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BGA Help


24 Jan 2013
I've got a 30ltr cube tank on my office deck. Been running for about 2 month. Got a small hang on the back filter. Lights are on for 10 hours ( cheep light on half power)
It is a dirt tank. CO2 generator 1 bubble ever 4 sec+/- for the last 3 weeks
As you can see got BGA. Looking on the algae thread its because is a dirt tank. Flow is also not great. Nitrate is low between 0-5ppm hard to tell.
Plants are growing well. Shrimp are doing well
Any way how can I get rid of it. Also doesn't smell the best.


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Hi all,
Plants are growing well.
Honestly, that is the main thing.
Been running for about 2 month ........ Any way how can I get rid of it
Hopefully it will decline as the tank (<"and substrate">) matures. In the short term? Just syphon it out is your best bet.
Got a small hang on the back filter.
What filter media do you have? Does it have floss or fine sponge? If it does? I'd swap them for something that doesn't impede flow, or act as such an efficient mechanical filter.
Also doesn't smell the best.
No it doesn't, and even <"a small amount"> smells pretty <"earthy">.
Nitrate is low between 0-5ppm hard to tell.
Not all cyanobacteria is <"nitrogen fixing">, as long as the plants are growing well it probably isn't a mineral nutrient issue <"Cyanobacteria Identification - At Last!">.

cheers Darrel
Thank you for the quick reply. Ill remove the floss on the filter, been thinking of just removing the filter thing completely.
Have got long tweezers and pick it off fir time to time