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Is this just Diatoms?


New Member
27 Aug 2023
2 week old tank, Superfish Scaper 90, lights are on 6hrs and im using DIY co2, dosing half the amount of API all in ferts every week. Tank was seeded with media from my dads tank and dosed with Serchem Stability when I added the fish. Is all this just diatoms, every time I remove some and do a water change it seems to come back in full force even worse the next day. Is it just diatoms?
It seems to be pearling too which is slightly annoying
I've read the article and my feelings are mixed. Par example, quote: Plants under harsh/fluctuating conditions continually re-program their enzymes to try to adapt to new conditions - older DNA is ejected from the leaves as organic waste & ammonia. end of quote. Sentences like this look expertly but, in fact, they betray that the author's knowledge of plant physiology is very superficial, at best.
Yet I quite agree with the core assessment: These algae proliferate when there is too much dissolved organic compounds in the water column, or exuded from plants' leaves.
I've read the article and my feelings are mixed. Par example, quote: Plants under harsh/fluctuating conditions continually re-program their enzymes to try to adapt to new conditions - older DNA is ejected from the leaves as organic waste & ammonia. end of quote. Sentences like this look expertly but, in fact, they betray that the author's knowledge of plant physiology is very superficial, at best.
Yet I quite agree with the core assessment: These algae proliferate when there is too much dissolved organic compounds in the water column, or exuded from plants' leaves.
I tend not to focus on the science of aquaria too much, it’s above my knowledge level and I don’t bother with what I don’t understand.
I hadn’t actually read the article but hopes it might have something to help the OP as 2hr aquarist are typically pretty good.
I had a similar outbreak previously with a newer setup. Consistent water changes and making sure everything else was as stable as I could keep it helped. It’s going to require consistent effort of manual removal and water changes until it’s eradicated, but that’s just my experience. The filamentous diatoms are the worst.