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Can anyone tell me what this yellowing is?


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Hi ppl

I started this nano tank a good week ago and it's been doing fine growing well .. But got home from work today to find its all looking a strange yellowing colour like it's covered in some sort of algae??

It pumped with co2 so it's near yellow on indicator

Dosed with Ei

It's a 20 litre tank with no fish just plant and 1 tiny nirate snail

Any suggestions please?


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It's strange it pearls like crazy .. I didn't know if there was too much co2

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I'm baffled... I must say .. It was coming on well too .. The plants at the very back are even filling with it .. There only there temporary though so not too bothered...

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Its algae.. Green hair algae that's dying. I have the same thing in my 10g Bowfront.. My wisteria had a green mushy algae growing on the leaves and then it started to die and turned brown exactly like your seeing. And algae pearls too I noticed.. I had it happen in many tanks.

I can see the green fuzzy algae on like half of the leaves on your plants in the close up shot you took. The brown is the ones that are dead/dying. Also looks like you have diatoms in your tank.. I suggest 1 ottocinclus to get rid of it