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  1. john dory

    GLUTARALDEHYDE solution good enough to grow DHG

    One of my sae's really does'nt like glut
  2. john dory

    What is this deficiency?

    Ah yes. In that case,i'd say the first picture is of an emersed leaf.
  3. john dory

    apongeton ulvaceus

  4. john dory

    apongeton ulvaceus

    Recently gone low tec and purchased the above. The growth rate of this thing is ridiculous! It's put 8x18 inch leaves out in the first week,with about 6 more on the way. This is my new favourite plant.:)
  5. john dory

    Complete Aquarium DIY CO2 System for tank up to 500L

    2 x regs(one unused) Both co2 art dual stage 2x 2kg fire extinuishers(one half full) 1x small jbl bottle(full) And all the bits and bobs
  6. john dory

    What is this deficiency?

    Does'nt look very ozeloty.do you have any new growth that is more ozeloty?
  7. john dory

    Rainbowfish Diseases?

    I doubt it....apart from demanding a refund
  8. john dory

    Rainbowfish Diseases?

    Could be columnaris. The one on the right has the"saddleback"symptoms...and the one on the left looks like it's mouth is rotting away. Whoever sold them to you wants locking up
  9. john dory

    Plants a little tired looking

    I'd certainly get the syphon "heavily involved" at water change time. If you've got fresh growth underneath,maybe it just needs more time.
  10. john dory

    Plants a little tired looking

    What a shame. Here's hoping your adjustments work out.
  11. john dory

    flow advice please

    I would'nt add a power head.i'd probably avoid fish that dig...aswell
  12. john dory

    flow advice please

    Although i have never used the ada substrate,it sounds like it's just a bit of powder being blown about. Syphon it off at water change time,and i'm sure your substrate will settle shortly.
  13. john dory

    flow advice please

    So....when you say debris,do you mean a dust like coating?
  14. john dory

    flow advice please

    What substate are you using?
  15. john dory

    flow advice please

    Does the debris build up in a particular area,or is it everywhere?
  16. john dory

    Comple active substrate choice

    Tropica soil works
  17. john dory

    flow advice please

    You should'nt really be getting problems with the filter you have. The 406 is rated at 1450 lph. I run one in my 180(ish)without problems.
  18. john dory

    New High Tech Setup - Sudden Algae Outbreak Part 2

    Hahahahahaha loving the fake fish
  19. john dory

    Who is dosing what and how much?

    Tnc complete. Once per week.
  20. john dory

    What's wrong with my chili rasboras?

    Ok thanks
  21. john dory

    Plants a little tired looking

    Fingers crossed
  22. john dory

    What's wrong with my chili rasboras?

    Hi mike. I've never kept chillis,but it took an age for my rummy nose tetras to blossom. Like your chillis...they were pale and panicky...but they're as bold as brass now. Nice progress on the tank btw. P.s. what are your otos eating?
  23. john dory

    Plants a little tired looking

    Oh...i see.
  24. john dory

    Plants a little tired looking

    Before you added livestock,you were getting the ph down to 6.3(if i remember rightly)and it looked like your tank was "taking off" Now you're only getting the ph down to 7 and you're getting problems. I would try to recreate those conditions.
  25. john dory

    just p and k?

    Ok thanks
  26. john dory

    just p and k?

    Just checked my water parameters on the severn trent website. 25 mg/l Do i really need to add more N?
  27. john dory

    Kenny's Multiple Tank Syndrome

    Ah right
  28. john dory

    Kenny's Multiple Tank Syndrome

    Nice tanks there ender. Sorry to here about the rainbows. Columnaris?
  29. john dory

    Is a eheim skim 350 able to provide enough o2?

    The ehiem skimmer will create lots of oxygen bubbles when running at full power. Backing it off reduces the bubbles....and once the sponge collects a layer of mulm....eliminates them.
  30. john dory

    My first attempt - A Better Home

    Ah ok
  31. john dory

    My first attempt - A Better Home

    Nice rainbows. Do they have a touch of mouth rot?
  32. john dory

    CO2 into Inlet side of External Filter

    I position a bazooka directly underneath my inlet strainer. Desceet. 1.5 bps keeps my dropcheckers green all day.(160l) No micro bubbles. 2/3 burps per photo period. Fluval 406,50% media removed....through full length spray bar.
  33. john dory

    What filter...

    I'd keep some media in it.
  34. john dory

    Lazy newbie.

    I set up a little "plug and play"type tank as a rescue job for 6 cory. My intent,from the start..was for it to be as little time consuming as possible. I used sand substrate and planted quite heavily with swords,crypts,moss and a lotus lily. Total maintenance per week is about 10 mins,although i...
  35. john dory

    What to add first. Opinions

    I think it depends on the individual species.
  36. john dory

    Red Rock Pass

    Very nice
  37. john dory

    New High Tech Setup - Sudden Algae Outbreak Part 2

    If the algae comes out easily with the syphon...carry on. Livestock will move away.
  38. john dory

    I need new fish food

    Catfish pellets,algae wafers,bloodworm and cucumber
  39. john dory

    Working pressure slowly drops

    Is the gas bottle running out?
  40. john dory

    New High Tech Setup - Sudden Algae Outbreak Part 2

    I'd reduce the photo period to 6 hours and reduce lighting intensity. I'd stop adding amnonia and just keep cleaning.
  41. john dory

    Finally my Aquascaping Journey Begins :)

    Very nice
  42. john dory

    Air stones + pumps

    +1 for the surface skimmer. I run mine 24/7
  43. john dory

    Substrate amount

    If you were using tropica soil...you'd need 3 large size bags. 27 l/kg
  44. john dory

    Some Inital Questions With New Scape - Cycling, Glossostigma, CO2

    Hi gordon. I'm no expert,but i'm pretty sure your gonna need more flow and co2. While you have no livestock,you can be bold in your tinkerings.
  45. john dory

    algae seaweed for ottos

    In the past,i've had them get quite plump on cucumber or courgette,but the ones i've got now don't seem interested.
  46. john dory

    jbl regulator adjustment

    Is there not a grub screw in the end of the chrome nut?
  47. john dory

    jbl regulator adjustment

    A quick search reveals earlier jbl regs were un adjustable.
  48. john dory

    jbl regulator adjustment

    If it won't move.undo it,and see if there's an allen bolt behind it. Remove from gas bottle first
  49. john dory

    jbl regulator adjustment

    Don't remove the dial. Mine had a plastic cap,where the big chrome nut is....on yours. try turning the chrome nut clockwise half a turn.
  50. john dory

    jbl regulator adjustment

    Should be a allen bolt behind the plastic cover on the front of the gauge. Adjustment is made here.
  51. john dory

    algae seaweed for ottos

    Thanks for your help. I've bought a veggie clip,so will give the cucumber another go.
  52. john dory

    algae seaweed for ottos

    I'm a bit worried my ottos are'nt getting enough to eat. I've tried cucumber,courgette and red pepper,but they don't show much interest. Whilst searching for veggie clips,i came across some algae/seaweed type products,which i'm interested in trying. Does anyone have any experience of these?
  53. john dory

    Why can't I grow moss...?!

    Could it be the liquid carbon?
  54. john dory

    good time to change gas bottle?

    Ok thanks. I think i'll change it anyway.
  55. john dory

    Hard scape

    I would'nt risk it
  56. john dory

    Woth the cost to change the substrate?

    If you are not 100% happy with your substrate,then change it. It is a pain,but once done,you can cross it off your"must get right"list.
  57. john dory

    good time to change gas bottle?

    I notice the pressure inside my fire extinguisher has started to drop.i may be away from home all next week,so wondered if it would be wise to change it now. I have the dual stage reg,from co2 art.
  58. john dory

    Still problems with diffuser output

    The actual problem is the pathetic o ring in the lid. It's too thin...and does'nt seat correctly
  59. john dory

    Still problems with diffuser output

    It's the jbl bubble counter. My first system was jbl,and i had the same problem. The complete system is rubbish. Bypass the bubble counter altogether...and just get some gas coming through your diffuser.
  60. john dory

    at a loss and need some advice, please!

    I'd just stay on top of the water changes,and leave be..for now. They look healthy enough to me.
  61. john dory

    at a loss and need some advice, please!

    I don't see much flashing
  62. john dory

    Crypts, Anubias and substrate

    My crypts and swords do very well in plain sand
  63. john dory

    Which t8 tubes?

    Hi. I once had a low tec set up with gro lux. They give a pinky appearance which makes you orange/browns look really nice(in my opinion) Brown crypts,bog wood and halequins seemed to really stand out. Not so good for my(blue) boesemanis though.
  64. john dory

    just p and k?

    Ok thanks
  65. john dory

    just p and k?

    Hi all,not posted for a while...but summer pastimes have meant the tanks have been on the back burner for a while. I recently tested my hightech tank for nitrates and the results showed bright red on the test strips,as oppossed to pale orange on my low tech. Was wondering if it would be a...
  66. john dory

    First planted tank set up

    Hygrophilia siamensis works in low techs.
  67. john dory

    What is it!

    Yes,nymphea lotus. I half buried mine in sand only substrate,and it's doing VERY well. Does'nt need co2 either
  68. john dory

    John Innes No3 safe ?

    It has to be said that fish welfare comes 2nd to plant welfare in some cases.
  69. john dory

    Algae issues after a complete strip down and replant!

    Sand substrate 33% weekly w/c Low stock
  70. john dory

    Algae issues after a complete strip down and replant!

    Just complete for me.no carbon and 6hours of light.
  71. john dory

    Algae issues after a complete strip down and replant!

    nymphaea lotus does well in my lo-tec,as does java moss
  72. john dory

    Amano Shrimp Dying!?

    dunno then. hope the cories pull through.
  73. john dory

    Amano Shrimp Dying!?

    what other problems did your tank suffer?
  74. john dory

    Amano Shrimp Dying!?

    how bad is the plant decay? got any pictures?
  75. john dory

    Amano Shrimp Dying!?

    could be the rescape that upset the filter.
  76. john dory

    Best CO2 Source for 180 Litre Planted Tank

    the rio 180 uses 2x45w t5 bulbs .
  77. john dory

    Glass Cleaning

    rainbows eat snails
  78. john dory

    Plants for my First Low Tech Tank

    Hiya. Hygrophilia siamensis is doing well in my first low tech. Java moss aswell
  79. john dory

    backflow/capillary action through bazooka diffuser?

    check valve at the top of the tank sorts it
  80. john dory

    What pressure to use?

    i run my reg at 36 psi. this was enough to blow the bubble counter off of the needle valve when used with an inline up atomiser.i`ve since changed to a bazooka,and had no problems since. as for slow starting...water can back syphon down the co2 tubing,which then takes a while to clear.i solved...
  81. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    anyway,the lighting looks fairly bright to me,and as i`m only a reactor short of a complete co2 system,it looks like this tank will be high tech afterall:cool:
  82. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    all my plants are real. i`ve actually been keeping fish for close on 30 years now...but have never cycled a tank. i was given a tank as a teenager,and every tank i had after that incorperated the hardware from the tank it replaced. this is the first time i`ve had 2 tanks,and thus...the first...
  83. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    ok,thanks for your help. i`ve just been down the lfs and come back with a juwel rekord 600. sand is washed and in...as are the plants.bloke at the shop says run it for a week,and then put some sponge from my main filter in the tank along with 2 cory. then add 2 more fish per week. anyone care to...
  84. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    I'm just wondering how to cycle the tank,as i work away all week
  85. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    lets do it!
  86. john dory

    setting up cory tank

    i`m thinking about setting up a low tech tank to house approx 6 peppered cory. was just wondering what the minimum size would be. i want to keep it simple,with just a few hardy plants,and a piece of bogwood.i realize i need a sand substrate,but can anyone recomend a specific type? also..how...
  87. john dory

    STILL have flow issues... :(

    Also,there is a plastic ball inside the strainer,which can clogg up
  88. john dory

    STILL have flow issues... :(

    The 306 filters 1150 lph and has a max head height of 1.75m
  89. john dory

    What is this almost pretty algae?

    Gba is better than bba Lol
  90. john dory

    What is this almost pretty algae?

    Green beard algae
  91. john dory

    STILL have flow issues... :(

    You could also try a little skimmer.ehiem do one for 25quid.
  92. john dory

    STILL have flow issues... :(

    Can't remember the name,but i got the smallest model they had in the marine section. It's adjustable between 800 and 1600 lph
  93. john dory

    silver flying fox/crossocheilus reticulatus

    Just to clarify. It's sae's....you want,which are sometimes labelled siamese flying foxes.
  94. john dory

    silver flying fox/crossocheilus reticulatus

    i`ve kept at least a pair of flying foxes for years,and have never known them damage plants.they will nibble on bba,but don`t expect miracles. be sure to get siamese....not chinese
  95. john dory

    What's eating me?

    looks like angel damage on the echinodorus
  96. john dory

    No/Little growth causes algae?

    I have bba on a 3d back wall...so you would think my tank id full of spores. However,my plants are 100% algae free...now that i've reduced the lighting intensity. The plants in my tank grow slowly under a single 25w t8...so i therefore deduce,slow growing plants do not cause algae
  97. john dory

    recommend a co2 reg for 2 inlines

    It may be possible to increase the working pressure of your reg. If there is a plastic bung in the middle of your reg...there will be a grub screw behind it.