :) DC is yellow in every corner and every possible position in the tank...
  26. Jaap

    Whats your pH profile?

    Ok so you have a larger tank than I do, we have the samw kH and with 3 bps you manage to drop the ph by 1 unit while I drop it by 1 unit with much much higher bps...and I have no leaks....also I inject it to the inlet of filter through an inline difuser...how come you can do this with less bps?
  27. Jaap

    A brief video of my setup, maybe you can help!

    I think its the light...I believe its not enough...anyone else sees something wrong with the setup?
  28. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 114! pH profile - 12:00 - pH 7.94 - CO2 ON 13:00 - pH 6.99 14:00 - pH 6.80 - Lights ON 15:00 - pH 6.73 16:00 - pH 6.71 17:00 - pH 6.71 18:00 - pH 6.71 19:00 - pH 6.71 20:00 - pH 6.71 21:00 - pH 6.71 - CO2 OFF 22:00 - pH 6.88 - Lights OFF Growth is still minimal. Today I have increased...
  29. Jaap

    A brief video of my setup, maybe you can help!

    Hello, This is a video of my setup. Below you can find all the details. Tank - 40L now running for 3.5 months. There is a lid on top to prevent fish from jumping out. CO2 - Pressurized, inline difusser into the the inlet of the filter Filter - Fluval 305 1000 L/h Light - TMC Grobeam 600 35cm...
  30. Jaap

    Castle Crag

    This looks fantastic. Great job. How do you cope with all that light on top? I mean its 72w over a 60L tank! Thats a lot of pars and it looks excellent. How do you cope and the plants dont melt from co2 depravation?
  31. Jaap

    Ph Kh and CO2 relation

    So how do we really know kh and ph are related if we cannot independantly measure co2? Maybe Tom Barr ir right and maybe not...how can we know?
  32. Jaap

    Ph Kh and CO2 relation

    So kh is related to ph in regard to co2? I am trying to understand why Tom Barr said 1 unit drop of ph is 30ppm co2 regardless of kh...
  33. Jaap

    Ph Kh and CO2 relation

    How do you measure the co2? I mean you measure the alkalinity with a kh meter and the ph with a ph meter but do you have a co2 meter? Thanks
  34. Jaap

    Ph Kh and CO2 relation

    Hi I had a talk with Tom Barr last night and he suggested that a pH drop of 1 unit adds approximately 30ppm of CO2 regardles of kH. Is this something we should consider? What I knew up to now is that if I had a pH drop of something less than a unit but I had a high kH eg 9kH then the CO2...
  35. Jaap

    Hydrogen Peroxide against BBA

    Low and/or fluctuating co2... It's called stayrogyne repens
  36. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Any ideas on how to go about this? I have a drop checher but in my experience a yellow dc isn't enough...
  37. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Today I have removed the co2 reactor from the outlet of the filter. This has increased water circulation. However, at some point, the fish were gasping at surface and shrimp were lying sideways. I carried out a big wc and all was good. I then lowered co2 injection but unfortunately my ph meter...
  38. Jaap

    Hydrogen Peroxide against BBA

    So I have increased my CO2 and I see things are getting better regarding growth rate and health of plants. I have also removed any leaves that have BBA on them but there are still a few Stayrogyne Repens leaves that have a few spots. Will this few BBA spots grow and infect the whole of the...
  39. Jaap

    Whats your pH profile?

    Anyone else?
  40. Jaap

    Whats your pH profile?

    Hello I would like to know other peoples pH profiles....so whats your pH profile? Thanks
  41. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Do you have a pH profile?
  42. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    So what might be causing the BBA? Does the bubbles per second injection rate look too much for a 40L to you?
  43. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Ok I will consider removing the reactor...here is a pic when I lowered the water level once...dont be alarmed that the spraybat is low...its was set just to take the picture so water doesn't spill out. does it look good to you?
  44. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hi I had the reactor first and then I connected the inline diffuser on the inlet and I was too lazy to disconnect the reactor so I thought its ok to leave it there, it will dissolve any co2 escaping the filter and since the filter is 1000 L/h on a 40L tank the flow will be more than enough...
  45. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hi and thanks for the advice. I dont have any evaporation due to a glass lid i use. I know i will try using hydrogen peroxide but i want to at least slow it down...
  46. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 104! As you can see things are getting worse with BBA... 02/11/2014 09/11/2014 I have tried to do 30% water changes every two days for the past week. The water looks clearer but the BBA grows even more. I know BBA is CO2 related and its either due to low CO2 or fluctuations in CO2...
  47. Jaap

    Holes on alternanthera reineckii

    Hello Is this a difficiency or are my shrimp/snails eating the plant? Thanks
  48. Jaap

    Glass lid and light

    Can anyone with a PAR meter inform us of the loss in light when using a glass lid?
  49. Jaap

    Hydrogen Peroxide against BBA

    I cant remove the decor....it will destroy the hardscape completely. ..i will try scrubbing bba with toothbrush while in the tank
  50. Jaap

    Hydrogen Peroxide against BBA

    Hello, after fixing the root problems that caused BBA, I would like to remove it since it will not dissapear by itself. I will remove the leaves of Staytogen Repens that are effected but there are a few decorative rocks at the very bottom of the tank, on the substrate, where I cannot drop water...
  51. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    So yesterday I measure pH with a probe at different places in the tank....they all came up 6.41....this was expected since the tank is only 40L and as mentioned previously the spraybar and the 1000 L/h filter do a very good job in circulation. Also I had 2 DC near the substrate in two different...
  52. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    True! That is why I am a lucky guy and its not a pen that I own but an electrode :) I will place it further down in the tank....where should I place it? Also, even though this is highly unlikely, if the temperature of the water increases or decreases then I assume that dissolved CO2 will...
  53. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    So if I see my pH staying at 6.42 thoughout the loght period it means I am stable right? Also if I have an increase or decrease of 0.1 pH is that ok? Lastly, co2 is off one hour before lights off and this causes the pH to go from 6.43 to 6.85 in one hour...is that bad?
  54. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    So when we say fluctuating CO2....how much is bad? I mean if this happens once I don't think its a problem....how many times or how often or how much will this cause a problem?
  55. Jaap

    Define fluctuating CO2 levels

    So I have read somewhere that fluctuating CO2 levels is when the CO2 goes from higher to lower and causes temporary deficiencies when the lights are ON....
  56. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    That is exactly what I did and exactly what happened to me! How did you resolve this? Ok so I get what you are saying....it does make sense! I forgot to add one small detail....please don't shoot me for forgetting this :( I stopped adding Excel from one day to the other. So I added 5ml of...
  57. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Ok...so as to get back to the problem....BBA This is what Tom Barr recommends: 1.Good stable CO2. This cannot be stressed enough. 2. To get rid of what BBA is there, you can do a large water change and use easy carb or Excel and spray some any exposed surfaces for maybe 15-30 sec. 3. I trim off...
  58. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    This is because I had no heater since it was the summer....now the weather is getting cooler but no need for a heater since the aquarium is at 23 degrees Celsius....even if I add a heater, it will be at 22 degrees but temperature changes thought the days slowly so is it considered as a co2...
  59. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Ok...I understand.... What else should I do then in addition to what I am already doing then? :) I am adding CO2 through an inline atomizer which is connected to the inflow of the filter. Thats CO2 travels into the filter and gets dissolved. The filter outlet is then connected to a reactor...
  60. Jaap

    Is this growth adequate for 9 days?

    Oh well....this is difficult :( I still believe that growth is very little but what can I say.....if you guys think its alright.....and by the way this is what the tank looked like on day 1, 30/07/2014 which is about 100 days ago...
  61. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Ian I am a bit confused here....you are telling me to check my drop checker (which I have previously removed but I have added is again just to check your point) and others like Clive say that the drop checker is just an indication and a pH profile is the best way to figure out co2 levels (apart...
  62. Jaap

    Is this growth adequate for 9 days?

    Dont be fooled by the 3 pictures! The first from the second is 9 days and the first from the third is 20 days! You still think growth is adequate?
  63. Jaap

    Define fluctuating CO2 levels

    Can anyone explain fluctuating CO2 levels?
  64. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    I understand where you are coming from but I dont even have initial growth...my observation is that when I kept plants in aquariums a few years ago and I was less informed on the subject, i used to have too much light too little co2 and bad flow which caused alot of algae....but I had noticeable...
  65. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    What I cant understand is why are the plants not growing? I mean I can understand the algae but why the slow growth?
  66. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    With a pH of 6.5 I am a bit afraid to increase co2 with fish and shrimp in there...
  67. Jaap

    How do water changes help?

    Hi what are the benefits of water changes? Do water changes help with algae and how? Thanks
  68. Jaap

    How do water changes help?

    Hi what are the benefits of water changes? Do water changes help with algae and how? Thanks
  69. Jaap

    How do water changes help?

    Hi what are the benefits of water changes? Do water changes help with algae and how? Thanks
  70. Jaap

    Is this growth adequate for 9 days?

    Hello sorry for flooding the forum with questions the past few days. Is this growth good enough? 14/10/2014 23/10/2014 02/11/2014 Thanks
  71. Jaap

    Can anyone tell me what this yellowing is?

    I think these are diatoms....not sure though....
  72. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    It is grobeam 600 at 100% intensity and 35cm above substrate...I also have a glass lid in between which cuts down the light intensity due to condensation as well... A ukaps memeber stated that at 40cm above substrate this light fixture was prpducing 35 micromols....I dont know what the levels...
  73. Jaap

    Define fluctuating CO2 levels

    Hello, I wanted to know what fluctuating CO2 levels means. Is it when the CO2 increases/decreases during lights on? Is it when the CO2 increases/decreases at any time of the day? Is it when the CO2 increases/decreases within a week? I have noticed that with the weather getting colder, my pH...
  74. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    thank you very much for the advice Jordi. I am a bit skeptical on the circulation/distribution and the obstacles in the tank. If with a 40L tank a 1000 l/h filter and a spraybar I am unable to create good water distribution, then I should quit while I am ahead :( the fish are straggling to keep...
  75. Jaap

    How do you clean up salts?

    Hello How do you get rid of these horrible salt residues from your tanks? Thanks
  76. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Unfortunately my pH profile reveals that CO2 is not an issue: pH Profile: 11:00 - CO2 ON - 7.96 12:00 - 6.94 13:00 - 6.75 14:00 - Lights ON - 6.60 15:00 - 6.60 16:00 - 6.60 17:00 - 6.60 18:00 - 6.60 19:00 - 6.60 20:00 - 6.60 21:00 - CO2 OFF - 6.60 22:00 - Lights OFF - 6.75 Distribution...
  77. Jaap

    Aquarium Temperature

    Same here...was wondering if it was too low...
  78. Jaap

    Aquarium Temperature

    Hi What temperature do you set your heater on? Thanks
  79. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Any suggestions? What does someone do if the most possible reason for plants not growing is light, but the aquarium has BBA?
  80. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Hello, So now I have BBA and some diatoms. I think the diatoms are subsiding since I cleaned the filter last week. However, the BBA isnt backing down. My co2 levels are now stable or at least I think they are stable because I havent changed injection. 1. If the weather ir changing and...
  81. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hello, So now I have BBA and some diatoms. I think the diatoms are subsiding since I cleaned the filter last week. However, the BBA isnt backing down. My co2 levels are now stable or at least I think they are stable because I havent changed injection. 1. If the weather ir changing and...
  82. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Do amano shrimp eat it?
  83. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Most likely it was due to fluctuating co2 levels...now co2 is stable...will bba stop growing if the co2 levels are stable?
  84. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    Maybe because i have this as well
  85. Jaap

    ID this algae please

    What algae is this? Thanks
  86. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    So now that the filter is clean will the bba go away or will I have to remove it manually?
  87. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Yesterday I decided to clean my filter after 90 days of no filter maintenance....well I thought it shouldn't be dirty, I only have plants! I couldn't have been more mistaken! The filter was filled with dirt, dead plants, gravel, snails and God know what....I washed everything away with tank...
  88. Jaap

    Should I have surface agitation with co2 injection ?

    Just my 2 cents....at some point my aquarium plants were really unhealthy and not growing....I had to increase the co2 becuase the plants were melting...however the plants were melting because of very low light...instead I increased the co2 alot! The plants were slightly pearling....they had...
  89. Jaap

    Diatoms - My "FACTS"

    Hehe....yes they are doing just fine....what can I say :) 11:00 - CO2 ON - 7.96 12:00 - 6.94 13:00 - 6.75 14:00 - Lights on - 6.60 CO2 profile looks fine to me....and the fish are very happy for 2 weeks now with no signs of distress, eating just fine!
  90. Jaap

    Diatoms - My "FACTS"

    Well I can say its not CO2 becaue in an hour I go from a 7.96 to a 6.60 with a kH of 9 :)
  91. Jaap

    Diatoms - My "FACTS"

    I now have diatoms :) There are a few reasons that I suspect caused this. 1. The fact that I have lowered co2 a little 2. I have added 3 guppies and 3 otos...had no fish before 3. I have increased light intensity 4. I have not cleaned my filter for 3 months I am suspecting number 4...is it...
  92. Jaap

    How often to clean filter

    If I use the tank water from the water change to clean the filter media, then it will not kill them off. However, when I fill up my tank I use tap water....will that kill of the bacteria in the filter?
  93. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    I currently have 3....lets see how they deal with diatoms....do they eat the diatoms of plants like limnophilia sesiloflora that has more delicate leaves?
  94. Jaap

    How often to clean filter

    Hi, I have had the tank up and running for 3 months now. I haven't cleaned the filter since then :) 1. How often should someone clean an external filter? 2. Does it make a difference if the tank is plant only or has fish? 3. Is it true that if the filter media are washed with tap water then...
  95. Jaap

    Trimming limnophila sessiliflora

    Hello, so this plant grows tall for my tank and needs trimming weekly. Furthermore, it grows leggy and currently has diatoms on its leaves. When I trim the top leaves, this means that the old leaves are the ones that stay and the new stems grow from the stem that was cut sideways. I was...
  96. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Well at the moment I can still go closer to the substrate a further 10cm so I can have more light in that sense. However I am not sure if this is the best thing to do considering i have all sorts of algae on one side and on the other side I have little growth...
  97. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Ok so even though I have diatoms and bba, for certain plants my growth is not that good. For example hemianthus micranthemoides is barely growing and it was barely growing when my CO2 levels were through the roof. So my only guess is that bba was caused by unstable co2 and that me plants still...
  98. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    Will cherry shrimp eat some of the diatom algae that I have and remove the dirt from my mosses?
  99. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 87! The light is at 35cm from substrate now for about one week now. The tank has 3 guppies and 3 otos. I have some algae now...I am not sure what types of algae I have but I think its 3 different ones. BBA which I possibly got because I stopped dosing Excel and also I have decreased the...