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What's eating me?


23 Oct 2014
Any ideas on who the culprit of this might be? Seems to have started suddenly about two weeks ago and to me looks like it's been chomped.

Occupants of the tank (none of whom appear to be malnourished):
Many MTS
Many Bladders (including one almost 1CM across in size)
1xRed Lizard Whiptail (L10A I think)
6xHarlequin Rasbora

(Bit of an odd mixture because I've taken in fish from other people's tanks who couldn't keep them)

Or does it look more like a plant nutrition deficiency of some kind?
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Okay thanks guys.
I was really hoping you'd say it was fish/snail damage as to me it looks as though the plant has been cut rather than 'melted'.

Drop checker is yellow at lights on, turnover is 9x tank vol and the spraybar output splashes the front of the tank with some force like ceg's picture HERE. I have a small powerhead covering the dead spot at the end of the tank. All the plants sway considerably. Also I should add that the damage is occurring right across the tank, even directly in the filter output.

It's a fairly low light tank as well, just 2x18w T8 on a 125L tank.

Any suggestions on course of action? Guess adding glut is worth a try as a temporary carbon booster. Although if flow is poor I don't suppose that will help too much.

Wondering now if the drop checker '4dkh' solution is not truly 4dkh and hence giving a false reading. Gah! 😡
Could be the fish, my clown loaches took to eating crypts, leaving U shaped holes, eventually killing the crypts.