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Is a eheim skim 350 able to provide enough o2?

4 Feb 2015
I have a eheim canister filter with a lily pipe that I have always kept the pipe a bit out of the water to provide surface agitation.

Now that I run a skim350 all the time do I still need to keep my Lilly pipe out of the water? Or can I put it under the surface to create the vortex thing I see on other tanks?

I want to make sure my 75g has enough oxygen.

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I personally find that the Skim350 puts a lot of oxygen bubbles in to the water. I now run mine on a timer so that it is not on when the CO2 is on to reduce off-gassing during the photoperiod. It switches on at lights off, runs overnight for a few hours, then switches off early morning, then runs for a few hours in the middle of the day before switching off again at lights on.
The ehiem skimmer will create lots of oxygen bubbles when running at full power.
Backing it off reduces the bubbles....and once the sponge collects a layer of mulm....eliminates them.
I personally find that the Skim350 puts a lot of oxygen bubbles in to the water. I now run mine on a timer so that it is not on when the CO2 is on to reduce off-gassing during the photoperiod. It switches on at lights off, runs overnight for a few hours, then switches off early morning, then runs for a few hours in the middle of the day before switching off again at lights on.

Interesting! I have mine running pretty much all the time but I might switch it off during the Co2 on time to see if it makes a difference cheers.
Also the skimmer provides a little extra flow in the aquarium.
I guess I will keep doing what I am doing. I am still slowly pushing my co2 levels as high as I can go without stressing my pets. Keeping more agitation will only help that.

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