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13 Jun 2021
So I knew my sparkling gourami had a nest on the go but I just spotted something move on a leaf and omg there's loads of them. No wonder I missed them they are ridiculously small.
For reference the floating plant is normal.sized duckweed (so very small)
Hopefully they survive, I'm giving banana worms but even the worms look big next to these guys lol
I'm a very proud fish mother 😀
If the tank is well-established there could well be enough microscopic life to feed them until they are big enough for your banana worms etc.
If you have a water butt, or a fish-free pond, you could take some water from there to add some micro-food. Balance the water temperature to match the tank as they are quite sensitive to changes.
So cool! Any predators around maybe or do mom and dad do some protection?
They are in a tank with only other sparkling gouramis. Dad is amazing and looked after the nest but the females are ruthless. Not sure if they would eat them but I wouldn't trust them lol
To be fair most of the babies are on top of the pennywort right by the surface so the adults probably won't see them anyway
For anyone interested I caught a video of them mating and dad catching the eggs. I have an old glucose strip case stuck in the tank and he is filling it with eggs. You can actually see why they are called sparkling gourami....their colours are amazing
Four sparklers in this tank and theres some microscopic babies already in there which i posted earlier! The video and pictures dont do their colours justice, they are stunning IRL. Hope you enjoy this as much as I have!



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