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Welcome :) Tell us about yourself

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I'm new to the site, i from Blackwood in South Wales (UK). I've been attempting to run a planted tank for over a year now and wasn't very successful in getting them to grow until i followed the advice posted throughout the forum (thanks guys i couldn't have done it without your help :thumbup: ). After seeing some of the impressive aquascapes posted throughout the site it's inspired me to start again and do it properly from the start (wish i had found this site first, would have saved alot of money :thumbdown: ). I'm going to try EI dosing for the new tank so i'm sure i'll have a long list of questions/problems near the date.

Keep up the great work guys :clap:

New member so hi to all. 🙂
Live in Windsor (UK) and have five tanks (400/240/180/60/30 litres) plus a wildlife pond in the back garden 😀 my other hobby is home cinema.Have over twenty years fishkeeping experience.
The 60 has just been recovered from the garage and 30 is a new addition (housed on the dining table by the way :crazy: ) due to recovering from a serious injury tanks were in a bit of a mess but now i'm back to full health all have had a major overall and of course some new fish added.My passion for growing aquatic plants is now fully reignited.
Big tank has firemouths and rams,240 neon tetras,180 tiger barbs.The 30 and 60 litre have no occupants at the moment as there yet to mature plus i want to do some experiemts with plant fertilizing dosing levels etc.
Have a ton of questions on all my tanks to be honest plus could post some pics and discuss about their plants but not sure where to start so will have a good read through the forum and find out the relevent threads to do this.
Haven't picked up a fishkeeping magazine since 2006 🙁 so well behind the times what with all these new ideas (to me anyway) and methods now being used.
Quite shocked about nitrate/phosphate trace dosing for planted tanks though but also pleased this has been brought to my attention as i'm carrying out on my own testing regarding this and so far been VERY surprised with the results.
I always though excess nutrients caused algae full stop but now see there is other factors involved..........amazing!
Excellent forum by the way,nicely setup and very informative.
Will post more very soon.
Hi all.

I have been into fishkeeping for a while now and currently have a 125l tank with Rainbows in which is partially planted. The tank is in my dads house and I've just moved so I am going to setup a fully planted biotope tank in my new house and then move the fish down here.

I envisage the tank having various rainbow species, gobies and loads of shrimp.

I currenty live near Ruabon in North Wales so nice and close to the Green Machine. :thumbup:

I have already put a deposit on a tank, an Osaka 320 which looks amazing.

I also want to setup a 32l shrimp only tank. Fully planted. I will need advice on this very shortly as I intend to get the substrate and plants in very soon (this weekend maybe).
Hi Guys,

already posted on here to introduce myself. But this seems the better place to do it.

Have had a tank for many years. have had some success with planted, but nothing major as I would like.

Am looking to get further in planted tanks. However work ties me up. i.e. Live in London, work in Dewsbury so am back and forth weekends/week. And only here say for another few months, before I am back home again. So cant make any commitments or start any projects due to it.

But plan to in time, maybe around xmas get myself a nice tank.
Animal Mother said:
I currenty live near Ruabon in North Wales so nice and close to the Green Machine. :thumbup:

Hi AM. I live in Broughton, but just on the point of moving to Pen y Ffordd. I might bump in to you at the TGM. :thumbup:

I go through Pontblyddyn quite a bit when I'm out on the motorbike, nice area round there. :thumbup:

It was one of the places we were looking at when house hunting.
Hi all,

I joined just a few days ago and can't believe the amount of useful information on the site. I was a passionate fish keeper in the past, but have been out of the hobby for nearly 15 years. I recently purchased a Rio 180 which is sitting in my lounge bone dry. I have decided it's going to be a planted tank, but that's as far as I've got :lol:

Thanks in advance for all the help I've had and I'm certain I'm going to get from you guys.


Hi everyone,

My name is Laura, 22, and I've recently got into planted aquariums and aquascaping. 😀

I've been keeping fish for about 10 years. My Dad is a keen fishkeeper with his own fish house. He breeds softwater fish including discus and apistogramma.

I'm a subscriber to PFK and am a huge fan of George Farmer's work. 😳 He has inspired me to try my hand at planted tanks through his articles, blogs etc. and I can't believe I've waited so long. On his recommendation I have bought and read Takashi Amano's books (nature book 1 to 3) and have seen a couple of Aqua Journals.

My LFS, Maidenhead Aquatics in Peterborough, recommended also UKAPS - so here I am! 🙂

I'm saving up for an entire ADA-style system with overtank lighting, glassware, decent substrate etc. I'm a self-employed beautician by trade and all my customers and friends think I'm weird getting into this hobby. But I think a decent planted tank is world's apart from the common perception of a dirty algae-infested fish tank! :sick:

I'll start a journal when I eventually get together all my equipment. I can't believe how expensive some of it is but i am a believer in getting it right from the go! :thumbup:

I'm also a dab hand with scissors and tweezers so I look forward to getting my hands wet! :lol:

Anyway, that's it for now. Off to look at some amazing tanks on here, no doubt, and get all inspired (and envious!) :lol:

Best wishes to all,
Laura aka NA-Fan :wave:
hello and welcome to the forum. As you will have already noticed, its a lively and active forum with many knowledgable members and scapers alike.

i must say, fair play for doing all the reading up first, so many people dont and jump in at the deep end.
and as for going for ada straight off, im jealous 😳
lol. Thanks Nick!

I am a great believer in researching before parting with my hard earned money!

I don't want to sound like a stalker, but Mr Farmer's advice is amongst the best I think. Even my Dad likes him. :shock:

From what I have read, ADA is very expensive and you can get the same results with a lot less expense, but I do like nice things and things that are well designed. Aesthetics are paramount in my world! I saved up for ages for my iPhone and iMac for the same reason! Just call me a material woman!!! :lol:

And don't be jealous. I am not rich or anything like that. Just willing to save up and in the mean time read up and learn alot! :thumbup:
yeah same, i thought about going for ADA products but after reading through journals, i have realised its ALOT cheaper to use other products and still get the same results. Plus you can still have that cool, clean, crisp look. 😀

i think its a matter of choice, but i guess in the end it is down to funds. I wouldnt mind using say Amazonia on a small 60L tank, but when i have a 400 litre thing on the way, using over 100kg of ADA soil will make Alan sugar look like a cheapskate. :lol:

lol material women, (i gave them up a year or so ago, (even though i am 17 :lol: )) but :shh:
Welcome to the society Laura! Hopefully you'll find all the information you need, but don't be afraid to ask 🙂

I too intend to set up and ADA tank in the near future. I'm moving house in January, so it'll have to wait untill after then (and I've saved up some cash!) I have a good chunk of the materials - power sand special, all ADA ferts I need and ADA substrate. Just need to save up for a decent light unit and most of all, the optiwhite tank I want :crazy:

Again, welcome aboard! :wave:
Welcome to the mad house, Laura!

I'm glad you got around to joining up after our discussions. 😉

I'm looking forward to seeing your ADA set-up. What size are you planning? 60cm?
Hi Guys, I have eventually returned to the fold after doing Marines for 15 years. Loved my tank (70 Gal including refugium and baby coral frag tank), the wife (now X) of the time decided she wasn't happy and now i am looking forward to getting back into the planted hobby and learning all about the things that have developed since then.

I am lucky as all the kit i had for the Marine tank i can use with the Planted (Please advise where needed).

I have a new life and love, developed over the last four years, and still get surprised when i spill water water in the living room and just get smiled at. Also when i come up with some new DIY plan that is going to mess up things (like the cleaner crew tank above the main tank) i get smiled at and an "ok fine" reply. :shock:

I have got the tank set up and perameters sorted so am about to expand on types of plants and fish (just very basic at present. Looking forward to learning some new tricks of you guys).

Kit List

4ft x 18" High Tank plus 1.5ft x 10" high feeder tank.
Eheim Wet Dry Filter (Biological)
Eheim Canister Filter (Wool and Carbon) UV 15 UV Ster this outlet feeds the feeder tank.

Oh and you may have noted my spelling is pretty poor also 😳


Hi All
Im new to planted tanks and the UK. I have had a couple of small fish only tanks in the past but have always wanted a large planted tank. Now I'm going settle in one place for a while(grew up in NZ spent some time in the US as well)
I have finally been able to set up a planted tank 48"x16"x12" not as big as I would have liked lol but for £30 with filter, heater and light ballast off ebay (set up is several years old but never used) Ill live 😀 . It is currently set up as a low light non co2 tank (thanks Tom Barr :thumbup: )
Plant list includes: Ludwigia repens, Vallisneria spiralis, Amazon swords and Hygrophila polysperma. Fish at the moment. 4 bronze and 4 pepperd corydas and 4 platys(rescued from a friend with too many fish) hoping in the future to add a few dwarf gouramis and a couple of wild type scalare anglefish.
Still learning alot it has been a pretty steep curve so far and I dont know as much about plant types as I would like.
This site looks like a great place to further that knowledge.


Dear all,

First of all, my compliments on this great forum and high level of scaping skills amongst all of you :thumbup:

Because of a shared contact between myself and the strong holders of this forum, I learned about this forum and am since today going through some of the posts with open mouth.

A little about myself, my name is Marco Aukes. In the Netherlands and Belgium I am a distributor for ADA products; but than again only those products where ADA really makes a difference and is worth the extra money (therefore excluding their glass products and scaping tools...). Besides this I am since shortly a high fan of the Aquadistri products (containing Arcadia and the Colombo products) and promote these amongst dutch aquascapers.

But in the end, the most of my time still goes into another project of mine: Vivarium. This event will soon reach its third edition of being the biggest event (over 10.000m2) in Western Europe combining aquarium, pond, terrarium and paludarium hobbies.

Besides Vivarium, my webshop and my normal job I still find some time to maintain my tanks. My main tank is a South America setup; currently containing 14 juvenile original F1 (german bred) Altums and, since they breed like rabbits, a school of 32 C.maronii ( :crazy: ). To top things of 8 F.acus and 30 C.Arcuatus roam this aquarium sized 310*80*65 (in cm).

Since all of the fishes in there that still needs a lot of feeding to grow to full size, this tank is currently not great scape wise (I am happy that I can keep the algea under control there). Therefore I am setting up a scape tank at the moment.

This tank is 80*50*50, rimless and in full Optic White. I used it once at an aqarium fair to promote both our event and webshop, but find it to big to tow it around every time. So, 1 plus 1 equals perfect; this will be my "toy tank". I will keep you updated on this scape in the future.

Anyhow; glad to have found this forum and will experinece a lot of fun just looking at the tanks.
Hey 🙂 - again firstly, thankyou for a damn good site. So happy I've found this place as my inspiration sources were running low.
My name is Ruth, 21, living in the not so sunny Liverpool. Im a web/graphic designer by trade, but always wanted to have some link to the animal world, which brought along the fish 😉 Had tanks for years, but only recently started being interested in the looks and functionality of the tank.

I had a marine tank a few months back but had to break it down as I didn't have enough time to run both my tropical and the marine. The marine tank was only a nano, housed in a 48litre tank, with 2 black clowns and plenty of coral. I found this section of fishkeeping enormously difficult, keeping the salt water at a constant level with the skimmer etc etc - an then the price :| - was just too expensive to justify in the end. Thankfully, I found Charlie & Jake [clowns] a good home 🙂

I [only today] now have a 200 litre tank, ready to redo. My previous tropical was a Fluval Roma 90, which was upgraded to the 200. Spent along time researching everything for this tank, and even made that hefty decision to buy 5 bags of eco-complete, which wiped me out 😵
Now I'm onto choosing which plants to add to my small collection I already have, and what fish to add to the family - and then onto creating a journal for it 🙂

The members tanks on here are insane, I can't wait to get my hands dirty and get scaping, hopefully having a tank that even slightly resembles the talent on here.

Night all :wave:

... edit, Only just realised my username is all in capitals :shifty: - anyway I can change this? have no clue why I've done this in the first place
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