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Red Rock Pass

Cheers mate. A lot maturing of plants but not bad for a first go at things :happy: growth isn't half quick with a superior substrate I have to say
I've been cycling my tank now for nearly 2weeks now and I thought I'd give my filter a quick clean due to a lot old melt being cleaned and sucked up. I'm glad I cleaned it. Just look at the colour of the water from sponges etc:

On a note on plants, all seem to be doing well apart from a spot of Java fern which I'm going to get rid of tomorrow as it looks past its best in all honesty. Don't know why it hasn't grown as other mosses in tank are fine and growing well if anything.

I'd like to post a pic of my Cryptocoryne lutea. I bought this from eBay from a dennerle seller purely down to liking look of plant. I really love it. It's been split down to 4plants and they are all growing well. New growth pushing through all the time:) I particularly like the colour of stems at base. Remind me of rhubarb if anything hah.
Cheers Roy, it's getting there. I'm just upping my lights and co2 up an hour to 6hours a day from tomorrow. Slow and steady. Hope you've had a grand Xmas holidays with the family mate
I started with 1-in-vitro Cryptocoryne pygmea and now it's been split I now have 7 split from same batch. HC is still pearling 5mins before lights off from lights on. Feel plants have a slight tinge of yellow however. Nothing scary or major. Just as I watch it everyday I can see s slight change.
Been 2weeks cycling now.
Ammonia is 0.25
Nitrite 2.0
Nitrate 10-20
It's nearly ready for some livestock. It needs it now too. Overall, from a first tank at high tech I'm very happy.. Sooo far!! Hah
Plants are really kicking into SuperDrive with growth now. Nearly time for some inverts
So it's been nearly 4weeks since I flooded my first scape. Overall, I'm happy with the learning I've done. I've said previously my scape and the skills used have been no where near perfect or to level I wish to be at but for a first go I'm happy.
Plants have grown nicely with high rate of co2 that's been injected.

I've now added 4ottos and 8 cherry shrimp to my tank. This was done yesterday. Method I used was the drip method for both. I did this for around 1.5/2hrs before co2 was switched on.
I feel I should of perhaps left co2 and lights off for the day yesterday as I had a couple of shrimp deaths within couple hours of co2 being on. I lowered the rate down but I obviously didn't do it low enough for the poor little critters. I mistske I can assure I've learnt from. The rest have settled ok so far,ottos have started to explore abit today. They've found their cucumber on a skewer and have settled on there a few times so hopefully they will feed off that aswell as the brown algae that's dotted about.
Any other foods that have been used I'd be interested to hear from you?

With me now turning co2 right down, I've turned lights down to 75% strength. I assume now I may run the risk of some algae due to the quick nature of dialling co2 down. I'm hoping not and will be carrying out a couple 50% water changes to help aid this. Will this affect the shrimp? I'm using tap water so should I add a heater to my bucket so it's not going to shock tank life with change of temp?

Some pics:






Hi all,
Tanks been running nicely for 4weeks now. No real problems to date apart from my tennellus and rotala looking slightly yellow and glass like on some leaves.
I've ordered some extra iron solution to cover this avenue and then il go from there

Other than that Alps well. I've added some RCS and Ottos. Soon be adding some celestial danios too.
Anyway, a few more pics:
Happy HC
One of my little ottos. Toppa little fish

Playing with a little led torch


Any criticism happily taken