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  • Users: dw1305
  • In Algae
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  1. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, We have a <"few threads"> where people have <"grown them accidently">. I think the common thread is probably hard water, but this suggests it isn't a pre-requisite <"Hildenbrandia rivularis">. This gorgeous, red plush, velvet cushion belongs to @EA James. cheers Darrel
  2. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, I also have soft water and very little / no <"Green Spot Algae"> (GSA). cheers Darrel
  3. dw1305

    Please help

    Hi all, Yes, that looks like the filamentous diatom <"Fragilaria (Synedra)">. The only problem is that you only have one. Ignore what any-one else tells you they are an <"unalloyed good thing">. They do. Actually advised to @worthyfella on 11th September <"My personal experience so...
  4. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, Shame, my water is too soft for them, so I've never kept them, I just got that they eat GSA from the internet......... . I think you need to give them a stern talking to and show them @Themuleous 's picture. cheers Darrel
  5. dw1305

    Green spot algae question

    Hi all, Nerites (Clithon or Neritina spp.) <"will eat it">, they can crunch through quite hard surfaces to get at the chlorophyll. I associated GSA with hard, alkaline water, where these snails will be happy. I didn't know that. I think the problem with Chaetostoma spp. is that they have...
  6. dw1305

    BGA Help

    Hi all, I'd keep it (for <"water movement">), but just put coarser media in it. It doesn't matter what you use <"Is expensive bio media worth it?">. You aren't reliant on <"the filter for nitrification">, your tank does't have much bioload and the plants are going to do a lot of the work for...
  7. dw1305

    BGA Help

    Hi all, Honestly, that is the main thing. Hopefully it will decline as the tank (<"and substrate">) matures. In the short term? Just syphon it out is your best bet. What filter media do you have? Does it have floss or fine sponge? If it does? I'd swap them for something that doesn't impede...
  8. dw1305

    Help with ongoing battle against BGA

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS I'd probably put it back up to 25% and lengthen the photoperiod to at least six hours. This is just to ensure your plants are getting enough light duration and intensity to grow. Light is a tricky one to judge by eye. Concentrate on plant growth, I know it is...
  9. dw1305

    Re-start - transfer plants or no?

    Hi all, I'd guess they are linked. Personally I'd rinse and re-use them. Cyanobacteria are universal, so they will just return if conditions are still suitable. An analogy would be every time your shoes get muddy you throw them away, while with a clean and a different route to work, (that...
  10. dw1305

    BBA Outbreak in CO2 Injected Tank

    Hi all, No, probably not. <"I'm oxygen obsessed">, so I would look on flow as a good thing. I'm guessing that, for me, they are <"the factor"> that makes the difference. cheers Darrel
  11. dw1305

    BBA Outbreak in CO2 Injected Tank

    Hi all, <"It certainly does">. cheers Darrel
  12. dw1305

    Help required new tank setup

    Hi all, That is the bit that counts, keep an eye on their colour and health, and that will give you an idea of when you need to start adding nutrients (<"fertiliser">). Syphon like @simon_the_plant_nerd says. It <"should go away"> as the tank matures. cheers Darrel
  13. dw1305

    Help required new tank setup

    Hi all, What does plant health look like? It is difficult to judge <"from the photo">. Have a look at @keef321's photos in the linked. thread cheers Darrel
  14. dw1305

    Algae sanity check

    Hi all, It is a <"natural feature"> on rocks, basically a <"green patina of periphyton"> will grow on any wet surface where <"light and nutrients are available">. You can only keep them "pristine" with cleaning, either manually or by <"snail grazing">. cheers Darrel
  15. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, That is certainly plausible. I'm guessing that is the real difference, the only rooted plants I have tend to be Cryptocoryne spp. which are "perennials". If I had stems, that I continually trimmed and uprooted, there would be much more in the way of detached roots etc,. It would be...
  16. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, The green algae have the same photosystems and basic physiology as all the other plants, they are "plants". There are definitely algae that are "turned up to eleven" plants, but there are also algae that grow in oligotrophic conditions as well. You do, and I think it does. It is back...
  17. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, I don't think that wood is the sort of organic carbon source that would enhance algal growth. Heart wood is comprised of lignin, and lignin is very resistant to decay, and right on the edge of biodegradability in energy terms. You can release that energy by oxidation (wood burns), but...
  18. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, Personally, If I had <"soft water from the tap">? I'd use it "as is", and just keep livestock adapted to that water, it just <"makes life a lot easier">. Cherry Shrimps (and <"most snails">) <"prefer harder water">. Our tap water is about ~400 ppm TDS (650 microS) and that just really...
  19. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, I don't think you don't need to dose EI levels, personally <"I don't"> and would only do so in <"very, very specific circumstances">. That is why I'd start with just adding the micronutrient mix from @BuffBall 's post <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC...
  20. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, They are definitely a bit deficient in something, the problem is working out what the <"something"> is. I think this as well. Time is a great <"healer">. I'd probably look on increased algal growth as a good sign, both <"green algae and aquariums plants"> are fundamentally "plants"...
  21. dw1305

    Cyanobacteria / BGA outbreak

    Hi all, We really don't know what causes any "algae" outbreaks. We think of <"BGA"> as a single entity, but there are hundreds of different species of cyanobacteria, some associated with <"low nutrient situations"> and some with eutrophication. Have a look at <"Fighting algae in a two year old...
  22. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, They definitely look a bit pale, but that might just be the light "washing out" the colour in the photo? If they really are pale green? You could try going back to a "complete mix" and see if <"they green up any">? cheers Darrel
  23. dw1305

    Cyanobacteria / BGA outbreak

    Hi all, The problem is that it will return, if conditions remain suitable for it. Cyanobacteria, diatoms etc are pretty much universal in freshwater, they will always be present in your aquarium, but most of the time at a level low enough so that they aren't visible. cheers Darrel
  24. dw1305


    Hi all, They don't exactly stunt, it is just that the growth of Tomatoes etc. is sub-optimal at ambient CO2 levels. You can definitely get local depletion of CO2 in glasshouses, this is because they are (to some extent) sealed structures. If you make sure that PAR, water and nutrients are non-...
  25. dw1305


    Hi all, I still think we are in <"Apples and Oranges">* territory, because we are comparing a dense medium (water density ~ 1000 kg/m³) with a much less dense medium (Dry air at 20°C and standard atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar) has a density of 1.204 kg/m³.) <"Air Density">. *edit what...
  26. dw1305


    Hi all, I'm <"really not sure at all"> about that at all. I think we are probably in <"Apples and Oranges"> territory, but I don't actually know. @hax47 or @Andy Pierce are probably your best bet for a definitive answer. When you don't inject CO2 it is back to <"Henry' s law">, and the...
  27. dw1305


    Hi all, That is why I chose a floating plant for the <"Duckweed Index">, it removes one variable. Plants always have access to <"426 ppm of atmospheric CO2"> and it never runs out. cheers Darrel
  28. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, They look <"OK growthwise">, but I can't really <"tell how green they are"> because of the light colour. cheers Darrel
  29. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, Nerites don't tend to graze plant leaves very effectively, but they are <"good on hard scape"> etc.. Snails like <"Physella acuta"> & Planorbella duryi are more effective at getting to "difficult to reach" places <"Algea id, root of cause and how to deal">. People don't like Tadpole...
  30. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, It isn't a nutrient deficiency symptom, the green algae (Chlorophyta) have the same <"basic physiology and photosystems"> as all the mosses, ferns and higher plants (clade Chlorobionta). I would regard them as all <"plants">, you just have "plants you want" and "plants you don't want"...
  31. dw1305


    Hi all, Thank you, that is perfectly explained for me. cheers Darrel
  32. dw1305


    Hi all, It definitely has "disinfectant" properties <"Liquid carbon dosing">. Stronger concentrations are used as a general biocide in hospitals etc. <"Stability of Glutaraldehyde in Biocide Compositions">. @Andy Pierce may be able to shed more light on its mode of action? I assume that is...
  33. dw1305


    Hi all, We have a thread <"APT Fix">........... @jolt100 says cheers Darrel
  34. dw1305


    Hi all, Sleight of hand really, they have nothing to do with CO2, or any form of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (D(T)IC). The vendors make use of the fact that some of the long chain carbon (C) compounds are similar to some of the intermediate compounds found in photosynthesis. If you look at...
  35. dw1305

    Algae problem: please help

    Hi all, I'd honestly concentrate on that one. cheers Darrel
  36. dw1305

    Algae support

    Hi all, <"This one"> shows the sponge. Actually an <"easy mistake to make">. cheers Darrel
  37. dw1305

    Algae support

    Hi all, Would the Eheim one work? <"EHEIM Vorfilter"> These would help to some degree, but I'd really want to stop the external filter picking up the saw-dust etc. I definitely don't want that inside the filter. It doesn't matter that the saw-dust etc. doesn't have a high <"Biochemical...
  38. dw1305

    Algae support

    Hi all, That may well be where the problem lies. The build up of organic debris is likely to be <"inside the filter">. I'm a <"great pre-filter fan">. It <"was some issues"> with Panaque spp. keeping that originally led me down the route of thinking more about <"the oxygen and...
  39. dw1305

    Algae support

    Hi all, You can use a horticultural fertiliser, <"it is a lot cheaper"> and a bit more <"plug and play"> than making your own complete mix from the base chemicals. This is a nutrient calculator: <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator">, we also have super-duper UKAPS one <"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer...
  40. dw1305

    Algae support

    Hi all, Do you have a pre-filter on the intake? cheers Darrel
  41. dw1305

    GSA - NPK and ppm

    Hi all, The flocculant (from the aluminium sulphate addition) is aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3) <"High flux water purification using aluminium hydroxide hydrate gels">, which forms the wall paper paste like gel (coagulant), in harder water. I'll be honest I can't imagine any use for it...
  42. dw1305

    GSA - NPK and ppm

    Hi all, I really don't know, but it has to be one or the other. "Death by luxury uptake" is quite common in higher plants. As well as PO4--- <"in Protea spp."> etc, it is one of the problems of ferrous iron in water logged soils...
  43. dw1305

    Help with algae type

    Hi all, Not really, I'd guess that it is less prevalent in soft water. This might help, apparently they are used as model organisms, so there are culture details <"Coleochaete | Haseloff Lab:"> Cheers Darrel
  44. dw1305

    Help with algae type

    Hi all, Because of the colour it could conceivably be a Red Algae (something like <"Hildenbrandia">), but it is likely to be <"Green spot Algae"> (Choleochaete), these are calcified and difficult to remove. I just get a little bit of this (where sunlight strikes the corner of the tank in the...
  45. dw1305

    RGB B A

    Hi all, It is lovely, if it was a "new" plant everyone would want it. cheers Darrel
  46. dw1305

    Algae after vacation ! Need to revive

    Hi all, I have <"Ramshorn snails (Planorbela duryi)"> in all the tanks, and I think the only places where I ever get BBA are places <"where they can't graze">. Have a look at <"BBA on high tech tank!">. I'm a great believer in a picture being worth a thousand words, so here is my (Eric...
  47. dw1305

    Algae after vacation ! Need to revive

    Hi all, I agree with @Wookii , we don't know what causes BBA, but I'd be surprised if any of those were that relevant. We have a couple of long, but inconclusive, threads <"What exactly causes BBA?"> & <"What exactly causes BBA? Part 2 - Bacterial imbalance"> cheers Darrel
  48. dw1305

    Mysterious red ring stain

    Hi all, I think it is an encrusting Red Algae (Rhodophyta), but not the coralline one <"Pneophyllum cetinaensis - Wikipedia">, below. I think the Coralline Algae (I've never seen the freshwater one) are all more pink, probably because the white calcium carbonate (CaCO3) masking the red...
  49. dw1305

    Mysterious red ring stain

    Hi all, It is an encrusting Red Algae (Hildenbrandia) <"Large Dark Red Spots">, but I don't think it is calcified. Personally <"I really like like it">, and I wish any of these would grow for me <"Thorea Hispida - I think??"> & <"Plant (?) identification - NAME FOUND - Caloglossa!"> Have a...
  50. dw1305

    How to get rid of stubborn cladophora algae?

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Can we have a picture? Difficult with "Green Algae" like Cladophora, they belong to the <"same clade as all the higher plants">, and share the <"same basic physiology and photosystems">. The easiest way to think of them is as "plants you don't want". Reduced plant...
  51. dw1305

    Thorea Hispida - I think??

    Hi all, <"It Is">. I'd buy it, and I wish I was battling it, it is lovely. Red Algae (Rhodophyta) are <"difficult to control">, and not much eats them, but they often <"spontaneously detach"> for reasons unknown. We think that Ramshorn Snail grazing works long term, because <"they graze of...
  52. dw1305

    Green Water Labs - Algae Control

    Hi all, A paper has come my way that looks at this in a freshwater context, it is a wastewater paper, so it isn't entirely relevant to aquariums, but it is a "planted tank" paper: cheers Darrel
  53. dw1305

    Diatoms, green dust algae and melt...

    Hi all, Those are <"filamentous diatoms"> (Fragilaria (Synedra) spp.) . They will go away in time. Cheers Darrel
  54. dw1305

    Trying to ID root cause of Algae in Shallow. Potentially the light intensity?

    Hi all, I'm not a CO2 user, but do you have CO2 bubbles in the tank (I think I can see them in the photo)? That would tell you a little bit about flow. Assuming the flow is pretty good, personally I would just go low-tech, where the <"large gas exchange surface works to your advantage">, in...
  55. dw1305

    Trying to ID root cause of Algae in Shallow. Potentially the light intensity?

    Hi all, You will have to add a relatively large amount of CO2, purely because of your tank architecture with a large surface area to volume ratio. cheers Darrel
  56. dw1305

    Diatoms, green dust algae and melt...

    Hi all, Sorry to hear that. We think that Aroids (Bucephalandra, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, Schismatoglottis spp.) are prone to melting in new set ups partially because of their <"inability to survive high ammonia levels">. cheers Darrel
  57. dw1305

    Diatoms, green dust algae and melt...

    Hi all, I'd probably see how that goes first before changing anything else. If you still aren't happy in a month's time? I'd carry on feeding the plants, just start by halving? the volume of fertiliser added. Your plants can only make use of the extra CO2 you've added if the mineral nutrients...
  58. dw1305

    Diatoms, green dust algae and melt...

    Hi all, What @PARAGUAY says. Just ignore whatever the <"phosphate (PO4---) test"> tells you, you can get reasonably accurate values via semi-quantitative titrimetric methods (something like the <"JBL low range test kit">), but they still don't tell you anything useful. Silicate content is a...
  59. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, Same for me. I still don't think there is anything <"fundamentally wrong with the tank">. My suggestion would still be <"just watch the plants"> and change some water for a while and see what happens. If you go back through <"the thread">, then the OP has changed <"all sorts of...
  60. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, You just need a suitable mix of nutrients. Plants don't care where that potassium (K+) ion came from, it is exactly the same as every other potassium ion, <"there aren't any special ADA ions">. It just means that <"conditions are suitable for plant growth"> and your plant health looks...
  61. dw1305

    Awesome algae! What is this?

    Hi all, It is just gorgeous. I wondered about that, but I couldn't find anything suitable. I've seen <"Spongilla lacustris - Wikipedia"> which is the right colour, but not the right shape. It appears to show dichotomous branching, so possibly a Liverwort? or a Lichen, pretty sure I've never...
  62. dw1305

    Black algae in new setup :(

    Hi all, @LightingBamboozled suggestion or I use a <"big sponge block"> or you can use Eheim's ugly, but effective, prefilter <"EHEIM Vorfilter"> - <"Talk to me about filtration"> cheers Darrel
  63. dw1305

    Black algae in new setup :(

    Hi all, The black "algae" is Cyanobacteria, it is also <"pearling on your substrate">. What <"filter media do you have in your filter">? I'll be honest I would never run a canister filter without an <"intake pre-filter sponge">. cheers Darrel
  64. dw1305

    Awesome algae! What is this?

    Hi all, It does look awesome, but I have absolutely no idea what it is. I'm pretty sure I've never seen anything quite like that. The chantransia form of Montagnia macrospora (a red algae) possibly look closest <"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/edn3.139">. I like the...
  65. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, You can combine any <"dosing regime"> with the <"Duckweed Index">. Although they are <"very different in their methodologies"> both <"Estimative"> & <"Duckweed"> Indices were "designed" to do away with the requirement for water testing. I use <"lean dosing">, but if you look at...
  66. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, We have a thread on cloning ADA fertilisers <"Mixing ferts to resemble ADA lineup">. All <"you need to ask"> the ADA fanboys is: If they can give you a <"scientifically coherent answer">? I'll go and buy the entire ADA range of fertilisers. cheers Darrel
  67. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, That would be the sort of level you are looking for for your datum value in the tank, somewhere around 150 microS. You just need to watch plant growth (as long as that is OK), if the conductivity value keeps creeping up, change a little more water (just with RO water) or add a little...
  68. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, You are <"remineralising your tank"> to a <"much greater level than you need">. You can just add a very small volume <"of tap water">, I'd aim for~ 50 microS when your water is "remineralised". Then add your fertiliser and see what conductivity value you get. That is your datum...
  69. dw1305

    Green Water Labs - Algae Control

    Hi all, I'm guessing that if it does work (and I'd be in the dubious camp) that the acetic (ethanoic) acid (CH₃COOH) content isn't particularly relevant. There isn't much you can pin down from the blurb <"Algae Control">, which partially why I'm dubious. The vinegar (or vodka) dosing is to...
  70. dw1305

    What is this light brown, stringy algae?

    Hi all, It maybe the lack of water changes. I like <"regular low volume water changes">, others will prefer a larger volume weekly change. I honestly wouldn't worry too much. I'd follow @John q 's advice and add @Karacticus / @GHNelson's <"floating"> or floated stem plants <"Using stem plants...
  71. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, <"That isn't true">, have a look at @Roland 's tank, plants and parameters <"Soft water tank">. That is quite a high value, the only thing you might need to add is some calcium (Ca), if you don't add any all ready? cheers Darrel
  72. dw1305

    New tank algae problem

    Hi all, Yes <"Java Fern Help">. You can plant them. Good, that sounds really promising. Good advice I think. cheers Darrel
  73. dw1305

    Blue green algae????

    Hi all, Years ago I had a Black-Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi – Black Neon Tetra — Seriously Fish) with a large internal tumour, she was still just about able to swim and eat, but it had distorted her entire body. Eventually I knew I had to euthanize her, but she was too small to...
  74. dw1305

    BBA on high tech tank!

    Hi all, That must be a possibility with <"CRISPR - Wikipedia"> and I know where we could get the genes from - <"Bullia digitalis - Wikipedia">. Although a thought occurs, that you might really want a non-surfing Ramshorn snail? In which case I've already got them and <"they just need...
  75. dw1305

    BBA on high tech tank!

    ...Definitely, who needs <"Karl Popper>? In fact a <"business opportunity"> may beckon. Tangentially I read an "interesting" article about Donald Tr*mp and lying and people's perception of it, where it said that it doesn't matter that he is lying, because he is sincere in his belief in his lies...
  76. dw1305

    BBA on high tech tank!

    Hi all, It is just conjecture, but the only places I I tend to get any <"Black Brush Algae"> (BBA) are places where the <"flow is very fast"> (outlets of powerheads etc) or <"on filter sponges">. I don't have any proof (or tanks without snails) but I think that lack of grazing by Ramshorn...
  77. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, I don't think natural light will be an issue now, even if it was in the summer. Cheers Darrel
  78. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, It is really difficult to say. In terms of their photosynthetic pigments and basic physiology the green algae are the same <"as all the higher plants">, so what suits the plants you want also suits the plants (algae, but still plants) you don't want. I'd try removing as much of the...
  79. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, Probably wise. I'd still try the Amazon Frogbit and see what it looks like after ~2 weeks cheers Darrel
  80. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, Do you dilute your tap water with RO or rain water? If you don't? I'd ignore the tank values you've recorded, because they are very, very different from the tap water values. If you did have a source of less salty water you could use in the tank? It is likely to help. I'm not going...
  81. dw1305

    Dealing with GSA, hair-fuzz algae since beginning.

    Hi all, How do you feel about snails? <"I'm a fan"> and they will help with the green algae. I also think you may have problems with your fertiliser, some-one will know, but I think you might need <"a bit more"> when you are adding CO2. I think we are somewhere in <"Liebig's limiting...
  82. dw1305

    Is this just Diatoms?

    Hi all, Both, I think filamentous diatoms, <"Fragilaria / Synedra">. Cheers Darrel
  83. dw1305

    New tank algae problem

    Hi all, You can use an "all in one" mix from Tropica, TNC etc. You just need one that contains all the essential plant nutrients. I use a horticultural fertiliser "Solufeed 2 : 1 : 4". Cheers Darrel
  84. dw1305

    Green spot algea

    Hi all, Yes, that is one of the ways that "phosphate strippers" work at wastewater plants <"How to Remove Phosphorus from Wastewater | SSI Aeration">. A continual dose of iron (ferric) chloride (FeCl2.6H2O) is introduced into the wastewater stream and iron phosphates precipitate out. You...
  85. dw1305

    Green spot algea

    Hi all, That would be my guess. It is also my guess for why <"increasing phosphate (PO4---) levels"> reduces GSA. It would take longer for <"this to show in the Frogbit">, compared to the algae. cheers Darrel
  86. dw1305

    How to get rid of Green Hair Algae ?

    Hi all, Amano shrimps will, along with some fish <"Algae eaters in the aquarium - | Aquasabi">. cheers Darrel
  87. dw1305

    How to get rid of Green Hair Algae ?

    Hi all, Green Algae (Chlorophyta) are difficult to control, because they share <"the same photosystems, and basic physiology">, as all the higher plants. If you like they are all "plants", just some are <"plants you want"> and some are "plants you don't want". cheers Darrel
  88. dw1305

    🤷Plants attacked. What is that? Algae or cyano?

    Hi all, That is one of the problems with the deficiencies of the non-mobile plant nutrients (the ones that effect new leaves) it is only new leaves that are healthy. Are you still using the same chelate? If you are? More of it won't help because the iron (Fe) is, almost becoming non-available...
  89. dw1305

    🤷Plants attacked. What is that? Algae or cyano?

    Hi all, OK <"Chemiclean - Chemi-pure Advanced Aquarist Products">. Even if we work from the assumption that Chemiclean does what it says on the label, it is still going to "not work" in the longer term because cyanobacteria have the <"ability to grow incredibly quickly"> and the tank...
  90. dw1305

    🤷Plants attacked. What is that? Algae or cyano?

    Hi all, Definitely cyanobacteria. A bit of a strange question, but which <"media do you have in your filter">? I'd try syphoning, but it is a short term fix, like all the things you've tried already. This is a strange one, because your plants are showing signs of a deficiency of one of the...
  91. dw1305

    Algae or plant? Help me get rid

    Hi all, Certainly does <"20g Round Pellia (Susswassertang) | Shrimpland">. I like it, it suits my <"hands off"> style, but it possibly isn't a plant for those who like neat and tidy, or planned scapes, as it gets absolutely everywhere. cheers Darrel
  92. dw1305

    Seven day BGA black out or let the plants do the work?

    Hi all, I think that is the idea <"Black-out treatment - | Aquasabi">. That is where I'm coming from, basically concentrate on plant health. It is <"back to the coffee, not the froth"> argument. I've already typed this so I'll leave it in, but what @Andy Pierce says Because we think that...
  93. dw1305

    Seven day BGA black out or let the plants do the work?

    Hi all, I'll be honest I'm not a black-out fan, I'd always trade healthy plant growth for everything else. cheers Darrel
  94. dw1305

    How not to take care of algae

    Hi all, Yes, it is a mad idea, why would you want to add lots of copper (Cu) to your tank? I think that has hit the nail on the head. Those are really the problems we face, <"a nuanced answer">, couched <"in neutral terms">, is actually <"less likely to find favour"> with the "general...
  95. dw1305

    How not to take care of algae

    Hi all, Why is he <"mucking about with biocides">? He really needs a <"machine gun">. You might be interested in Tom Barr's @plantbrain comments in this thread <"Ecological Stoichiometry & Algae.">. @Brenmuk asks the invertebrate question later in that same thread <"Ecological Stoichiometry...
  96. dw1305

    Diatoms are good? Sometimes?

    Hi all, This is in sea water, but I'm going to guess equally applicable to fresh water. <"https://aquafishcrsp.oregonstate.edu/sites/aquafishcrsp.oregonstate.edu/files/boyd2014silicondiatoms_gaa.pdf">. cheers Darrel
  97. dw1305

    Diatoms are good? Sometimes?

    Hi all, I'm a diatom fan, particularly of Bacillaria paradoxa, the "slide rule" diatom. The persistent, and species specific, diatom frustule means that they can be used for all sorts of things, <"forensics">, <"climate and habitat reconstruction"> and as a <"trophic index">. True. All...
  98. dw1305

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    Hi all, It is a <"bit strange with ppm TDS">. We actually measure the conductivity (in microS) and this is a measure of all ions (charged particles) in solution. Rather than there being <"an absolute value">, everyone <"will start with a different datum value"> and then you just look for...
  99. dw1305

    Is this BBA and what should I do?

    Hi all, It is another Red Algae (Rhodophyta), <"Compsopogon caeruleus">. Yes, we think that Staghorn "outbreaks" may be caused by <"high levels of organic pollution">, which may originate from <"thick biofilms in the filter">. Cheers Darrel
  100. dw1305

    Is this BBA and what should I do?

    Hi all, So do I. Cheers Darrel