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flow advice please

a rix

2 May 2015
Hi guys iam nearthe end of my cycle and ive always noticedthat I have debris on my rock and wood iam putting this down to lack of flow the tank is a rio 180 with a fulval 406 filter feeding through a lilly pipe.
I was thinking of buying a small power head say a hydor koralia nano 900 or newave 900 and placing it around half way down the tank pointed towards the other side of the tank . does this sound sensible and would the power heads be powerful enough

Many thanks Anthony rix
You should'nt really be getting problems with the filter you have.
The 406 is rated at 1450 lph.
I run one in my 180(ish)without problems.
Well that's what i thought however everytime i clean the wood and rock i do get small cloudsof debris coming off i was thinking that the lilly pipe was calming the flow too much
Yes i would say that better describes it. It's also on the substrate if i look at the substrate I can see small movement across the surface
Although i have never used the ada substrate,it sounds like it's just a bit of powder being blown about.
Syphon it off at water change time,and i'm sure your substrate will settle shortly.
Oh yes i hadn't thought of that so if I added a power head it may make the matter worse.
The tank has been running now for two months
I'll give it a miss then thanks for all your help.
Fish wise ill just be having tetras so all ok there
Many thanks Anthony rix