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🤷Plants attacked. What is that? Algae or cyano?


Thread starter
7 Feb 2022
Hi, I know most types of algae as many years I have got HT planted tank any some algae but have no idea what is this and how to get rid of this.
As you can See plants are covered with this green thing.
*Tried cyanokiller that not helped.
*Tried Potassium permanganate bath but it back.
*Chihiros doctor not helped as well.
Ppm - N10, P0.3,K12, GH7, KH0.4, FE 0.1, PH 5.1.
Weekly 60% Water changes, light 9h, Co2 24H.
Daily Ppm 2N, 0.2P, 0.03FE
Maybe should try apt fix or some chemicals?


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Pretty certain it’s blue green algae, Cyanobacteri. You can brush it off or siphon it off the plants with a small hose I have used airline tubing at water changes, if you keep doing it it will diminish and disappear eventually. It often grows where there is less water circulation. A 3-4 day blackout will clear it and there are some bottled products for it.
Hi all,
.....But have no idea what is this and how to get rid of this.
As you can See plants are covered with this green thing....
Definitely cyanobacteria. A bit of a strange question, but which <"media do you have in your filter">?
You can brush it off or siphon it off the plants with a small hose I have used airline tubing at water changes, if you keep doing it it will diminish and disappear eventually. It often grows where there is less water circulation.
I'd try syphoning, but it is a short term fix, like all the things you've tried already.
Ppm - N10, P0.3,K12, GH7, KH0.4, FE 0.1, PH 5.1.

This is a strange one, because your plants are showing signs of a deficiency of one of the non-mobile plant nutrients, <"one that cause chlorosis of the new growth">. Your plants can't make use of the extra CO2 etc. if one of the <"essential nutrients is deficient">.

It is often an iron (Fe) issue, but iron is more available at low pH, so <"it may be manganese (Mn)"> (especially for @Hufsa).

<"Chempak Sequestered Iron"> also contains magnesium (Mg) and manganese, so might be worth considering.

I'm pretty sure that if plant health and growth improves your cyanobacteria will lessen (and hopefully go away altogether).

Cheers Darrel
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Thanks expert for reply. Some plants are grow well. Some are not. I removed Rotala Pearl as it was all attacked and also lost helferi red. 😐
My micro adds 0.1Mn and 0.4Fe weekly.
Parvula is attacked much. For me it looks like dusty-blue cyano however chemiclean not work.


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Hi all,
Update - chemiclean does not work.
OK <"Chemiclean - Chemi-pure Advanced Aquarist Products">. Even if we work from the assumption that Chemiclean does what it says on the label, it is still going to "not work" in the longer term because cyanobacteria have the <"ability to grow incredibly quickly"> and the tank conditions are still the same.

Have you changed your iron source? and is your plant growth any better? Are the plants growing green new leaves?
If they look like this?

I still think that you need to get around your plant growth issues before you can treat the cyanobacteria.

I'd also guess that the eventual treatment will just be improved plant growth and time.

cheers Darrel
Iron fert is changed week ago and still the issue is present. Plants are growing but with some problems. Week ago Im increased dosage of micro to this: (See picture) and in addition Im adding (0.15ppm weekly) of pure Fe to achieve 0.4/weekly. Fe:Mn 4:1 (0.4:0.1).


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Hi all,
Iron fert is changed week ago and still the issue is present
That is one of the problems with the deficiencies of the non-mobile plant nutrients (the ones that effect new leaves) it is only new leaves that are healthy.

Are you still using the same chelate? If you are? More of it won't help because the iron (Fe) is, almost becoming non-available and precipitating out of solution.

Have a look at <"Lean dosing pros and cons"> and <"Frogbit taken a turn">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

That is one of the problems with the deficiencies of the non-mobile plant nutrients (the ones that effect new leaves) it is only new leaves that are healthy.

Are you still using the same chelate? If you are? More of it won't help because the iron (Fe) is, almost becoming non-available and precipitating out of solution.

Have a look at <"Lean dosing pros and cons"> and <"Frogbit taken a turn">.

cheers Darrel
Good point, nope, chelate is different Previously I was adding different fert brand.