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New Aquascape


24 May 2024
Exeter, Devon
My new plants only low-tech tank is just coming up to two weeks since the set up. I have done one 30% water change so far. The tank has no filter, light or livestock. I noticed within a few days after setting up the aquascape that there was a very light green tinge to the water which is of course algae. After the water change I noticed that the green tinge is still there albeit less than before. Please can anyone tell me when to expect the water to become clear? I am not in a rush to have very clear water and I don't want to use any additives. I just would like to know how long before it might clear? The tank is 30cm square.
Hi and welcome.
Please provide the information about your setup as per this thread.
Thread 'Please read the guidelines for plant help!'
Please read the guidelines for plant help!
Hello Mike,

Thank you for your reply.

As requested please see below.

1. Size of tank. 30cm x 30cm x 36cm
2. Age of the system approximately. Two weeks
3. Tap water parameters. Tap water not used. I used rain water which was not tested
4. Filtration and Media. No filter system. set up as a low tech eco system
5. Lighting and duration. No lighting
6. Substrate. Seachem Flourite
7. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing. No Co2 system. Used Easy-Life liquid Co2. One does so far.
8. Drop Checker. I have no idea what this means
9. Fertilizers used + Ratios. Used Easy-Life at the required dose of 10 drops per 5 litres
10. Water change regime and composition. One water change so far. 30%
11. Plant list + Invitro/Emersed. Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo, Anubias Barteri Caladiifolia, Anubias barteri var. nana, Staurogyne repens, Taxiphyllum 'Flame Moss', Rotala Rotundifolia, Bacopa Caroliniana, Hygrophila Siamensis and
Limnophila Sessiliflora
12. Inhabitants. None - Plants only tank
13. Full tank shot and surface image. Unable to provide photographs as I have no camera
@Fireman77 thanks for the information. As you have no filter and a small volume of water, I would suggest aiming to do a near 100% water change every week for at least 4 weeks. This will take away the organic waste until your tank’s biological processes mature.

What light are your plants receiving at the moment?
The Monte Carlo is a high light plant and won’t survive in your low tech setup.
These videos will be helpful:

@Fireman77 thanks for the information. As you have no filter and a small volume of water, I would suggest aiming to do a near 100% water change every week for at least 4 weeks. This will take away the organic waste until your tank’s biological processes mature.

What light are your plants receiving at the moment?
The Monte Carlo is a high light plant and won’t survive in your low tech setup.
These videos will be helpful:

Hello Mike,

Thank you for the information. Concerning light, the tank is in my studio which has double aspect windows. The tank is positioned between the two. Because it is my studio I use daylight bulbs to illuminate the room but they are not on all the time. The Monti Carlo was recommended to me by an aquatic shop when I described the location of the tank. All plants were purchased from the same shop in the same order.

Thanks for the videos. I'm sure they will be a great help.

Thanks again.
Hello Mike,

Thank you for the information. Concerning light, the tank is in my studio which has double aspect windows. The tank is positioned between the two. Because it is my studio I use daylight bulbs to illuminate the room but they are not on all the time. The Monti Carlo was recommended to me by an aquatic shop when I described the location of the tank. All plants were purchased from the same shop in the same order.

Thanks for the videos. I'm sure they will be a great help.

Thanks again.
The green tint you are seeing is probably algae growing on the glass from the window light. Give the glass a good clean.

It is unlikely that the window light will be enough to grow the plants. Certainly the Monte Carlo wouldn’t make it. I’d recommend you get a small clip on light to help things along. Put it on a plug timer. See this one:
The green tint you are seeing is probably algae growing on the glass from the window light. Give the glass a good clean.

It is unlikely that the window light will be enough to grow the plants. Certainly the Monte Carlo wouldn’t make it. I’d recommend you get a small clip on light to help things along. Put it on a plug timer. See this one:
Hello Mike,

Thank you for the advice. The green tinge is definitely in the water and not on the glass. I'm in the process of purchasing a small hang on the back filter and a clip on light for another project. The only problem I see is that by adding the lamp defeats my plan to have a very low tech ecosystem.

Thanks again.
Hello Mike,

Thank you for the advice. The green tinge is definitely in the water and not on the glass. I'm in the process of purchasing a small hang on the back filter and a clip on light for another project. The only problem I see is that by adding the lamp defeats my plan to have a very low tech ecosystem.

Thanks again.
Then your aquarium is probably getting light for to long a period. If you place it in a darker area and control the light period with an artificial light it will take care of the green water issue.