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  1. Fireman77

    New Aquascape

    Hello Mike, Thank you for the information. Concerning light, the tank is in my studio which has double aspect windows. The tank is positioned between the two. Because it is my studio I use daylight bulbs to illuminate the room but they are not on all the time. The Monti Carlo was recommended to...
  2. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    UPDATE The plants are coming along nice a slow. About 50% of the Cryptocorney and Bucephandra leaves have melted but new leaves are growing. The moss wall has new growth. I’ve added immersed S repens. I’ve mossed up the wood with Christmas moss. I stripped the plant pad with the dead moss and...
  3. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    @Fireman77 thanks for the information. As you have no filter and a small volume of water, I would suggest aiming to do a near 100% water change every week for at least 4 weeks. This will take away the organic waste until your tank’s biological processes mature. What light are your plants...
  4. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    I found this slug in the filter compartment of the terrarium. All plants and hardscape are from reputable aquascaping suppliers. How on earth did it get there?
  5. J

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Yes you can use Urea instead, I add it in with the micro's solution. I believe over a period of time once in solution the Urea will break down to NH4, but I don't know how long this process takes in the ferts bottle, either way you will still have a source of Nitrogen.
  6. S

    Things you don't see everyday.

    My dyslexia led me to believe that the window photo said 'Toilet Roll Soil's Danger'. Oh well, back to my WC. Thats 'Water Change' by the way! Si
  7. megwattscreative

    Things you don't see everyday.

    I actually have an Instagram account documenting weird things you don't see every day! I'm not very active on it but here are some highlights from when I lived in Norwich. https://www.instagram.com/wyrdnorwich?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  8. megwattscreative

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    Hi all, it's fish day! Yesterday I added my first fish: 8 × sundadanio axelrodi/ neon blue rasbora 8 × Boraras brigittae/ chili rasbora 8 × Paracheirodon simulans/ green neon tetra they are all from Abyss Aquatics in Stockport and are settling in nicely. I slightly overfed them with ground...
  9. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    So after aprox 12 hours work divided over 2 days the tank is back to business. I decided to take every grain of sand out after i discovered a few times of root rot/soil rot in the center of the tank. I always liked the idea of dark sand in my tank but after some (expensive) tryouts me and the...
  10. Zeus.

    Optimising algae growth

    My focus was on the planted tank/scape first and the livestock was secondary to enhance the plants and scape so I selected livestock to suit, so having a constant running temp of 22 C wouldn't of been an issue for me. If the main focus is the specific livestock that needed higher temps then...
  11. Fireman77

    New Aquascape

    Hello Mike, Thank you for your reply. As requested please see below. 1. Size of tank. 30cm x 30cm x 36cm 2. Age of the system approximately. Two weeks 3. Tap water parameters...
  12. Tim Harrison

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Anything like this? https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/white-fungus-like-dots-on-anubias-making-my-fish-sick.37756/#post-407875
  13. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    Hi and welcome. Please provide the information about your setup as per this thread. Thread 'Please read the guidelines for plant help!' Please read the guidelines for plant help!
  14. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Sand arrived, but the bag had slit so have lost half. Sent pix to shop. I've added it to the foreground in a decent layer this morning. Cories already more relaxed and diving head 1st into it. The giant Vall needs trimming, but I like how it all coils together at the surface. Rainbow 🌈...
  15. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Yep down the road from me, so I'll be going this year.
  16. Gill


    Also you can use a teeny bit of boiled egg yolk mixed with tank water and added very small amounts to the tank. Or just order some powdered egg yolk to use in the future.
  17. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Ah OK thank you for the explanation! So can/should I use Urea instead in my AIO?
  18. Chez_

    How big is your towel? And do you wash it?

    Usually, old hand towels that started off as ex hotel purchases from eBay and are now demoted to dog towels. Yesterday however I absentmindedly neglected to lock the pump head off when I opened the filter and had to resort to bath towels.
  19. richardcunliffe

    A pine root planted randomness

    Are you misting daily to keep these emersed anubias from going crispy? Doesn't the air plant want rather different humidity levels?
  20. dw1305

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Hi all, It looks like "biogenic calcification". Basically "lime scale" deposits. It occurs in water with some CaCO3 content, when the plant extracts CO2 molecule, which reduces the amount of bicarbonate (HCO3-) that can remain in solution and the least soluble carbonate (CaCO3) comes out of...
  21. ElleDee

    New Eheim Canister

    Apparently the new ones have an app or something so they will send you an email when they are getting clogged. That is a very unappealing feature to me! I chose to run eheim classics because they are simple and reliable and adding wifi functionality is the opposite of that. I don't want my...
  22. R

    Information on Fenbendazole

    So I am new to these forums, and I've been working on my first planted tank. I posted a reply in that thread about how I was trying to deal with a hydra infestation. Basically, because I had no livestock, I had many cyclops that were subsequently eaten by many, many hydra. Because I want to keep...
  23. S

    Multiple plant issues

    Theres some decent growth on most of those plants! The lower ones look like they have kind of burns on them? The only time i have seen this before is from when i sprayed Glute on my plant leaves by accident when the water was low during a wchange. Looks like theres a bit of die off so get rid of...
  24. tam


    Very cool :)
  25. J

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    It's a chemical thing. In lay man's terms calcium attracts sulphates, phosphates, carbonates. Etc. Eg mix calcium nitrate with magnesium sulfate and you'll end with calcium sulphate which is insoluble. Mix calcium nitrate with potassium phosphate and by the wonders of science you'll have a mix...
  26. hypnogogia

    New Eheim Canister

    I think they were the first thermo filters ever.
  27. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    I've got some but I'll add more from the other tank
  28. sh4d0w

    Multiple plant issues

    Cheers Darrel, will se h0w the carpet grows in
  29. Q

    New Eheim Canister

    Wow I was about to say if Eheim made a classic with a heater it would be the ultimate filter. Need to bring that model back.
  30. ScareCrow

    Show your orchids!

    Bletilla striata I couldn't provide suitable conditions for it, for the last 5 years, so it's merely survived until last year when I could give it a better home. This is the best it's flowered for me.
  31. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Do you have any floating plants? I find they’re very effective at mopping up excess nutrients.
  32. L

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    I would very much like to buy a nice aquarium specific light, but for the price of a chihiros 120cm pro 2, I can buy ~15 fixtures of the more expensive model I mentioned, or 100 of the cheapest one. Even if I buy some of the cheap fixtures for a test and don't like it, it was worth it just for...
  33. sparkyweasel


    If the tank is well-established there could well be enough microscopic life to feed them until they are big enough for your banana worms etc. If you have a water butt, or a fish-free pond, you could take some water from there to add some micro-food. Balance the water temperature to match the...
  34. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Decided, on balance, to leave them in the current tank. Have added an air pump and will carry out frequent water changes. Add more plants too? I've taken out the moss balls which certainly were not in good health. Many thanks again for all the help.
  35. Kaliilo


    So I knew my sparkling gourami had a nest on the go but I just spotted something move on a leaf and omg there's loads of them. No wonder I missed them they are ridiculously small. For reference the floating plant is normal.sized duckweed (so very small) Hopefully they survive, I'm giving...
  36. MaterialCrab

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    I should not be this happy about something so simple but it will be a game changer for my water changes. My tap water is very hard, this will solve that problem for the most part.
  37. S

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    So here’s an interesting update. When we first started the tank we did add three nerite snails. Two died soon after but one hung on for ages. After a while I stopped seeing him and assumed he had either died somewhere or just never came out from behind the hardscape. I forgot about him. So...
  38. Aqua sobriquet

    Aquarium Disaster

    Are those dead Moss Balls near the front?
  39. tam

    Aquarium Disaster

    Pros - the other tank is stable and you don't know what caused the issue in this one so hard to guarentee it's ongoing conditions, cons they could be suseptible to illness after the stress and catching them up/moving is more stress, and catching them back out of a 200l may be fun. Up to you...
  40. Andy Pierce

    Optimising algae growth

    Neocaridina shrimp and snails are OK at 22C but many tropical fish won't be. Forgetting to plug the heater back in makes them very lethargic and "bottom dwelly".
  41. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Thanks Tam. Can rule out the cat/small person chances. Male bristlenose was one of the last to pass, after testing. Our water here, in Prestwick on west coast of Scotland, is noted as being soft on Scottish Water website so that may be something. Unbelievably, as I sit in front of the...
  42. S

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    No nerites. I had ramshorns but their shells were falling apart (I’m guessing ph drop due to CO2 but that’s another issue) so I moved them to my low tech shrimp tank. I have one large rabbit snail left in there and he’s been there since day dot. I don’t see many baby snails anymore as my...
  43. tam

    Aquarium Disaster

    It's a very unusual thing to happen in an established planted tank that's getting regular maintainance. In old tank syndrome you build up nitrate/ammonia and a lack of kh becomes an issue, ph drops - then if you do a sudden water change shoot up the ph and turn ammonia from ammonium (less...
  44. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    @bazz You mentioned that Calcium Nitrate is unsuitable for use in an AIO solution like I'm trying to create, could you elaborate on why this is so please? I thought it should be acceptable since it's included in the calculator? If Calcium Nitrate is not suitable to be used, should I use Urea...
  45. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    I've added it in, but my tap water contains quite negligible amounts of anything significant except perhaps moderate amounts of calcium. It's mostly treated rainwater from reservoirs, but also contains 10% treated sewage waste water (sounds disgusting I know) bug it's supposed to be as pure as...
  46. NathanB

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    What are those super dark small crypts on the left at the front? They're really nice, beautiful tank!
  47. NathanB

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    What snail species do you have in the tank? Nerites lay eggs in the same way as your photos, tiny white dots in random locations. Nerite eggs look slightly different however and are more difficult to clean off, But still possible that they're some sort of snail egg i guess? When you clean them...
  48. NathanB

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    That's my experience so far too, I haven't had some big drastic crypt melt like I was expecting, just a leaf here and there! I dont want to speak too soon though.. Maybe I just had an unrealistic expectation when it came to crypts melting? But saying that, I guess every tank is different and...
  49. Walt1908

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    My experiences are pretty much with all my crypts that when planted they lose a few leaves in the first weeks. Other leaves just stay as they were and new leaves emerge pretty much always with new colours and shapes. Picture of some melt of one of my c. Nevellii leaves; I usually cut them off
  50. S

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    I don’t think so. I’ve only ever had snail eggs laid in clutches before and these are everywhere like a well scattered dust. I’m guessing it’s a fungus or mold but not sure. My tank is 7 months old and heavily planted.
  51. Scaperinc

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Snail eggs?
  52. S

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Tank has fish in it. It’s co2 injected. I dose trace and macro on alternate days. Macro is Solufeed 2:1:4. Dose less than EI but more than lean. 50% water change a week but sometimes do a midweek 30% if I have time. Very soft water where I am so I add some salty shrimp mineral and some potassium...
  53. S

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Anyone know what this is and what to do about it? Seems to have appeared in the last few days. It was all over plant leaves and hardscape. It brushes off with a toothbrush. I’ve siphoned a lot off and done two water changes on consecutive days but still quite a lot of it.
  54. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Thanks for all the comments so far. I've attached a couple of pics but the tank has been messed around a bit over the last couple of days as I made sure there was nothing left dead inside. Would the high ammonia cause the pH to drop so low? It is the NT Labs text kit which I use. When...
  55. S

    Aquarium Disaster

  56. NathanB

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    Thanks everyone for the replies, when my crypts are showing good signs of growth and getting a little more bushy and taller, this would surely mean that these yellow spots are just deficiences no? I would say maybe shoving a little root tab underneath would help, but thats already done! So maybe...
  57. Fireman77

    New Aquascape

    My new plants only low-tech tank is just coming up to two weeks since the set up. I have done one 30% water change so far. The tank has no filter, light or livestock. I noticed within a few days after setting up the aquascape that there was a very light green tinge to the water which is of...
  58. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

    Yes just to see them and say hello in the morning whilst I have my coffee. 🤣
  59. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, That is certainly plausible. I'm guessing that is the real difference, the only rooted plants I have tend to be Cryptocoryne spp. which are "perennials". If I had stems, that I continually trimmed and uprooted, there would be much more in the way of detached roots etc,. It would be...
  60. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    If the tanks are stable shutting them down for one day won't do any harm. But there is no need for the likes of us to do the same. I think it's just convenient from a business point of view.
  61. Tim Harrison

    The Art of Nature Aquarium

    600mm Nature Aquarium island layout
  62. S

    Chihiros help for new tank

    Great. Im glad your plants have light! I will go back to my app later and compare. So your first setting is for and hour?
  63. S

    Optimising algae growth

    again that sounds like a very controlled environment in which that can be done and goes against what most are trying to do. Its like a Big Tank Siesta which also saves energy and Co2. Fluctuations are obviously okay if the lights are off I guess. Si
  64. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    I'm guessing that'll probably be Sunday, when the showroom is closed.
  65. Zeus.

    Optimising algae growth

    Green Aqua have their whole premises air conditioned at a constant 22 degrees Celsius. That with the use of remineralize RO water for their tanks was the two main things I took away from my visit from them which on top of regular WC ferts light and Flow/tank turnover to help the plants...
  66. Scaperinc

    Optimising algae growth

    I have a lot of time for Dave and his views hope to drive up there one day and meet him , You are right I watched that video , it was GF kind of interviewing him and he basically was saying when people get a bit of alge they reduce the light. He goes the otherway and increase the light and also...
  67. Scaperinc

    Optimising algae growth

    What Marian told me was that organics buildup and he only does that if he starts getting BBA , also stems need replanting with healthy tops after a while anyway , he mostly keeps dutch style which have mostly stem plants so maybe for him it's not an issue.
  68. Tim Harrison

    Optimising algae growth

    Dave at AG, generally tends to use high light from the get go. He did explain why a while ago and I may have forgotten something crucial. But I think the gist is, it’s sort of a race between rapid plant growth and algae control. Basically, he concentrates on growing healthy plants rapidly to...
  69. Cazza

    Hello from Newbury

  70. Cazza

    Hello from the Scottish Borders...

    Hello there!
  71. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, The green algae have the same photosystems and basic physiology as all the other plants, they are "plants". There are definitely algae that are "turned up to eleven" plants, but there are also algae that grow in oligotrophic conditions as well. You do, and I think it does. It is back...
  72. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, I don't think that wood is the sort of organic carbon source that would enhance algal growth. Heart wood is comprised of lignin, and lignin is very resistant to decay, and right on the edge of biodegradability in energy terms. You can release that energy by oxidation (wood burns), but...
  73. richardcunliffe

    60L - After the Flood

  74. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Water is crystal clear with a kh 8 atm.
  75. hypnogogia

    Hello from the Scottish Borders...

    Hello 👋, welcome.
  76. hypnogogia

    Aquarium Disaster

    A dead large snail such as a nerite could cause an ammonia spike like that.
  77. Aqua sobriquet

    What Water To Use?

    It rained so heavily some time ago that the gutter on my shed was overflowing. Not wishing to miss an opportunity I collected some of the overflow directly. When I checked the TDS I got a reading of 2 or 3!
  78. Q

    60L - After the Flood

    No real updates other than the plants have adapted to aquatic life and the tank is going through the uglies phase right now with some diatoms growing on the rockwork. I like the scape but half of me thinks about taking the stones out every time I see a nice dutch style tank! Need to cram more...
  79. Mike Singh

    AQUAH 2024

    “AQUAH is a hub where business professionals and hobbyists alike can connect, allowing participants to exchange insights, experiences, and knowledge accumulated over years of dedication in the field.“ The venue is in Stoneleigh, Kenilworth CV8 2LZ in the Midlands. https://aquah.co.uk/
  80. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Very good point. Quite a large water volume too which I didn’t notice before.
  81. Mike Singh

    Aquarium Disaster

    Sorry for your loss. Did you disturb the substrate a lot during the maintenance?
  82. Scaperinc

    Aquarium Disaster

    Agree with Michael also if you have a ammonia detoxifier like prime you could use it and do daily/every 2 days water changes until filter catches up and also look for any possible cause. I have heard of old tank symdorum but I think that is related to high levels for nitrates which you tested...
  83. MichaelJ

    Aquarium Disaster

    Assuming this event happened in the Roma tank only and you run the 3 tanks similarly it’s probably fair to conclude that something like what @simon_the_plant_nerd describes above happened. However, in a densely planted tank (125 L) it’s rather unlikely a dead tetra or two (a large fish is a...
  84. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

    Here’s my auto settings for my Chihiros light. I’ve not messed with the colour channels an all. The +50 and +60 is the % light intensity.
  85. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Sorry for your loss. It sounds like something in your tank died and was decomposing causing the ammonia spike. If you didn’t remove it then after a water change the ammonia would just increase again. It’s a bit of a risk of a well planted tank. I often think when I clean my tank that if...
  86. Fireman77

    New Low Tech Plants Only Tank - Water Change?

    Thank for the information and advice. I was advised to not feed the plants for two weeks but to let them settle in. I had planned to start feeding them tomorrow so I will continue with the planned feed. Thanks again.
  87. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi - looking for any advice please. I currently run 3 tanks, the oldest of which is a Fluval Roma 125l established 3 and a half years ago. My usual maintenance regime is a 25% water change and filter clean every 2 - 3 weeks. Last session being Sunday. Before each session I check the water. For...
  88. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Plottwist. Yesterday evening we noticed from the couch the tank became to much of a dark spot. I always enjoyed the moonlight reflecting from the sand in the evenings. But not any more. Every sparkle of light was absorbed. So this morning i got 30kg of JBL zanzibar 'river' with a new bucket of...
  89. MichaelJ

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    Yes, that might be the case. I've had crypts melt off all their leaves from merely being moved around in the same tank (while others would be fine) and then later bounce back and be just fine. I always considered crypts the snowflakes among the aquatic plants I've kept, but that might be a...
  90. hypnogogia

    What Water To Use?

    His general hardness is 18…
  91. Tim Harrison

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    I think it's just as simple as a change in environmental conditions. Crypts exhibit an amazing degree phenotypic plasticity regarding leaf morphology in response to different environmental parameters. It's probably more energy efficient, as a longterm strategy, for them to shed old leaves and...
  92. S

    What Water To Use?

    did you mean to type 18? Im confused, surely the ph isn't that high?? Thats gravel isn't it!! okay so maybe there isnt too much advantage for me to dilute mine if i am around 7ph. all the fun!
  93. Kaliilo

    What Water To Use?

    Because I live in Hertfordshire, my general hardness is around 18 so yes essentially I'm diluting it. I add the tap water so I don't have to add anything to my soft water. TDS of spotless water is 0 so I add tap and it's sitting at around 6degrees of hardness (in the smallest tank). I fill up a...
  94. oreo57

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    Maybe start with the basics of "constant voltage" design. https://www.homemade-circuits.com/how-to-calculate-and-connect-leds-in/ And understand the 2 ways to run leds.. Constant Voltage v.s. Constant Current LED Drivers - uPowerTek I picked the constant voltage method because controller s...
  95. S

    What Water To Use?

    Thats interesting. I have one of those Spotless water places near me. Because it is essentially pure water?? do you not have to add anything to it or is that the job of the tap water? Are you basically diluting tap water if you see what i mean? What is the main reason for using Spotless Water...
  96. S

    Chihiros help for new tank

    This is a great YT clip but i found it way to fast. Also it looks like two tanks are being setup which was a bit confusing. Thanks for posting though! You mention ramp down. I didnt realise that, or remember setting it up but apparently i did as my light was doing so last night. Si
  97. ElleDee

    New Low Tech Plants Only Tank - Water Change?

    It's my understanding Flourite is a baked clay substrate like Safe-T-Sorb or Turface - little to no nutrient value itself, so you need to fertilize your plants like you would with gravel or sand. I have never used it myself though.
  98. Anfield1forever

    Newbie with a new project.

    Thank you 😊
  99. dw1305

    How big is your towel? And do you wash it?

    Hi all, A tea towel out of the drawer, then put it on the hook to dry, hoping that my wife doesn't notice that I've spilled water everywhere. Cheers Darrel
  100. dw1305

    Multiple plant issues

    Hi all, It honestly looks OK. Moss carpet? It looks like Bristlenose (Ancistrus) damage to Anubias & Bucephalandra. Cheers Darrel