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Plants for my First Low Tech Tank


12 Apr 2015

I need some advice on plants for my first low tech tank. The tank is 23 x 12 x 13 inches. I have fluval stratum as substrate and a 15W Osram T8 full spectrum as the light. I am planning to use the EI method and dose once a week as recommended here: http://www.sudeepmandal.com/hobbies/planted-aquarium/low-tech-planted-tank-guide/.

I currently have some crypts, Java ferns and Anubias nana, but I am looking to fill the tank completely with plants. I need some advice on what other plants to get to fill the aquarium.
Hygrophilia siamensis is doing well in my first low tech.
Java moss aswell
What about a carpeti: Would a pygmy chain sword or dwarf sagittarius be suitable?
What about a carpeti: Would a pygmy chain sword or dwarf sagittarius be suitable?

Yes, these two definitely are.

Make sure you get some fast growing plants too to combine with what you have. There are many to choose from.
Hydrophila as suggested is one of them. Many stem plants do well too if planted under the brighter parts of the tank like some of the ludwiga species. Swords, aponogetons, other bulb plants can do too. Bacopa australis can grow as a stem and can also grow as a carpet under brighter light in a low tech or can be just left floating on the surface and does very well like that too.
The usual ones like valis from all species, crypts of many species, etc..
There are so many really that do well in low tech tanks too.